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View Full Version : F mosquitos?????

07-27-2008, 06:17 PM
i decided to go to import wars yesterday...mistake. got bit twice on the face by mosquitos.... with that said i decided to try and figure out what spacer i needed to make for my front sway bar so it would clear the oil pump today. i decided to do this because im feeling self conscious about the swollen mound on my face and didnt want to go anywhere :crying while i was under there i noticed that the paint on the pass. caliper was bubbling up. first thought it may be caused by heat, but then noticed bubbling on the tie rod, and also on the bottom of the front fender...then noticed it on the entire inner wheel well. as i found out, brake fluid is leaking onto the wheel and was getting flung all over. i discovered it was leaking where the small hard line connects directly to the caliper, so the inverted flare is screwed somehow, or the claiper itself. so not only am i going to replace both calipers and hardlines, but i also have to repaint the entire inner fender and a few components. i beyond pissed about this, but when i think about it, that little west nile disease carrying mosquito possibly saved the Z. if he didnt bite me, i wouldnt have been a skirt and stayed home, wouldnt have worked on the car, wouldnt have noticed the brake fluid, and quite possibly went out for a drive and not been able to stop...cause the master cylinder was about empty. so i salute you little mosquito..even though you cost me ass last nite...and probably ruined my up coming week....and about 10 hours worth of work on the car. mosquitos FTW!:headbang

07-27-2008, 06:45 PM
i still hate them.

07-27-2008, 07:38 PM
lolololahahahahahah. sorry but that is funny shit.

07-27-2008, 07:43 PM
Tis a good thing you found a problem NOT by having an accident.

07-27-2008, 08:31 PM
F import wars... i got bit by 2 mosquitos on the right side of my face...talk about a weird feeling having blood rush to one side of your head...got dizzy almost passed out. oh and not to mention the attractiveness :(

:rolf:rolf:rolf:rolf:rolf:rolf:rolf:rolf:rolf:rolf :rolf:rolf

07-28-2008, 12:12 AM
The Wisconsin-state-bird strikes...I mean bites...again!

07-28-2008, 10:25 AM
:rolf:rolf:rolf:rolf:rolf:rolf:rolf:rolf:rolf:rolf :rolf:rolf

you're such a jerk Dave....I hate you!:crying

07-28-2008, 08:24 PM
Nice Zcar!! Id like to see that puppy in person. Nice to see other zcars in the area cause I'm sick of looking at mine............Heres a crappy pic of mine

07-28-2008, 09:09 PM
Nice Zcar!! Id like to see that puppy in person. Nice to see other zcars in the area cause I'm sick of looking at mine............Heres a crappy pic of mine

it should be back on the road this weekend..provided the calipers come in. i wouldnt mind stopping over and checking yours out sometime