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03-03-2008, 10:12 PM
I don't know what to say about this.

****warning....cruelty to animals!!!****


Fake or not...wtf :stare.

03-03-2008, 10:18 PM
way to represent your country

03-03-2008, 10:21 PM
Not cool and I am glad to see that our troops are doing such a good job creating a good image for the USA.

Heat Seeker WS6
03-03-2008, 10:22 PM
fake or not- the fact thier even doing that is bullshit :mad:

03-03-2008, 10:22 PM
i cried.:crying

Windsors 03 Cobra
03-03-2008, 10:28 PM
I think the pup survived just fine, honestly there are much much much worse things going on all over the world.
Child sex workers seems worse ? Dogs skinned alive for their fur, suicide bombings, school shootings, murders, etc, etc.
Sad sad world, can't save the world tho, must focus on your own world and keeping it safe and sane and free of sociopathic nuts like the one in the video, my belief anyway.

Heat Seeker WS6
03-03-2008, 10:38 PM
I think the pup survived just fine, honestly there are much much much worse things going on all over the world.
Child sex workers seems worse ? Dogs skinned alive for their fur, suicide bombings, school shootings, murders, etc, etc.
Sad sad world, can't save the world tho, must focus on your own world and keeping it safe and sane and free of sociopathic nuts like the one in the video, my belief anyway.

So its OK for our servicemen to act like this because the world is a shithole already?

2 words-> screw you

03-03-2008, 10:47 PM
those type of people need to be shot on sight. no wonder we have a bad name over there.

03-03-2008, 10:51 PM
His address and phone number name and such are posted on here as a comment.

03-03-2008, 11:00 PM
if it is real i hope he gets shot and every one of his limbs cut off.think its kool cuz your stronger then something else and be so cruel to it.I hate shit like that.

Cutlass Queen
03-03-2008, 11:03 PM
I think the pup survived just fine, honestly there are much much much worse things going on all over the world.
Child sex workers seems worse ? Dogs skinned alive for their fur, suicide bombings, school shootings, murders, etc, etc.
Sad sad world, can't save the world tho, must focus on your own world and keeping it safe and sane and free of sociopathic nuts like the one in the video, my belief anyway.

So you think it's okay to do this? How about you be a defenseless animal who needs to depend on someone to survive, and I throw you off a cliff? Let me know if you survive or not than. Assholes with your train of thought are why there are stray animals out there, along with animal cruelty :flipoff2:

03-03-2008, 11:08 PM
If I was serving in that guys platoon over there, there would have been some friendly fire and he would have gotten a free trip home early with no knee caps:D There's 3 dogs and 5 cats in our house and if anyone mistreats any of them there are serious issues.

Heat Seeker WS6
03-03-2008, 11:10 PM
the internet can be a scary place...

David Mortari
24419 Florence Acres Rd
Monroe, WA 98272-9662
Phone: (360) 794-7191
(714) 330-0418

Cutlass Queen
03-03-2008, 11:10 PM
If I was serving in that guys platoon over there, there would have been some friendly fire and he would have gotten a free trip home early with no knee caps:D There's 3 dogs and 5 cats in our house and if anyone mistreats any of them there are serious issues.

Agreed with ya joel....I've had the same hyper lil dog for 13 years, and I took a stray cat in 3 years ago

We should really check this guy out

Windsors 03 Cobra
03-03-2008, 11:17 PM
Hey I have a dog I love like a family member and there are 8 million stray dogs out there too so I ain't all that worried about it, I could handle being thrown that far and the dog did too, I just ain't outraged about it, sorry if that "offend's" you.

And animal torture and cruelty ? The electric shock or shotgun blast to the brain my dinner tonight had (bessie the cow) suffers more pain/torture than the animal in this vid, sorry still not outraged.

03-03-2008, 11:21 PM
I seriously got goose bumps and cringed. I would cold clock that Mother ****er. Give it a few days and the news will be all over this !!!!!!!

I'm going to say its real, why would they fake this and record it ?

03-03-2008, 11:25 PM
Let me state first off if they really did toss a puppy I don't think it is right. But frame of mind ....... odds are it is a stray without a mother and that dog is gonna die ne way. A bullet woulda been better if it is a real dog.....

Now the fools saying an animal is akin to a human life, you are retarded, I love my dog but good god taking someones life for a dogs..... that is as insane as tossing a puppy of a cliff. Would you kill someone for killing a cockroach?? just cus it has a cute face the dog u can't kill but u smash roaches all the time?? get a grip a mongral pup is just like a cockroach.... a nuisance.... would I rather have seen it euthanised sure as shit..... but saying dude deserves to die is truely and insane opinion :durr

Car Guy
03-03-2008, 11:26 PM
Well here's the bottom line and it doesn't matter if it's real or not, it's completely UN-called for (but I'm thinking it's fake). Don't know why but I have a feeling about it.....

:3gears: :3gears: :3gears:

03-03-2008, 11:30 PM
why do people "get off" on hurting defenseless animals?

03-03-2008, 11:35 PM
btw am I the only right wing nut job thinking about how convenient shit like this is to have pop up during an election year??

Car Guy
03-03-2008, 11:36 PM
btw am I the only right wing nut job thinking about how convenient shit like this is to have pop up during an election year??


:3gears: :3gears: :3gears:

Cutlass Queen
03-03-2008, 11:41 PM
Fake or not it should have never been posted up on the internet let alone happen....it is disturbing to watch

03-03-2008, 11:48 PM
not cool.

03-04-2008, 12:03 AM
That sound will probably be stuck in my head for some time in the future.

My dog is looking at me going "what was that sound? I don't like it!"

03-04-2008, 12:04 AM
I hope a terrorist snipes him. That's ******* hilarious about his address.

Voodoo Chick
03-04-2008, 12:27 AM
If that was real, it was disgusting. As for the comment about an animal's life not being as important as a human's....well, regardless of anyone's opinion, I guess that's for God to decide, not us. I think life, whether it's human, animal, or whatever, should be treated with respect, and harm should not be inflicted for the sake of being amused, or for "shock value," or for any totally unnecessary reason. We take too much for granted, and we are becoming far too desensitized as a whole. I honestly cannot see any good coming from that.

03-04-2008, 07:03 AM

03-04-2008, 08:27 AM
Anyone who could come close to defending that guy is a sociopath.

03-04-2008, 09:09 AM
First off, I do not agree with what the guy did.

There are other video's out there that show them killing many animals (which I thought that is what this was going to be). Those have a reason.

Both bases that I was at had infestation of animals and the majority (90%) had rabies. That is the reason to kill of the strays.

For what that guy did it was in-humane and should be punished thought the UCMJ.


P.S. Nick I love the signature video.

03-04-2008, 09:41 AM
imo there is too much not shown to pass a full judgement..... it is suspicious that the video seems to be the middle of a longer clip.... it is fuzzy and the sound is off.....

but, if someone did do it it would be VERY inhumane ..... but the full circumstances behind the video are mia

03-04-2008, 10:07 AM
how do we know the dog wasnt dead already? do you really think that dog had a better chance of survival way out in the desert? yeah tossing him may have been cruel but I doubt that dog would have survived without some sort of disease for very long anyways. maybe its me, I can think of 1000 other things that would OFFEND me at this point, a stray diseased animal is not one of em.

Windsors 03 Cobra
03-04-2008, 10:14 AM
Well the leftist democrats who have reacted with shock and dismay should be relieved the federal gubmint will be invistigating this matter to the fullest extent.
Never mind the almost 4,000 War dead US soldiers. Save the pup, KILL that sociopath marine.......:punch:

Heat Seeker WS6
03-04-2008, 11:15 AM
Its one thing they did something they knowingly did was wrong, but its crappy some of you are finding excuses to justify thier actions. Wrong is still wrong.:rolleyes: As little and as insignificant as it may seem- its the little garbage like that that carries over to 'bigger' things.

MARINE CORPS BASE HAWAII, Hawaii -- The Marines on Monday responded to a video clip on YouTube.com showing what appears to be a Kaneohe-based Marine throwing a puppy while in Iraq.

The video shows two Marines talking as one holds a puppy by the back of the neck before throwing the dog over what appears to be a cliff. There is the sound of a dog yelping as the puppy is seen flying in the air.

The clip has been viewed by thousands of people on the Internet, with several e-mailing Honolulu TV news media.

The leadership at Marine Corps Base Hawaii at Kaneohe said they are investigating the case and that they do not tolerate such behavior.

"This is a shocking and deplorable video that contrary to the high standards we set for every Marine. We will investigate this and take appropriate action," Maj. Christopher Perrine said.

Officials said they believe the Marine in the video is a lance corporal who returned to Hawaii in October from Iraq.

Thousands of people viewed the clip that lasted about 17 seconds. Many left messages on YouTube.com saying they were outraged by what they saw.

"The act itself is atrocious and just to see the disregard for life is just troubling," Hawaii Humane Society spokeswoman Kawehi Yim said.

Others said they believed the clip was staged and not real.

The Marines said while they will look into what happened. They want to determine whether the video clip is authentic.

"We need to find out who is this person, is this a legitimate video? Was it edited?" Perrine said.

YouTube.com pulled the clips uploaded onto its site involving the Marine and the puppy by the late afternoon.

Officials at the Hawaii Humane Society said they were horrified by what was on the video.

"People have been e-mailing and calling outraged that one, that the act occurred and secondly that there appears to be little remorse," Yim said.

If the video is authentic, the Marines involved could face judicial charges, a reduction in rank and pay and a court-martial. They could also be discharged.

Cutlass Queen
03-04-2008, 11:20 AM
^^^ As they should be! :chair:

Mr Twigbert
03-04-2008, 11:26 AM
I didn't care to see that but I won't for a second question it because I'm not going through what they are.. If my buddy got killed a day prior I would be a little off my rocker.. And if that ment a puppy died then so be it..

03-04-2008, 11:31 AM
@ john

that is the appropriate level headed response

sensationalism and overreaction is tearing a nation apart ....... I understand things like this impassion people but you always have to play devils advocate. I don't believe ne one thinks it is okay to toss a puppy ..... but codeming someone for 30 seconds of video.... it isn't fair and it isn't the way our country works ... more and more it seems people are out for blood before they know the facts .... think about Shakespear's Hamlet.... there is a balance to be struck between passion and thought when seeking justice. Imagine all the misconceptions people could derive about our own lives if they saw only 30 seconds of it...... just food for thought.

Mr Twigbert
03-04-2008, 11:37 AM
@ john

that is the appropriate level headed response

sensationalism and overreaction is tearing a nation apart ....... I understand things like this impassion people but you always have to play devils advocate. I don't believe ne one thinks it is okay to toss a puppy ..... but codeming someone for 30 seconds of video.... it isn't fair and it isn't the way our country works ... more and more it seems people are out for blood before they know the facts .... think about Shakespear's Hamlet.... there is a balance to be struck between passion and thought when seeking justice. Imagine all the misconceptions people could derive about our own lives if they saw only 30 seconds of it...... just food for thought.

Well said..

We have troops dieing over there and compter tough guys over here crying about a god dam dog.. Button up the uniform and serve for a year over there.. Then come back and tell me you stil feel it was wrong to let out your frustrations on a dog..

03-04-2008, 11:44 AM
Well said..

We have troops dieing over there and compter tough guys over here crying about a god dam dog.. Button up the uniform and serve for a year over there.. Then come back and tell me you stil feel it was wrong to let out your frustrations on a dog..

its not wrong to let frustrations out on a dog?Ok then i see nothing wrong then when one of the towelheads kills a us troop and there dragging his body around cuz of there frutrations.

karmas a ***** im done with this thread theres obviously some ppl that get off on taking the life of weaker animals.

Heat Seeker WS6
03-04-2008, 11:47 AM
Well said..

We have troops dieing over there and compter tough guys over here crying about a god dam dog.. Button up the uniform and serve for a year over there.. Then come back and tell me you stil feel it was wrong to let out your frustrations on a dog..

so its Ok to button up a uniform, go over there and like that out of frustration? Id expect to 'not' be trained on upkeeping an image that reflects 'who we are' .....or is it? Maybe you, but not I.

Mr Twigbert
03-04-2008, 11:59 AM
Your a cop too arent you? ...Nice real nice

What does that have to do with anything?

I don't agree with killing of animals like this.. But I don't agree with pussies on this thread who sit in the safety of their own home and cry about troops who kill dogs when they themselves could be killed tomorrow..

I'm thinking theres ***WAY*** more to this story then what we are being shown.. Maybe, just maybe, the owner of this dog just killed a U.S. troop.. And if I was there and one of my guys deid.. I'd want to kill the guys whole family.. And if the dog was around, I'd propably kill it too..

Call me sick.. It don't bother me.. But theres no reason to bring up my personal life on this forum.. Thats a personal attack and I won't tolerate it John..

03-04-2008, 12:04 PM
I guess if you don't think a puppy is worth anything, then you wouldn't see anything wrong with that video (fake or not). But to the majority of people, any animal has value and should not be treated in that manner. I don't care if the men in the video are frustrated, they have no right to take out their emotions on something that can't fight back. I would hope during training they are taught to handle themselves better then that. I know they are seeing many things that I can't even begin to understand, but it doesn't make it right. When they come back home and are frustrated, it won't make it okay when they hit their wives or kids either.

03-04-2008, 12:13 PM
I guess if you don't think a puppy is worth anything, then you wouldn't see anything wrong with that video (fake or not). But to the majority of people, any animal has value and should not be treated in that manner. I don't care if the men in the video are frustrated, they have no right to take out their emotions on something that can't fight back. I would hope during training they are taught to handle themselves better then that. I know they are seeing many things that I can't even begin to understand, but it doesn't make it right. When they come back home and are frustrated, it won't make it okay when they hit their wives or kids either.

i think its more less them just being immature,stupid and then going to use "we lost alot of friends" as a reason for what they did.Truth is i know a few ppl that are going in to the army/marines and yeah i wouldnt even trust them with my cell phone.

Not saying there all the same half my family uncles,grandpas, have been in the army marines and none of them act as foolish as that.

03-04-2008, 12:13 PM
fuking blah blah blah cry cry whine b!tch and moan...:rolleyes:

its not right and but it happens get on with it for fuks sake...

Heat Seeker WS6
03-04-2008, 12:30 PM
PM sent Twig

03-04-2008, 03:15 PM
those type of people need to be shot on sight. no wonder we have a bad name over there.

if it is real i hope he gets shot and every one of his limbs cut off.think its kool cuz your stronger then something else and be so cruel to it.I hate shit like that.

If I was serving in that guys platoon over there, there would have been some friendly fire and he would have gotten a free trip home early with no knee caps:D There's 3 dogs and 5 cats in our house and if anyone mistreats any of them there are serious issues.

I hope a terrorist snipes him. That's ******* hilarious about his address.

Are you people kidding me? You want to kill a US Marine because he killed a dog in a hostle country? Do any of you know the whole story? Answer me this: How common is it for animals to be brought back to the states from the sandbox? I'll tell you. Not very/impossible. Have any idea what kind of tests have to be run on the animal? You know why those test have to be run? BECAUSE MOST OF THEM ARE FREAKING DISEASED. You guys know what animals do? They bite. A diseased animal tries to bite me, it's done. Any of you know the whole story behind this? Didn't think so. There's this crazy thing they do with video these days: it's called editing. How many of you who have posted in this thread have ever been in country? Instead of saying "String 'em up!" why don't you let the whole story be investigated, let the Marine Corps handle it? I'm more then positive they will. When is the last time you killed a spider or a tick because you thought it might be poisonous? Any of you think there may be more to the story? Open your eyes.

And for the record, no I will not waist a round on any animal. The most important round you need is the one you don't have.

03-04-2008, 03:17 PM

While I agree.....what was the need for video taping him throwing it off of the cliff? Why not just kill it and not make a big deal about it while taping it?

03-04-2008, 03:19 PM
String him up.
PETA is going to ruin the lives of these men and everyone he knows, and he deserves it.
Their address and names are posted everywhere, and I expect them to be treated like a cop in prison wherever they go.
I didn't see any evidence of PTSD or toxic shock, just a couple of twits abusing a helpless animal.
Feel free to defend the servicemen who rape indigenous peoples, kill children, and torture civilians 'because they may have just lost a buddy'.
Fawking Jarhead Douchebag.

03-04-2008, 03:22 PM
String him up.
PETA is going to ruin the lives of these men and everyone he knows, and he deserves it.
Their address and names are posted everywhere, and I expect them to be treated like a cop in prison wherever they go.
I didn't see any evidence of PTSD or toxic shock, just a couple of twits abusing a helpless animal.
Feel free to defend the servicemen who rape indigenous peoples, kill children, and torture civilians 'because they may have just lost a buddy'.
Fawking Jarhead Douchebag.


03-04-2008, 03:22 PM

Windsors 03 Cobra
03-04-2008, 03:26 PM
Interesting how the votes fell, this story seperate's those who base decisions on logic VS. those who base decisions on emotion.
I expected the emotional decision's from women, liberal's and children.

03-04-2008, 03:37 PM

While I agree.....what was the need for video taping him throwing it off of the cliff? Why not just kill it and not make a big deal about it while taping it?

Who knows why they taped it? Why do people tape street races?

03-04-2008, 03:43 PM
String him up.
PETA is going to ruin the lives of these men and everyone he knows, and he deserves it.
Their address and names are posted everywhere, and I expect them to be treated like a cop in prison wherever they go.
I didn't see any evidence of PTSD or toxic shock, just a couple of twits abusing a helpless animal.
Feel free to defend the servicemen who rape indigenous peoples, kill children, and torture civilians 'because they may have just lost a buddy'.
Fawking Jarhead Douchebag.

Hey dip sh*t, what are the address' that are posted? Have you looked at them? Is there a Marine Corps base anywhere near them? Nope. Put 2 and 2 together Mr Deep thinker. Tell you what, there is something that trumps PETA. The UCMJ. If he's found guilty of anything, he will be punished under the UCMJ, not PETA. Civilian courts have nothing to do with this! :rolf Are you kidding me? Do you have any idea what you're talking about?

03-04-2008, 03:44 PM
Who knows why they taped it? Why do people tape street races?

Not even close to the same comparison though.

70 cutlass 442
03-04-2008, 03:48 PM
Who knows why they taped it? Why do people tape street races?

do you see people killing animals at the street races?

03-04-2008, 03:53 PM
Fawking Jarhead Douchebag.

Hahahaha, I don't think you are anyone to be calling anyone a douchebag. :rolf

03-04-2008, 03:55 PM
do you see people killing animals at the street races?

Do you see illegal activities that many disagree with in street races?

What's the difference here?

Wait for it................

03-04-2008, 03:56 PM
Okay, am I the only one that seems to think this video is BS? The sqeaking is not coming from the dog.

03-04-2008, 04:00 PM
Not even close to the same comparison though.

You're right. In a street race video, you know what's going on beyond any shadow of a doubt, and it's illegal. When posted on the internet, it's "That kicks a##!" In this video, you don't know the whole story. It's hypocrisy.

03-04-2008, 04:02 PM
This doesnt suprise me. I believe it is completely real. Do any of you actually know people who served in Iraq? I have heard first hand stories from them and even though its shocking, its nothing new. Stray animals run wild out there, they stick to soldiers like glue in hopes of some shade/food/water. The problem is all the animals are diseased and a risk to everyones health. Not that Im defending the crule acts, but its a normal part of life out there to get rid of all the animals. Yes, when a stray comes close to base they kill it. If they find a new litter of puppies they kill them. Once again I say I do not agree with it! Ive even heard stories of new puppies getting put into a bag and thrown into a fire. It sucks but what can ya do? Theres are men who have to learn detachment, who learn to kill another human weeks after arriving to hell. The place ****s these men and women up. The army knows what goes on no matter what they say or how much they will "look into it." BS. It happens everday. They turn a blind eye to things like this or even to "accidental killings." Just my .02 of what I have heard.

70 cutlass 442
03-04-2008, 04:03 PM
Do you see illegal activities that many disagree with in street races?

What's the difference here?

Wait for it................

street racing is illeagle, but for someone to throw a dog over a cliff just shows how sick one really is. huge difference

70 cutlass 442
03-04-2008, 04:05 PM
This doesnt suprise me. I believe it is completely real. Do any of you actually know people who served in Iraq? I have heard first hand stories from them and even though its shocking, its nothing new. Stray animals run wild out there, they stick to soldiers like glue in hopes of some shade/food/water. The problem is all the animals are diseased and a risk to everyones health. Not that Im defending the crule acts, but its a normal part of life out there to get rid of all the animals. Yes, when a stray comes close to base they kill it. If they find a new litter of puppies they kill them. Once again I say I do not agree with it! Ive even heard stories of new puppies getting put into a bag and thrown into a fire. It sucks but what can ya do? Theres are men who have to learn detachment, who learn to kill another human weeks after arriving to hell. The place ****s these men and women up. The army knows what goes on no matter what they say or how much they will "look into it." BS. It happens everday. They turn a blind eye to things like this or even to "accidental killings." Just my .02 of what I have heard.

%100 correct, but the fact is they were laughing and enjoying them selfs, in fact they enjoyed it so much they went through the effor of filiming it. once again, big difference

03-04-2008, 04:05 PM
I know several people that have served in Iraq... multiple times. None of them would throw a *live* dog off a cliff. Diseased or not. And make a video of it.

03-04-2008, 04:11 PM
Hey dip sh*t, what are the address' that are posted? Have you looked at them? Is there a Marine Corps base anywhere near them? Nope. Put 2 and 2 together Mr Deep thinker.

Their home addresses, jagbag.
They are all over the internet...heard of the internet?
I am not bashing Marines in general, just the fawking tools in the video.
If you are the kind of guy to defend this, you will get yours, its just a matter of time.
Pull your head out of your azz and see things for what they are.
Go and get another tattoo of a bulldog, will ya?

03-04-2008, 04:11 PM
street racing is illeagle, but for someone to throw a dog over a cliff just shows how sick one really is. huge difference

Again.........do you have any idea what the situation was besides what's in the video?

03-04-2008, 04:12 PM
Totally not defending what they did! When I heard stories about that stuff it made me sick. There is no reason to do it and even more, there is no reason to tape it. I agree. Im just saying that this type of activity is not utterly uncommon no matter what our opinions are.

70 cutlass 442
03-04-2008, 04:13 PM
Again.........do you have any idea what the situation was besides what's in the video?

does there need to be more, looks pretty celar to me.

03-04-2008, 04:18 PM
Their home addresses, jagbag.
I am not bashing Marines in general, just the fawking tools in the video.
If you are the kind of guy to defend this, you will get yours, its just a matter of time.
Pull your head out of your azz and see things for what they are.
Go and get another tattoo of a bulldog, will ya?

And they obviously live at home .............. and will when they get out ........... right. If anyone harasses their parents (home of record), who's going to look like an idiot?

If you are the kind of guy to pass judgement on someone without knowing facts, then it's just a matter of time for you.

03-04-2008, 04:18 PM
Their home addresses, jagbag.
They are all over the internet...heard of the internet?
I am not bashing Marines in general, just the fawking tools in the video.
If you are the kind of guy to defend this, you will get yours, its just a matter of time.
Pull your head out of your azz and see things for what they are.
Go and get another tattoo of a bulldog, will ya?

hahahahaha bulldog or some tribal barbwire.:banana1: