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06-12-2008, 01:50 PM
Ok, i belong to the fourm regalgs.org, and one of the guys was doing a deal with a guy named Jesse Ferguson (blwnbuick). Micheal bought $2200 worth of parts...etc. The guy did not send all of the parts, Mike tried just satying in contact as the bastard had a million excuses but then he just sopped responding, so Mike is trying to file a lawsuit, but he soes not know anything else about him. The guy also had credit fraud from ZZP and 3800perfomance.com. Does anyone on here know of this guy, he was driving a turboed Regal, but i guess he sold it. Any help would be greatly appreciated... Reading the emails will make your blood boil :fire as this was one of the most arrogant bastards ever... Here is links to the posts:




06-12-2008, 01:53 PM
gotta be a member to read links

06-12-2008, 01:53 PM
tell him to contact zzperformance for the guys info, ill bet he will get it

06-12-2008, 01:54 PM
crap ill copy and paste...

06-12-2008, 01:55 PM
is he from the Milwaukee area? He had the White S/c then turbocharged 4door reagal?

06-12-2008, 01:57 PM
Here is the email convo...

The parts I was buying off of him was for the total of $2,200:

The parts were:
1.) TOG headers
2.) ZZP stage III intercooler kit
3.) ZZP fuel logs
4.) 42.5 injectors
5.) Complete ported Gen 3 Supercharger and machined snout
6.) Ported LIM
7.) Northstar TB
8.) 3.0, 2.7, and 2.55 modular pulleys
9.) SC Tensioner (he was going to throw this in at no cost)

Well anyway when we finally got Jesse to send the first set of parts he told me that the ported LIM and fuel rails were still being used on his car. He told me this the day he shipped the original package out on 8/24/2007

So he said he do this for me:
1.) Send me cash to buy ported LIM
2.) Send his set of PRJ Fuel Rails which he said he had instead of ZZP ones
3.) Send me $800.00 cash for all the trouble he put me though.

The rest of what I am posting is from Private messages over on Regalgs.org or personal email. These are the message between me and Jesse. I didn’t want to hide anything to get an idea of what I went though. I want to let people see what this guy did to me and I hope no one else ever has to deal with him ever.

Jesse, Being the parts are going to show up tomorrow I wanted to find out what we are going to do about those last few parts that were not shipped in the package? This would be the ported LIM, those PRJ fuel rails you said you send me instead of the fuel logs, and the TOG shortly DP. Instead of you buying the parts and shipping to me did you just want to send me the cost of the parts and I could go online and order them myself? This way instead of you spending the extra money to order and ship the parts to your place then back to the installer you might as well just let me order that stuff. However if you are still going to send me those PRJ fuel rails then that you will have to ship to me. So if you plan to buy anything sometime soon let me know because I think it just be easier for you to send me a Paypal payment with that money to pay for the parts. Let me know what you want to do because I kind of want to take my car into the installer very soon.

I am going to my rents this afternoon and getting the rails. How would i go about doing the paypal thing.

Thats good to hear. I won't say anything else on the site right now about the parts you are sending me and I told the installer not to post that some parts are currently missing from the box. I know if the word "missing" came up on that site they be all over this again. Do you have a paypal account? If so you could just forward me the money from your account to mine. However they do charge 3% for sending money. So they take off $3 dollars for every $100 (how dumb). But it is instant then rather waiting for a check to come in the mail. The fuel rails you can just ship to the same address. Just ship it ups ground or something with a tracking number. Hopefully the UPS store you went too doesn't leave the stuff laying around again. Just make sure you keep the tracking number on hand to send to me.

Well he unpacked the box today and sent me pictures. For everything being used looks pretty good. You also did a good job at packaging everything up in the box. He sent me an email letting me know what he saw so far.

Few things I noticed with my quick look at all the parts:
-everything was packed very well
-Fuel injectors, missing o-ring on one of them
-the bag with the IC hose has a belt in it....assuming a SC belt
-vacuum T on top of the SC is missing
-no install instructions for the S3 IC
-intercooler core has a crack in the plastic half where the EGR goes
through. This is common, however I don't know what the fix is.

The injector o-rings not a big deal because he has plenty of them I think. Also the vacuum fitting I can use from my SC I guess. However the crack in the plastic part of the intercooler I asked ZZP what I can do about fixing that. Hopefully they can send me a cheap replacement for exchange for this one. I also asked them if they could email their intercooler instructions.

WOW man! I never seen that crack at all. I hope they can fix it or i will help out some way. Iam going to look for the instutions on the kit. As for the vac thing on hte charger. I had to use my old one to. When i bought it i never got one either.

Yeah people said its a common problem. Hopefully ZZP can help me out. Anyway I am trying to take my car in Sept 22nd to the same guy and hope to have all the other parts in way before then. Any idea of when you can ship me the PRJ fuel rails and do you have paypal?

Are you going to ship me those fuel rails soon or what? I haven't heard anything about what you are planning on doing about the fuel rails and other parts. I really don't need the TOG shortly DP because I will be either getting a full TOG or ZZP DP and the shortly will not be needed. However I still need those fuel rails and as well the LIM. You can send me the money by check or paypal. I think paypal would be easier. I think I remember you saying you had to wait until the following week for your paycheck for the money but can you handle shipping out the fuel rails this week. Ship it UPS ground or USPS as long as it has a tracking number. Let me know soon whats going on.

Sorry i was gone today. I will send you the money by paypal by sunday. I just need my pay check to help. The rails i will send out asap. Latest Monday

Alright thanks for the update now I know when to start expecting stuff.

Just remember that tracking number for the rails.

Hopefully you are having a good holiday. However you did say you would send money Sunday and as well ship the rails out on Monday. Well I didn't receive any Paypal payment and as well I can't see how you can ship today because it is a holiday. Keep me updated. Just remember my car is going in on the 22nd and if I don't have everything by then its going to be a big mess.

Jesse I haven't heard from you and I really don't want the same thing to happen again like last time. I really thought everything was going to be ok however you told me you would send me money Sunday and ship stuff out early this week. I haven't relieved a word since then. Please respond ASAP. I want to know something today.

Jesse I understand you have a lot going on in your life and I can understand. However if you start this no contact stuff again then I am not going to be as forgiving this time around. I have been MORE then nice enough to you over this entire situation. You told me one thing and so far did not follow though with it. To be more then kind of enough I will allow you to send me the money later however I need you to let me know if you are going to ship me those PRJ fuel rails NOW or not. If you don’t have the PRJ fuel rails in your possession then let me know now so I can decide what I am going to do here. I am not getting screwed out again of taking my car in on the 22nd to have the parts installed. If that happens you will never hear the end of it. You better respond very soon and I will be calling your cell phone later today so you better respond or I am starting the same stuff over again tomorrow. I wanted to clear your name up on the sites however it taking this long people are going to start to wonder where the rest of the parts are. At least I am not making a big deal about the Stage III Intercooler that has a nice size crack in it. Lucky enough it hopefully can be sealed and not loose boost. So Jesse just do the right thing and respond to me.

Sorry iam up north.. I can send the rails out and money if i get back in time tomorrow. The money for sure. The rails would be out Friday by the latest. Send me your paypal info again so i have it'

Good to hear My paypal account is xxx@xxx .net. Let me know again soon if you are going to be able to ship the rails Friday. If you can try to ship the rails out by this Saturday the latest that would be fine. Just make sure you get it with a tracking number. UPS ground will work for me also. Talk with you later

I am home today. Will be sending some money to you later. Rails shipping today to

Thats good. Did you get yourself another Regal?

yeah i stole 3500 from my mother in law to buy it.

Today is Saturday and I didn't get a tracking number or any money whats going on?

I want a response today Jesse no more time and no more excuses.

06-12-2008, 01:58 PM
and heres the second half...

I really just don't understand why you think you can just keep doing this to me. I thought you wanted to make it all good with me and the sites. Being that you promised I would get something Friday and now its going into Sunday and I haven't heard a word from you that is just so disrespectful. I just hate to to think that you lied to me all this time just to string me along. I just don't understand why you would say something one minute and completely change it the next minute. Friday at 10am you tell me you are sending the stuff later then Saturday morning you PM telling me about your other Regal. It just don't makes any sense. If you knew you were dealing with me still why would you go out and buy another car? I wanted to make good between you, me, the sites, and ZZP. Now if I go and post saying you are not responding again and you lied to me saying you were going to do this you are NEVER going to hear the end of it from the sites and ZZP. You are going to loose so much respect if people find out what you did to me AGAIN. Right how you have iffy respect on the site and I would have made it all good for you however the stuff you are doing to me, no one in there right mind should have go though this. Really I could have been the bad guy in this situation for what I have been put though but I am understanding. However you really are pushing your limits and my buttons. To not respond after you said you were doing something for me is just down right wrong in my book. All the backing up I was doing for you behind your back and this is how you repay me? I protected you from ZZP, and both the sites wanted to ban your account and any access to the site forever. However I stood up for you and said not to do that because of what you said you were going to do for me. However now I am going to look like the jack ass saying yeah I protected you however it looks like I am getting screwed once again. If you couldn't do something in the first place you should have told me awhile ago. You are so far past that now. And when I saw you bought that car I was like I don't understand why you are going out and buying another car when you are still dealing with me? I really don't know what you are expecting out of this however come Monday I am reposting a detailed update about what is going on. Just be lucky that I am going to be away tomorrow and I can't deal with posting the stuff. So if you don't respond by tomorrow then I am forced to do this. I am tired of being dragged along with more excuses and by the time somethings finally happens it would be the 22nd and I don't have all the parts ready ONCE AGAIN. If for some reason you decide to respond after I post that well I really don't think I am going to be able to patch things up. Because you also went onto the sites saying we are dealing with things between me however that was a big lie as of right now. I will continue to call you tomorrow to see if I can get though but all I wind up doing is leaving voice mail messages. I just don't understand why you want to do this to me and yourself? why....

If you didn’t get my entire message on your phone then this is it. I don’t know what you plan to do about this situation. However Jesse all you have to do is just ship me those fuel rails and give me enough money to cover the cost of the ported LIM. I will not hold you accountable for the $800 you said you would give me. That is up to you if you feel you want to send me that. However hold up to your original deal and just send me those PRJ fuel rails and some money to cover the LIM. You don’t even have to send me the money right now because I can pay for that. But those PRJ fuel rails I can’t get anymore so if you still do have them then I really would want them. If you don’t have them anymore then I guess you are going to have to give me money to get a set of ZZP fuel logs. Really how hard is it to pack up the fuel rails and go to UPS to ship them out? If you at least do that Monday then I won’t say a word about what is going on between you and me. If you do the fuel rails and the money for the LIM I will never post a thing about what went on and we will go our separate ways. Come on Jesse just do the right thing for yourself and give me a break for once in this entire situation. This is it for me trying so it’s all up to you now.

I'm a liar, and a sack of shit who stole money form my inlaw's for all of the stuff and the cars i bought. F&^k off.

Sorry man! I crashed my bike on friday night early sat morning.. I just got home from the hospital.. Its been bad. I have my mom sending the parts and the money from her pay pal account. Sorry about not talking to you but i had no way to call or talk to you till now

Jesse that story does not add up. First off you sent me a PM in the afternoon on Saturday and then Sunday at like 3:30am you sent me an email. Never once did you say anything about a bike crash. I am so tired of waiting that I can't wait anymore. My car is going in next week and I need to order the rest of the parts. I gave you more then enough time to do this. You should have shipped out the fuel rails before going out and buying another car for yourself. If nothing comes to me tomorrow expect a post on the websites. ZZP is extremely pissed about what is going on now. I am buying my parts no matter what tomorrow. So if you expect me not not say a word about what is going on now then I better see some money or a tracking number receipt picture as proof. You know I want those fuel rails. Its been like almost 3 months since I sent you the money and 15 days since I got the last parts and you told me back then the other stuff be coming to me in a few days... kind of see why I am pissed. You keep telling me things are going to happen and then nothing happens. So this story about your mom sending stuff I can't believe you anymore. All the stuff I did to support you and this is how I am repaid.

9/11/2007 was the last time I heard from Jesse. He has never sent me any money for the original parts I was supposed to get or any extra cash to help me out. Being I was not going to miss a second install date with my installer (Jesse prevented me from taking my car the first time) I was forced to go out and buy a ported LIM, PRJ fuel rails, and spend more money then I thought I would have originally. At this point I am building up a case and taking legal action. I saw that he either sold or damaged his Regal which a member posted about. I am not letting Jesse get away with anything this time. If he thinks he can do it again think again.

06-12-2008, 01:59 PM
I know for a fact he was in Pewaukee, but i'm not sure where he is now... and yeah it was a GS that he had turboed...

70 cutlass 442
06-12-2008, 02:02 PM
just go to culvers on a warm firdya or sat night, he will be on his bike, i beleive his parents live in dousman so he may be there. PM me and i can get you more contact info as i know someone who he used to ride with.

06-12-2008, 02:04 PM
The name seems familiar

06-12-2008, 02:10 PM
yeah i see him once in a while out on hwy and what not.

06-12-2008, 02:27 PM
sounds like a winner.

06-12-2008, 02:34 PM
stoner bash'n time

06-12-2008, 03:31 PM
yeah I remember him. I heard about him scamming someone else quite a while ago as well.


06-12-2008, 04:24 PM
I'm thinking some epic ownage would be in line here.

06-12-2008, 05:45 PM
iirc there was a thread on here before about him doing the same thing..... is it the white regal that looks box stock on the outside that i'm thinking of always was on hwy last year??

06-12-2008, 05:50 PM
Someone needs to beat this scammer.

06-12-2008, 05:51 PM
iirc there was a thread on here before about him doing the same thing..... is it the white regal that looks box stock on the outside that i'm thinking of always was on hwy last year??

yeah there was a thread on here about him a while back before the server crashed. I actually raced him in my 04 cobra when he had it supercharged.


06-12-2008, 07:32 PM
yeah there was a thread on here about him a while back before the server crashed. I actually raced him in my 04 cobra when he had it supercharged.


Couldn't have been a challenge at all, that GS was a complete turd.

06-12-2008, 07:34 PM
He is still pulling this stuff?

06-12-2008, 09:37 PM
yeah this guy is a real d bag and he needs to get whats comin for him... i want to meet him and beat his ass so bad...

06-12-2008, 10:22 PM
haha that thing was a turd even when it was turbo'ed. He claimed it ran like 12.1 or some shit like that but got smacked around like a little ***** from a h/c/i 5.0

06-12-2008, 10:28 PM
team 3800 ftmfw!! :rolf bullshit fawking ******. there are members on this board that know/and have had some problems juft like this

11-01-2008, 01:00 AM
team 3800 ftmfw!! :rolf bullshit fawking ******. there are members on this board that know/and have had some problems juft like this

Not to bring this one back up. But does anyone here really know this guy. Personally??? Cause I think alot of people can agree that he did do some dumb shit back in the day like 2-3 years back about. I know the guy real well and to tell ya the truth. he did do that to the Mike guy. But Some people think because so one else is getting screwed there getting it to. Jesse has alot of explianing to do. But as for the fraud that people say he did is wrong. Iam good friends with his Ex-wife. She tells a differnt story about whats happend.

We can all say that the kid is dumb.
And dont think Iam defending him. Iam just trying to get this stight casue some forums are like a pack of dogs. Lets jump on the guy for 1 thing. But iam done now. But I got to admit he did get his Regal to mid 12's.

11-01-2008, 01:03 AM
What is the point of digging this up if not to defend him?

11-01-2008, 01:07 AM
What is the point of digging this up if not to defend him?

Just making the point that some people need to realize that they cant be a pack of wolf on someone that people dont have the truth about. Iam not getting into it with anyone. Just saying that some people dont have the right info. And this goes for everyone not just him.

11-01-2008, 01:13 AM
I'm curious, how can you be 100% sure of his dealings, other than just what he has told you? Its quite obvious that he is a scumbag piece of chit, he actually said he STOLE money from his mother-in-law. How many scamming situations does a guy get to pull before he is rightfully called a scammer?

11-01-2008, 01:18 AM
I'm curious, how can you be 100% sure of his dealings, other than just what he has told you? Its quite obvious that he is a scumbag piece of chit, he actually said he STOLE money from his mother-in-law. How many scamming situations does a guy get to pull before he is rightfully called a scammer?

You can call him a scammer. Thats ok. As for what he said about stealing it. I talk to his ex. And from what I understand her brother went on his computer and wrote that. If everyone want to talk to her shes more than willing to tell any of you that. I just talked to her. But again. Iam not saing hes the best guy in the world. I just hate how people say stuff when they dont have info. Thats all. Sorry for bringing this her up.

11-01-2008, 01:43 AM
lick my taint :alcoholic

11-01-2008, 01:46 AM
Is that front bumper aftermarket on that truck???

11-01-2008, 01:52 AM
Is that front bumper aftermarket on that truck???

does it look stock to you :confused

11-01-2008, 01:58 AM
Ehhh. Maybe. Idk. i was trying to make small talk. I guess i FAIL!

Sprayaway Fox
11-01-2008, 02:09 AM
Tellm to sent the fauking parts that he said and there wouldnt be a thread! His defense? what is it that he told someone he was going to get X number of parts and the guy paid for it and didnt get them. So what the problem here sounds like a scammer to me.

11-01-2008, 02:14 AM
Sorry i even brang it up. I know he has done some scamming. He is. Ok. I was saying somethings areint true.. Lets drop it. I dont need to make thing worse here.

Rocket Power
11-01-2008, 09:30 AM

Wow talk about failure, drag up a thread from months ago people probably hadn't thought about in a while to defend some scammer guy, who you admit is a scammer

11-01-2008, 09:50 AM
Sorry i even brang it up. I know he has done some scamming. He is. Ok. I was saying somethings areint true.. Lets drop it. I dont need to make thing worse here.:ban::ban::ban::ban:


11-01-2008, 09:50 AM
Wait, wait, wait, isn't that you?

11-01-2008, 09:58 AM
What is the point of digging this up if not to defend him?

He's trying to get his post count up.

11-01-2008, 10:00 AM
He's trying to get his post count up.

Yup thats it!:thumbsup

11-01-2008, 10:01 AM
Wait, wait, wait, isn't that you?

:stare :stare :stare :stare :stare :stare :stare :stare :stare :stare

11-01-2008, 10:02 AM
Yup thats it!:thumbsup

Hey man instead of buying mods for your GTP maybe you should give the mambok guy his parts that you still owe him!

slogtp01 = Jesse

11-01-2008, 10:10 AM
Hey man instead of buying mods for your GTP maybe you should give the mambok guy his parts that you still owe him!

slogtp01 = Jesse

Well then. Maybe I will sit back. And watch you all talk shit that you think you know. I guess I did do some of that shit. But Mike wont talk to me. No adress to send him a thing if I wanted to. But again. Iam defending my self on some of that not all. But feel free to just act like children and call me a scammer a loser and anyother name in the book. Iam not here to scam anyone. And I love how after 2 years peopel stll bring that team 3800 Chit.

11-01-2008, 10:39 AM
What a ******* loser. You bring up a thread from over 4 months ago to defend yourself as if you are your own friend. There is no defending yourself.....you're a tool and always have been.

11-01-2008, 10:45 AM
Prepare for the ownage.......

11-01-2008, 10:47 AM
Well then. Maybe I will sit back. And watch you all talk shit that you think you know. I guess I did do some of that shit. But Mike wont talk to me. No adress to send him a thing if I wanted to. But again. Iam defending my self on some of that not all. But feel free to just act like children and call me a scammer a loser and anyother name in the book. Iam not here to scam anyone. And I love how after 2 years peopel stll bring that team 3800 Chit.

^Needs an ass whooping!:thumbsup

11-01-2008, 10:48 AM
I know damn well this is not going to be pretty....But lets keep it clean, Gents.:thumbsup

11-01-2008, 10:50 AM
This guy really is a winner. His mom shouldve let it dry on the sheets.

11-01-2008, 11:06 AM
Hahaha, this Jesse guy just made himself look even worse. Open mouth, insert foot.

11-01-2008, 03:59 PM
Needs the IP bant

11-02-2008, 08:04 AM
dude.. you made your bed, now sleep in it.
I aint cleaning up sh!t

11-02-2008, 09:21 AM
dude.. you made your bed, now sleep in it.
I aint cleaning up sh!t

:rolf I take it someone wanted a thread/posts deleted?

Windsors 03 Cobra
11-02-2008, 09:22 AM
Some peoples kids........

11-02-2008, 12:47 PM
What a retard i mean come on!
Prolly made the new name up just to try to clear his name lmao plus you gave it away with owning a SHO in your sig!

11-02-2008, 02:10 PM
I honestly can't think of one reason you would want to bring this thread up, unless of you were a completely retarded, small minded, moron. BCM should come up with a large interactive "tool" box, each drawer will have a name (and associated surnames), when you click on each drawer it will describe the actions of said "tool" and honest, personal experiences with the said "tool." I think if we could get that going, we'd build ourselves quite a tool collection.

11-02-2008, 03:21 PM
But feel free to just act like children and call me a scammer a loser and anyother name in the book. Iam not here to scam anyone. .

He's not the first person you've scammed you dumbshit. You think this is the only site people visit? People KNOW WHO YOU ARE! You do realize that there a more than a few people on here who visit the GP boards on a regular basis...don't you?


11-02-2008, 03:22 PM
I honestly can't think of one reason you would want to bring this thread up, unless of you were a completely retarded, small minded, moron. BCM should come up with a large interactive "tool" box, each drawer will have a name (and associated surnames), when you click on each drawer it will describe the actions of said "tool" and honest, personal experiences with the said "tool." I think if we could get that going, we'd build ourselves quite a tool collection.

Haha, that would be pretty cool.

11-02-2008, 09:44 PM
You are a loser! You just ruined yourself on here again by bringing that up. Did he ever recieve his parts? If he didnt get them all plus money i think anytime someone from bcm see's you its a punch in the face.

11-03-2008, 12:40 AM
jesse that was probably the dumbest thing you could have possibly done... i agree with everyone here that you fvcked up bigtime!!! I just started reading this and was like WTF wait a minute i know this guy. but then i was like could be a mistake, then it all layed out........... WAY TO GO!!!

11-03-2008, 09:31 AM
jesse that was probably the dumbest thing you could have possibly done... i agree with everyone here that you fvcked up bigtime!!! I just started reading this and was like WTF wait a minute i know this guy. but then i was like could be a mistake, then it all layed out........... WAY TO GO!!!

^^^ Prob. Jesse too.

11-03-2008, 09:51 AM
^^^ Prob. Jesse too.

Ya who is this 00slow guy?

11-03-2008, 09:56 AM
Ya who is this 00slow guy?

i think his name is steve.Drives/drove an audi TT.I just saw him at farm and fleet yesterday in a black fox body.Just a hunch :shades

11-03-2008, 10:40 AM
Geezzezz, this kid is douche.

Its kinda like some turd trying to represent himeself in court without a lawyer. :rolf

11-03-2008, 05:14 PM
yea this is steve, i drove a slammed audi tt about a year ago... i now have a 87Lx Hatch

11-03-2008, 05:15 PM
friends with A B4C Z and a few others on here

03-12-2009, 04:20 PM
I know Jesse, he is my sister's now Ex-Husband. He's around the Waukesha/Pewaukee area right now from what I hear.

Car Guy
03-12-2009, 04:28 PM
Contact info.....:thumbsup
