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View Full Version : Either this a bad Divorce or a Forecloser?

Firefighter Z
05-19-2008, 07:58 PM
Just browsing at houses and stuff on Craiglist and I saw this.
Is anyone here going through a really bad divorce or are you just foreclosing?

Even the house in the background is for sale.

Now tell me this doesn't suck.

05-19-2008, 08:04 PM
Overpriced IMO.

Will never get close to that for that truck. 26K if there lucky.

Dont know much about the porshe, know its one of there cheaper ones though.

And you can get a vette NEW for damn near that price or LESS if your a good haggler or have employee pricing. I had my wife price one out for us not to long ago. 42K was our price on it brand new with some good options.

Sucks though, hate to see someone let there toys go!

If i had to guess, id say bankruptcy and Foreclosure......... This all goes back to my "to may people being overextended theroy"

My friend that owns a local mortgage company has made the point to me more then once that he never sees people with bad credit problems trying to re-fi there home that dont have a big screen tv and a nice car.

Although its speculation in this case, get a grip on reality people!!!

05-19-2008, 08:16 PM
He's not very hard up to sell anything at those prices. Maybe they just want some new toys...

05-19-2008, 08:18 PM
He's not very hard up to sell anything at those prices. Maybe they just want some new toys...

QFT...... Those prices are rediculous.

Windsors 03 Cobra
05-19-2008, 08:19 PM
Yea those prices are higher than high retail, looks like a political or fish boil sign to me.

05-20-2008, 12:33 AM
definitely strange. someone should call him and ask.

You can probably rule out bankrupcy, because if its chapter 7, the bank would just come repossess the stuff so whats the point in selling it? If he was able to sell it, it would be illegal as ****. If he filed chapter 13, he needs court permission to sell it because they would be part of the repayment plan. If they were not in the repayment plan, he would need to reaffirm the loans inorder to keep them. If he couldn't reaffirm the loans, then the bank would be coming to repossess them, and again, trying to sell them would be illegal as ****. Divorce....... well, unloading of assets AFTER proceedings have been filed is illegal as ****, so idk what the deal here is. Nice lookin house though

05-20-2008, 09:16 AM
The guy's name is Greg Nisenbaum. Looks like he's overextended himself into the 22nd century. He has tons of shit for sale... 5 or 6 houses (including his, and all of the houses his business owns), a Corvette, a F150, a Porsche, the list goes on.

Windsors 03 Cobra
05-20-2008, 10:13 AM
The guy's name is Greg Nisenbaum. Looks like he's overextended himself into the 22nd century. He has tons of shit for sale... 5 or 6 houses (including his, and all of the houses his business owns), a Corvette, a F150, a Porsche, the list goes on.

Dang. :chair:

05-20-2008, 10:27 AM
if I had a business like that, I would not take out loans on vehicles, I'd wait and pay cash, or at least put more then 3/4 down.

05-20-2008, 11:10 AM
This is his personal home he's got up for sale:

05-20-2008, 11:23 AM
This is his personal home he's got up for sale:

wow I would've thought with him being a builder he would have something in Wyndum Hills. Although he wouldn't have gotton a 1+ acre lot over there.


05-20-2008, 11:49 AM
if I had a business like that, I would not take out loans on vehicles, I'd wait and pay cash, or at least put more then 3/4 down.

He probably got caught up just like all the other home builders. They were successfully fleecing people for 30-50% on every home built. Buy land from a farmer for $20,000/acre or less, sell it for $110,000/acre (or half an acre if you're Bielinskamski) and build a $75,000 in material house and sell it like it's a $210,000 house. So you charge $325,000 for a house that cost you $200,000 to build all said and done if you hire competent subcontractors. That's $100,000 to fuel your H2, weekly visits to Silk, and your own $500,000 house that cost you $250k to build using your own slave labor (workers).

But that wasn't enough. You wanted two H2s, a cell phone for every family member, a Porsche for every family member, and a cottage on a lake. So now you take money out of dabank.

Meanwhile, wages for the average person have actually decreased compared to 7 years ago. Family income is up because more people work (ie: Waukesha's median income went down ~$5k in the last 7 years the family income went up ~$15k in the last 7 years when accounting for inflation). Meanwhile, housing and energy has doubled (or more in the case of natural gas). Housing prices are usually based on "what people can afford" assuming there isn't some natural reason for inflated prices. Say, like Seattle where they're stuck. There is no reason for LAND to cost $100,000+/acre in SE Wisconsin.

Housing prices were propped up by "keeping up with the Jones'" and people that shouldn't have been able to get loans eating up "cheap" real estate (AKA <$175k in the four county area).

I don't have sympathy for fleecers.

05-20-2008, 01:52 PM
The only thing about your post that's not right on the money Wrathweb is that it reads as if your implying that Bielinski actually uses COMPETENT subcontractors lol :goof