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View Full Version : Automotive work field?

07-03-2007, 06:00 PM
Anyone one looking to get into the automotive field? Mostly younger people. Tires plus in delefield is looking for a few Tire techs. A couple of guys have quit and moved up higher and a few have unfortunately been laid off. Job consists of changing tires oil changes rotations flat repairs. The basic stuff that lube techs usually do. From there you can work your way up. I've just become the senior tire tech recently and they have been sending me to some classes to learn how to do more. I have been sent to an alignment class and i just became A/C certified. They will possibly help me pay for schooling if i so wish to get back into school to become a Technician witch i do. Any more questins feel free to ask i can answer most questions on behalf of being a tire tech anything else i would have to ask the manager and get back to you. let me know we are short handed 4 tire techs for 7 days a week is alot of hours for us so were looking for some extra help.

Car Guy
07-03-2007, 07:23 PM
What the pay...???


07-03-2007, 07:30 PM
i would have to check with my manager i believe its a lower pay but you make more with what they give you. there is a 5% commision rate for every dollar you make its hard to explain but i make i think 9 an hour and i usually do $2000- $3000 a week you take your hourly wages and subtract them from the dollars you made in a week and then take 5% from that and add it to your hourly wages. its complicated but i make enough to pay for my car and i'm happy