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View Full Version : PET POLL & a VERY important message for PET OWNERS...!!!

Car Guy
03-29-2008, 03:25 PM
We went in to have our three cats micro chipped, registered, and updated on their rabies shots today. It was at an event held by MADACC in Milwaukee on 38th & Burnham from 10am until 2pm. For those of you that don't know MADACC stands for Milwaukee Area Domestic Animal Control Center, otherwise known as 'the pound'.....:wooo

While I was standing there waiting I noticed that MOST of the people that came today brought dogs. I'd say it was a ratio of 8 dogs for every 2 cats, or something close to that. If you're not aware it is the law to have any/all pets registered which includes the micro chipping and rabies shots. Today's event was sponsored by MADACC in order to get more owners to do so, and it was at a highly discounted rate. We ended up waiting 3 hours to get them done so I guess it was worth the $100 or so we saved, but it was a ZOO to say the least (no pun intended) and I lost half my hair in the process.....:rolleyes:


I would also like to take this opportunity to remind everyone about the importance of getting your pets registered, micro chipped, and up to date on rabies shots. If you love your dog or cat the time spent doing this is priceless…!!! I’m ashamed to say that I finally realized this just today when we were there, and here's why. I was told that if any cat or dog comes in without a form of registration it has 7 days till ‘decision day’ if left unclaimed. IF the animal is in good standing health, of a decent age, and is good tempered it MIGHT have a chance of making it out of there. I say might because it depends on how full the area shelters are at that time. So even if your pet seems ‘up to snuff’ to you it might not to them, and it’s completely up to MADACC so it might not end well for you best friend…..

Now here’s the scary part of the whole experience……….I was told that they ‘put down’ 600 cats and 400 dogs PER MONTH…!!! I almost flipped when I heard that, and other workers also confirmed that number to my surprise. Now I’m sure most of those are strays which are in poor health or otherwise, but I’m sure MANY are NOT. I hope this makes you think twice about your beloved friend, because if you’re not there for him/her there’s a good chance nobody else will be…..

So on to the poll ===> What kind of pet(s) do you have and how many...???

~Justin :thumbsup

:3gears: :3gears: :3gears:

03-29-2008, 03:45 PM
I agree with you to get your pets regisitered, but is the micro chip a requirement?

03-29-2008, 03:48 PM
I have a dog and she is licences with the city and up to dates on her shots she is microchipped but was done by Wisconsin Humane society.

Your pet does not have to be microchip but is a good idea to do so incase they get lost.

Karps TA
03-29-2008, 03:49 PM
The problem with the micro chip from what I've been told is there's several different kinds of microchips, and not every place can read each kind of microchip cause the readers are expensive. So just cause your pet is chipped, doesn't mean that if lost it will be returned to you.

03-29-2008, 04:01 PM
No pets, Now expense, No shit to clean up.

Karps TA
03-29-2008, 04:16 PM
Mine shits in my neighbors yard, so I don't have any to clean up. lol

03-29-2008, 04:23 PM
Your poll is teh fail ..... people own more than just cats n dogs....

Russ Jerome
03-29-2008, 04:25 PM
Your poll is teh fail ..... people own more than just cats n dogs....

I voted and have 1 cat and 1 dog, couldnt find where I add
lizards or birds.

Rocket Power
03-29-2008, 04:26 PM
2 dogs ,a cat and a hamster(daughters)
Dogs and cat are all chipped, came from shelters in Milwaukee and Elkhorn.

03-29-2008, 04:30 PM
must be a city thing only thing have to have registered here.

Car Guy
03-29-2008, 04:36 PM
I did make a slight error in saying that it is the law to get them micro chipped. It is NOT required by law but is really something that's a no brainier if you ask me.....

As far as the downside to micro chipping there really isn't one, for the most part. It is true that not all veterinarians deal with that specific micro chip company but all can at minimum get you the number of the chip and who makes it. [I was told there's about 5 major micro chipping companies currently in operation. That is something I had asked about because it was of a concern to me.] When we found our third cat we asked the vet to scan her to see if she was already chipped. She was and while the vet didn't deal with that particular company he was able to give us the number and which company it was. So all we had to do was call that specific company to get her signed up under our name, but there was a catch with our situation.....

We got her as a stray while we were on vacation in Iowa visiting relatives. A friend of my cousin had found her two months previously but couldn't find the owner. She had done everything possible to locate the owner but couldn't. [I made sure of that as I didn't want to feel responsible for taking someone else's cat and possibly having to drive her all the way back to Iowa.] It turned out that the previous owner never registered her with the micro chipping company, so they had no way of locating that person. Needless to say that was a phone call that was hard to make but I guess it all turned out for the best.....

So in a nutshell the chances of your pet finding its way back home to you is 1,000 times better WITH the chip opposed to nothing at all. Which is why I say it's a no brainier to get it done.....:thumbsup

:3gears: :3gears: :3gears:

Slow Joe
03-29-2008, 04:46 PM
One dog, and probably getting another one this fall... We've been thinking about 'chipping' him, but havn't yet...

Car Guy
03-29-2008, 05:08 PM
One other thing I forgot to mention, it doesn't matter where your pet is lost but rather where it is found. That location's laws will determine your pets fate.....

A few years ago a buddy of mine lost his dog when he was living in Pewaukee and it was found in MADISON...!!! How he got there nobody knows but my buddy was about a day away from 'loosing' him for good, if you know what I mean :shades . It was just by chance that he decided to call there and sure enough it was his dog. I wouldn't have believed it was true but was with him when it happened.....

:3gears: :3gears: :3gears:

Reverend Cooper
03-29-2008, 05:09 PM
if you have more than 5 cats and or dogs i suggest you get a life. you are the crazy cat/dog lady, or the crazy cat/dog guy. chances are your house smells of poo and the aroma of piss.

Car Guy
03-29-2008, 05:14 PM
if you have more than 5 cats and or dogs i suggest you get a life. you are the crazy cat/dog lady, or the crazy cat/dog guy. chances are your house smells of poo and the aroma of piss.

Well that's why 5 was the max :rolleyes: , and I beg to differ about the smell with numerous pets. It all depends on how you live, and if you walked inside my house without knowing we have 3 cats you wouldn’t guess it.....:devil

However, I have been to many homes (mainly with dogs) that do have that "they must have a pet" smell......

:3gears: :3gears: :3gears:

03-29-2008, 05:51 PM
two yappers. I should ask my mom if they're registered, sometimes she gets kinda lazy about that stuff.

03-29-2008, 05:56 PM
hmmm I was wondering how a microchip got into my chinese dinner the other day.

03-29-2008, 07:37 PM
My mom works for MADACC, So does my brothers roommate, and his girl friend , One of the vet techs I know well. The lady I got my house on a land contract on works there. And my moms neighbor works there too!! Actually it's kind of creppy how many people work at MADACC That I know.............................

03-29-2008, 07:53 PM
5 Fish, and a Jer.

Slow Joe
03-29-2008, 07:56 PM
:rolf I forgot to add a Guinea pig...

03-29-2008, 09:00 PM
5 Fish, and a Jer.

your invisible fish? :rolf

3 dogs here. One is chipped. The other two.... meh. The oldest of the other two rarely goes outside anymore, he just sleeps a lot. The youngest is boundry trained, and doesnt go outside of the fenced in backyard unless someone is clearly supervising him. The one that is chipped barely goes outside anyway (I swear that dog has some form of canine OCD)

03-29-2008, 09:36 PM
Two cats, two newts, two frogs, and one toad.

03-29-2008, 09:49 PM
3 cats at my parent's house, 4 fish there too. And then I have two chinchillas, a ferret, and two killer goldfish here. I just upgraded my two $0.07 feeder goldfish to a 46 gallon tank. I spoil them. The chinchillas and ferret have their own bedroom too. Pets > kids.

Car Guy
03-29-2008, 10:05 PM
3 cats at my parent's house, 4 fish there too. And then I have two chinchillas, a ferret, and two killer goldfish here. I just upgraded my two $0.07 feeder goldfish to a 46 gallon tank. I spoil them. The chinchillas and ferret have their own bedroom too. Pets > kids.

Killer Goldfish...??? :shades :shades :shades

:3gears: :3gears: :3gears:

03-30-2008, 12:55 AM
I have one dog, a Boxer/Jack Russel mix. These are the crackheads of dogdom. I also have a Ferret. These are illegal to possess in some places like California and New York. Some landlords don't like them either. Mine told me I had to get rid of mine when he found out about it. Seems he had tenants that let their ferrets run the apartment. They like to shit in corners under furniture. Mine lives in a cage and after I convinced ours only comes out for well supervised play, he relented.

03-30-2008, 06:40 AM
Killer Goldfish...??? :shades :shades :shades

:3gears: :3gears: :3gears:

They kill anything else that I have ever put with them. Innocent ground feeders, algae eaters, other goldfish, live plants, etc.

Reverend Cooper
03-30-2008, 09:17 AM
add a oscar in thats the same size,i bet he eats the goldfish

03-30-2008, 09:41 AM
Oscar FTW

03-30-2008, 09:44 AM
2 dogs and 2 cats.

Anyone want 2 neutered rear-declawed adult male cats? Free to a good home. They're buds so they must be placed together.

Car Guy
03-30-2008, 10:23 AM
Anyone want 2 neutered rear-declawed adult male cats? Free to a good home. They're buds so they must be placed together.

Post up some more info and some pictures of them, maybe someone will want them......

:3gears: :3gears: :3gears:

03-30-2008, 06:40 PM
I have one dog, a Boxer/Jack Russel mix. These are the crackheads of dogdom. I also have a Ferret. These are illegal to possess in some places like California and New York. Some landlords don't like them either. Mine told me I had to get rid of mine when he found out about it. Seems he had tenants that let their ferrets run the apartment. They like to shit in corners under furniture. Mine lives in a cage and after I convinced ours only comes out for well supervised play, he relented.

Illegal to bring into california but legal to own :goof go figure that one out .....

knew alot of people that had them when I lived there :thumbsup

Car Guy
03-30-2008, 06:52 PM
Illegal to bring into california but legal to own :goof go figure that one out .....

knew alot of people that had them when I lived there :thumbsup

Are you referring to the dogs or the ferrets...???

:3gears: :3gears: :3gears:

03-31-2008, 11:02 AM
I'm thinking ferrets. I thought I heard something about that.

03-31-2008, 11:19 AM
I have 5 dogs.
Three of which we are taking care of temporary basis.

03-31-2008, 11:22 AM
How do I chip my Turtles? Oh wait, I will pay attention to them so they don't get lost just like I would my dog. Chipping is for people that can't keep their pets under control, totally unnecessary if you really do love your dog it isn't going to get lost.

03-31-2008, 11:25 AM
I've heard that chipping helps on dogs that have been stolen and recovered. If it's going to help a person get their pet back, then it sounds like a good idea to me.

03-31-2008, 11:29 AM
^ I didn't consider that in my opinion, thats a good way to look at it. Can't be at home with your pup 24/7 thats for sure.

Car Guy
03-31-2008, 11:32 AM
How do I chip my Turtles? Oh wait, I will pay attention to them so they don't get lost just like I would my dog. Chipping is for people that can't keep their pets under control, totally unnecessary if you really do love your dog it isn't going to get lost.

Way to be proactive and assume that they'll never get away from you :rolleyes: . I truly hope that they do NOT but IF they do I will have absolutely NO sympathy for you what so ever.....

I'm sure everyone does their best at watching their pets, but you can't honestly tell me you believe there's absolutely NO chance of them getting loose. If you do your extremely naive and need to grow up a little.....:thumbsup

:3gears: :3gears: :3gears:

03-31-2008, 11:38 AM
^ A properly trained dog listens to its owner. Obviously yours don't. My German never chased animals, left the yard, never needed a leash. But he was trained and he listened, most people don't take the time to train their pets and become a pet to their animals.

Car Guy
03-31-2008, 12:16 PM
^ A properly trained dog listens to its owner. Obviously yours don't. My German never chased animals, left the yard, never needed a leash. But he was trained and he listened, most people don't take the time to train their pets and become a pet to their animals.

Well to start off I don't have dogs just cats, but I appreciate the assumption that I wouldn’t train my dog like no other :rolleyes: . If I had a dog I'd still get it chipped without even thinking twice about it, for what it costs and the peace of mind it gives you it's priceless. Not to mention the possibility that someone takes your pet, which is most likely not going to happen but you can't say it won't.....

I still can't figure you out PoRk, sometimes you come off as the most intelligent person I know and then you can come off like a teenager that hasn't experienced life yet assuming nothing is going to happen. I like to take precautions before something possibly happens, not wait until something does and then wonder what could have been done different after the fact.....

That's really all that chipping your pet is about, taking the extra step for them to ensure that they come home safe SHOULD they get away. It can happen to anybody believe it or not.....:thumbsup

:3gears: :3gears: :3gears:

03-31-2008, 12:55 PM
3 Dogs, Ranging from small to HUGE!!

03-31-2008, 01:43 PM
^ I didn't consider that in my opinion, thats a good way to look at it. Can't be at home with your pup 24/7 thats for sure.

I think hell just froze over.

03-31-2008, 01:55 PM
Well to start off I don't have dogs just cats, but I appreciate the assumption that I wouldn’t train my dog like no other :rolleyes: . If I had a dog I'd still get it chipped without even thinking twice about it, for what it costs and the peace of mind it gives you it's priceless. Not to mention the possibility that someone takes your pet, which is most likely not going to happen but you can't say it won't.....

I still can't figure you out PoRk, sometimes you come off as the most intelligent person I know and then you can come off like a teenager that hasn't experienced life yet assuming nothing is going to happen. I like to take precautions before something possibly happens, not wait until something does and then wonder what could have been done different after the fact.....

That's really all that chipping your pet is about, taking the extra step for them to ensure that they come home safe SHOULD they get away. It can happen to anybody believe it or not.....:thumbsup

:3gears: :3gears: :3gears:

So I am aacting like a teenager because I find it unnecessary to do something you feel NEEDS to be done, even though you JUST had it done a few days ago when you've had your pets for HOW long?

I just don't think its necessary, I keep a close eye on my animals when they are out of the barn and I think the chipping thing gives people an excuse to not watch their pets as closely as they should. I'm not assuming anything about you, just stating what I think a majority of people think the problem this chip will 'solve' is that they won't have to keep such a watchful eye.

You wouldn't chip your kids, would you?

03-31-2008, 02:15 PM
You wouldn't chip your kids, would you?

No way, Leashes are way cheaper.

Car Guy
03-31-2008, 03:37 PM
So I am aacting like a teenager because I find it unnecessary to do something you feel NEEDS to be done, even though you JUST had it done a few days ago when you've had your pets for HOW long?

I just don't think its necessary, I keep a close eye on my animals when they are out of the barn and I think the chipping thing gives people an excuse to not watch their pets as closely as they should. I'm not assuming anything about you, just stating what I think a majority of people think the problem this chip will 'solve' is that they won't have to keep such a watchful eye.

You wouldn't chip your kids, would you?

I admitted in my first post that I felt ashamed in not having it done sooner, but at least I'm willing to (and did) take the time/effort to have it done. That is why I made this post in the first place.....

I said you’re coming off like a naive teenager because you think that nothing will happen to them JUST because you train them well. I think it's great that you train them well, but you can't argue with the point that they still COULD get loose or worse someone could take them. I never said it's a must or absolutely necessary to get them chipped but more of a no brainier. I also don't think most people believe it's a way to get out of training or watching their pet but rather an EXTRA level of protection on top of it. I will agree that most people DO NOT train and watch their pets enough but believe that it's from an overall lack of effort/caring, regardless if they're chipped or not....

As far as 'chipping' my kids I don't have kids and probably never will, but IF I did I would do everything in my power to insure that they would get home safe/sound SHOULD one get lost/taken. I don't think putting 'chips' in people is right but there are MANY programs/steps out there for children that are similar to prevent an unfortunate situation from happening like ID cards, registering them at police stations, etc.....

If you don't feel it's necessary to have it done that's fine, but you could have just said that. You're the one that's assuming things about others like myself with not having my dogs trained, if I had one or more. I was just trying to get the word out to possibly prevent someone from never getting their pet back.....

:3gears: :3gears: :3gears:

Z Speed
03-31-2008, 06:33 PM
3 dogs
5 cats
1 ferret
1 parrot

used to have a lot more animals but rising vet cost and general cost of living suck now and days

03-31-2008, 06:59 PM
3 dogs
5 cats
1 ferret
1 parrot

used to have a lot more animals but rising vet cost and general cost of living suck now and days

Want another ferret so yours has a friend?

03-31-2008, 07:08 PM
2 German Shepherds...of course the smarter than most people! 1 is a national show dog.

03-31-2008, 07:42 PM
1 cat. His name is Winks.


03-31-2008, 08:02 PM
i got one cat named pontiac and one dog named ricochet... he is a chew wa wa and the name fits him perfect hyper little shit.. the dog is chipped the cat is not.