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05-01-2008, 09:38 PM
as stated advice...not slamming...or shitting on the thread....as most of you know i have crappy internet as of now...slow as turtle shit.(sorry josh :rolf:rolf:rolf:rolf:rolf )

anyways here is whats going on...we now have net zero...told ya it was crap....thinking of going with the new AT&T set up....3 migs...what ever that is..THEY say it's fast...what do you guys know about it......we also will have there cable intsalled on all 4 tvs we have, along with there dvr's....all for the price of 104.00 a month...so what advice i need from you guys...is this a good way to go....don't want RR......and what we have is the shits.....

05-01-2008, 09:39 PM
as stated advice...not slamming...or shitting on the thread....as most of you know i have crappy internet as of now...slow as turtle shit.(sorry josh :rolf:rolf:rolf:rolf:rolf )

anyways here is whats going on...we now have net zero...told ya it was crap....thinking of going with the new AT&T set up....3 migs...what ever that is..THEY say it's fast...what do you guys know about it......we also will have there cable intsalled on all 4 tvs we have, along with there dvr's....all for the price of 104.00 a month...so what advice i need from you guys...is this a good way to go....don't want RR......and what we have is the shits.....

104 a month with DVR is a good deal if the internet is indeed semi-fast.

05-01-2008, 09:44 PM
plue we get firefox and some virus protection we pay extra now every year for free in the price....just don't know that much about it bob...

and thats 4 dvr's not one...

05-01-2008, 09:47 PM
From what I understand... with the AT&T service, you are only able to watch 1 HD television in a household at one time.

Of course, if you're not going to have HD, that's not a problem.

05-01-2008, 09:52 PM
they said each tv can watch a differant channel then the other ones and record 4 channels at a time....but......how good is 3 migs of what ever,,,,,as fast as rr or the same as i have right now....we have 2 HD TVs....

70 cutlass 442
05-01-2008, 09:54 PM
hmm, well we always liked RR a lot, but for that price that is a very good deal. Is that a Promo price or a fixed price?

05-01-2008, 10:04 PM
i asked the same thing...you know how they like to jack you up...the price is fixed.....the reason we want to move on as well....is our cable bill alone just went way up...and we have no premium channels....this way...i get the same channels...and 4 dvrs and Internet.....i guess this is fiber optic....they just did work on the lines all winter by us and they sent us the price in the mail..and then the wife contacted them....it's going to take 4 hours for install if we do this.....but a fixed price of 104 for all they offer i can't turn it down...but wondering about internet.....if anyone knows how good or bad it is....otherwise it is to be installed next weekend....so any info would be greatfull.....

05-01-2008, 10:06 PM
we've have time warner for a while now, roadrunner is fast as hell and they now have the HD channels, never had any real issues

Karps TA
05-01-2008, 10:12 PM
I switched from Road Runner to ATT DSL last fall. At first I didn't notice much drop off between the two. But the last couple months I feel the DSL has really slowed down. My folks who went from Net Zero to DSL commented on the same things. I notice it the most went trying to watch video. I used to almost never have to wait for buffering issues. Now it seems like I have nothing but buffering. So if you like the porn, it's not been so good.

05-01-2008, 10:26 PM
no porn....cough...cough....just want faster internet period.....the son needs it as well for school...the wife just told me the the internet would be wireless as well...no matter how may pcs we had....she said they are going to put a moden in a closet i guess...i don't now these things,.....took me long enough to get use to the idea of cars when we had horses....

05-01-2008, 10:56 PM
porn....cough...cough....want faster...in a closet we had horses....
Fixed! But seriously, can you get AT&Ts service? We can't in Muskego and TW is killing us with the increase. I pitched a fit and they brought it back down to intro rate when I threatened getting a Dish (which I can't because mngmt won't allow it) maybe you can talk them back down. Tell them you are thinking of getting the AT&T service. Not as cheap as AT&T, but still better than the raised rates.

05-01-2008, 11:35 PM
they just put it in Germantown....

05-02-2008, 11:27 AM
you can watch 4 diff regular channels at once... but you cannot watch 2 different HD channels at once.
Both HDTV's will be forced to view the same HD channel.

05-02-2008, 07:33 PM
OK^^^^^^^^ THAT works for me....but what about there internet service...good ...crap....worth the money....invest in oil.....

05-02-2008, 09:13 PM
For the time being it probably smokes roadrunner, because there are so few people using up it's bandwidth.

Once Verizon's FiOS starts hitting more areas, it's going to DOMINATE all.

05-02-2008, 09:34 PM
move out of the boonies and closer to us CITY BOYZ, and i know a few guys at RR. Ill have them hook a brotha up! Taffy said so!

05-02-2008, 10:10 PM
wayne, I have At&t dsl and I love it. I've used road runner, and my dsl isnt that much slower...go with the dsl, it's way better than that junk you've got now.

05-02-2008, 10:28 PM
3 Mbits/sec is good.... Its plenty "fast" for internet browsing and even streaming video from Youtube or what have you.

05-02-2008, 10:36 PM
T3 Ftw!!!!

05-02-2008, 10:37 PM
thanks guys...so you all agree to go with this fiber obtic at&t 204 something it is called....?????????? thanks....going to go ahead with the install....

05-03-2008, 11:54 PM
weve had it for awhile now and love it...but only one box is a dvr, the others are just boxes capable of the hd, and like said before only one hd program at a time


05-04-2008, 12:11 AM
I work for u-verse

right now in the milwaukee VHO you get 4 steams, 1 hd and 3 sd. you only get 1 DVR. we are launching whole home DVR very soon. we just launch our 2nd HD steam in st louis VHO this week. ( so that makes is 2hd and 2 sd ) which will be coming to milw VHO in the near future.

you have 25mbs coming to the house. ( profile ) 5.5mb for hd, 1.1mg for sd and 10mb for Internet ( you can get 1.5, 3, 6, for 10 mb for internet speed ) that leaves you with 6.1 left over for our VOIP service and that 2nd hd stream that is coming out soon. your max attainable is close to 40+ mb which will be upped DRAMADICALLY with double pair bonding and VDSL2 ( in 2009 ) so you will be able get about 80mbs to the home ( more hd, and faster internet )

4hrs for a install is a little on the low side, esp if they have to run the home all cat5 AND they dont have problems with your order OR in the cross box ( dslam )

also, its fiber optic TO that cross box, NOT to your home. you have copper coming to your home from a pair bonding in that box.

if you have any questions, just PM me

also, Fios is digging themselves in a hole, they are fiber yes...but they run a fiber ring in neighhoods, which means once more ppl get there service in that neighborhood, everyone's data rate drops ;)

at&t fiber is RIGHT to the home ( only in jackson and Oconomowoc in wisconsin at the time, but TONS in CT, IL, CA, and TX )

sorry, I had to type this up real quick before bed lol

05-05-2008, 09:59 AM
at&t fiber is RIGHT to the home ( only in jackson and Oconomowoc in wisconsin at the time, but TONS in CT, IL, CA, and TX )

Why Jackson & Oconomowoc of all places?
I don't trust their decision making team :P

05-05-2008, 11:13 AM
Why Jackson & Oconomowoc of all places?
I don't trust their decision making team :P

trust me. I dont either, Oconomowoc is where one wisconsin head of directors lives and they needed to test fiber, so I think they picked his area as a test bed.

as for jackson, I think they see jackson exploding within the next couple years with growth ( which might be truth ) but I know they made deals with a couple investment companies on condo's / MDU's that they are building out there. ( so TWC can butt in )

05-05-2008, 06:16 PM
How would U-verse work with up to three people online at the same time. We have WoW players here and I just like surfing the net. Some times when friends are over, we have two desk tops and two lappies going.

05-05-2008, 07:31 PM
How would U-verse work with up to three people online at the same time. We have WoW players here and I just like surfing the net. Some times when friends are over, we have two desk tops and two lappies going.

get the max speed internet ( 10mb up, 1.5 down ) and you'll be fine.

if not, pm me and I can mess with your profile :durr