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06-27-2007, 12:32 PM
As if we aren't already taxed high enough it looks like they're trying to move on up the list of highest tax states in the country, we're only 3 spots behind California. It's bad enough I already give them a fourth of the money I earn and receive virtually nothing back from it, but now the greedy bastards want more? :flipoff2::fire At least the Republicans are making an attempt to not increase the taxes further, although we really ought to be aiming for reducing the exceptionally high taxes in this state. This is seriously one of the driving factors that could make me leave. I take this as a personal slap in the face that the money I earned from my hard work is just theirs to take at will, bull$hit!

Assembly may pass its budget by Tuesday

Madison - Assembly Speaker Mike Huebsch, the Capitol's top Republican, said today the Assembly will soon pass a no-tax-increase budget - on Tuesday, if possible - to quickly counter the Senate-passed budget with what he said would be the largest tax increase of any state in the nation.

"It is clear now that there is no limit to the amount of taxes that Democrats believe the people of Wisconsin can pay," Huebsch said, responding to the $66-billion state budget Democrats in the Senate passed on Tuesday that included a $15-billion a year universal health care plan.

Huebsch said the Senate-passed budget would raise taxes by $18 billion, including the universal health care plan, a statewide property tax increase that could total $1.2 billion, and other tax increases on oil companies and hospitals. Assembly Republicans will not accept any of those changes, he added.

"Essentially, the message here from the Democrats has been: 'We need billions more of your money, and just trust us to do the services and things you need to have done,'" Huebsch added. "It is the wrong message to send."

Huebsch said the 52 Assembly Republicans have been divided into 12 working groups, and each of them were told to develop what would be a no-tax-increase budget that the state's taxpayers deserve. If those 12 groups complete their work this week, and their recommendations can be put into the documents required by Monday, the Assembly could vote on its version of a state budget on Tuesday, he added.

06-27-2007, 12:40 PM
i've been saying for awhile now that, although i absolutly hate them with a passion, WI needs to put tolls in. If im not mistaken IL has some pretty low taxes don't they??

06-27-2007, 12:42 PM
Who the hell comes to WI? That wouldnt do shit.

Prince Valiant
06-27-2007, 12:47 PM
i've been saying for awhile now that, although i absolutly hate them with a passion, WI needs to put tolls in. If im not mistaken IL has some pretty low taxes don't they??
This is still tantamount to a tax increase...what they need to do is decrease their spending and increase their efficiency of services. This includes eliminating services that aren't needed, or could be better performed by others (privatizing the DMV, for example).

And no, IL taxes aren't cheap...they are pretty high (top 6 in the nation maybe?), which is impressive because there's a state in which TONS more money (and therefore taxes) are generated.

06-27-2007, 12:51 PM
so move to another state :D

yeah I do agree, wisconsin sucks. why such high taxes? this state isnt anything spectacular to live in, so what directly the **** are we paying so much for?

06-27-2007, 01:05 PM
Don't blame me I voted for Mark Green.

06-27-2007, 01:06 PM
i voted for dirk diggler

06-27-2007, 01:07 PM
IL is only a spot or two above or behind WI as far as taxes are concerned. I'd be willing to bet a great majority of our tax money goes to frivolous crap and lining of pockets.

Karps TA
06-27-2007, 01:11 PM
That's what happens when you have a pretty liberal state. Our taxes are so high because we have a ridiculous amount of social programs that need to be funded.

06-27-2007, 01:34 PM
I can go on and on about the bullshit that Manitowoc County spends money on.

Like right now, coming in to Two Rivers, it's a 4-lane boulevard. The county apparently thinks that the grass in the median isn't good enough, so theyve had both inside lanes blocked for 3 days now so they can grate off the grass and re-plant it. Get real.

Or the fact that every police squad in WI got a sizeable monetary grant from the state to fund overtime for traffic officers to crack down on speeding. The city of Manitowoc received over 35,000 dollars alone.

Theres so much in this state that's back-asswards it boggles the mind.

06-27-2007, 01:40 PM
That's what happens when you have a pretty liberal state. Our taxes are so high because we have a ridiculous amount of social programs that need to be funded.

You are correct sir !!:headbang:headbang

06-27-2007, 01:45 PM
That's what happens when you have a pretty liberal state. Our taxes are so high because we have a ridiculous amount of social programs that need to be funded.


I read that milwaukee pd pays out more ot than most other cities because of our lack of efficiency.

06-27-2007, 01:48 PM
I heard on the news the other night that milwaukee PD paid so much to offiers last year for over time pay, it could have funded the salaries of over 400 additional officers!!! thats ****** rediculous!!!

06-27-2007, 02:19 PM
I heard on the news the other night that milwaukee PD paid so much to offiers last year for over time pay, it could have funded the salaries of over 400 additional officers!!! thats ****** rediculous!!!

= pocket lining.

06-27-2007, 02:35 PM
= pocket lining.

= pathetic.

06-27-2007, 02:40 PM

One of the main reasons I dont move south.

Karps TA
06-27-2007, 02:44 PM
In the police departments defense there hasn't been a crime committed in the city since they started working all that OT. I can't even remember the last time I heard about a shooting on the north side.

Oh wait....

06-27-2007, 03:09 PM

06-27-2007, 03:25 PM
I moved to wisconsin four years ago from illinios and the states taxes alone is more then double what I paid to the state in illinois............The taxes in this state suck...........

Feature Pony
06-27-2007, 03:28 PM
step number 1 get rid of welfare and make more jobs!!!

06-27-2007, 03:39 PM
step number 1 get rid of welfare and make more jobs!!!


06-27-2007, 03:43 PM
step number 1 get rid of welfare and make more jobs!!!

Then how would all the fat-ass ate themselves into hadicappedness inner city mothers that have 17 kids by 17 different dead-beat dads be able to feed their children!

What a crock of shit!

06-27-2007, 05:14 PM
Governor Doyle Announces $5 Million Grant

A 12-county regional alliance in South Central and Southwest Wisconsin will receive a $5 million grant to advance workforce development efforts in the region, Governor Doyle announced recently. This award is the second of its kind that Wisconsin has received.

The grant is being awarded to the Workforce Development Board of South Central Wisconsin and the Southwest Wisconsin Workforce Development Board.

The region includes Columbia, Dane, Dodge, Grant, Green, Iowa, Jefferson, Lafayette, Marquette, Richland, Rock, and Sauk counties.

Wow. A whole 5 mil across 12 counties... Could you spare it?

Karps TA
06-27-2007, 05:32 PM
What the hell does that exactly do? Workforce development? What does that mean? Magically create jobs that aren't here?

Sounds like a complete waste of funds. Companies don't want to come here cause - Taxes are too high (not just for the company, but some execs would get stuck coming here and having to pay our taxes), our politicans are too narrow minded, and theres nothing to do here. I'd be shocked if a Cabelas ever opened another store in the state with the crap Washington county tried to pull on them.

06-27-2007, 05:43 PM
Democrates can suck my junk...:thumbsup

I also voted for M. Green, all the damn hippies/ lazy fukers we have around here on wellfare need to be shipped out along with all the fuking illegals back to MExico of where ever the hell they came from. Yes I also agree that this state is pissing me off more and more with their insanely high taxes along with their stupid little laws and regulations...

06-27-2007, 06:06 PM
What the hell does that exactly do? Workforce development? What does that mean? Magically create jobs that aren't here?

Sounds like a complete waste of funds. Companies don't want to come here cause - Taxes are too high (not just for the company, but some execs would get stuck coming here and having to pay our taxes), our politicans are too narrow minded, and theres nothing to do here. I'd be shocked if a Cabelas ever opened another store in the state with the crap Washington county tried to pull on them.
Well considering the costs involved with building a place that employs even say, 100 people, 5 million isnt going to buy a bathroom to shit in.

That said, I'm sure the powers that be already realized this and now have nice bonuses deposited in their bank accounts.

Ever notice that you have never, and will never, see a poor politician?

Karps TA
06-27-2007, 06:24 PM
Ever notice that you have never, and will never, see a poor politician?

Even more amazing is how they get re-elected all the time. Like noone runs against Herb Kohl ever? Why not? What has that guy ever done for WI besides give us a shitty basketball team?

Or how the heck did Doyle get re-elected. He bent over the state while he was running it the last term, completely lies about not raising taxes, and still got re-elected.

You can go on and on with these people. Heck seems like everytime I do go vote I'm not even given a choice in half the elections.

06-27-2007, 06:34 PM
Hence why I don't vote. Theyre all a bunch of lying pieces of shit, doesnt matter who's got the job.

There's a select group of idiots that hold all the cards, and I assure you, we don't vote them into any office.

06-27-2007, 06:35 PM
Wisconsin is a socialist state to fair extents. This should be understood knowing milwaukee's history of socialism.

Unfortunately, this benefit only extends to those working for the city or state. I know a young man who earned $70,000 in a year while driving a bus for Milwaukee. The monthly cost to taxpayers to insure public teachers is around $1600. For each teacher in MPS, there are two union workers. The majority of accounting is still done by hand, not computer.

In the police departments defense there hasn't been a crime committed in the city since they started working all that OT. I can't even remember the last time I heard about a shooting on the north side.

Oh wait....

Didn't district 5 increase in size about %30 on June 10 w/o an increase in patrols?

06-27-2007, 08:17 PM
can't tax the crude outta potential employers that want to build plants here either..... :fire oh you want to make a building in an old corn field yea....there is a fee for that... comon what ever happen to incentives to promote business? :goof

06-27-2007, 09:01 PM
Even more amazing is how they get re-elected all the time. Like noone runs against Herb Kohl ever? Why not? What has that guy ever done for WI besides give us a shitty basketball team?

Or how the heck did Doyle get re-elected. He bent over the state while he was running it the last term, completely lies about not raising taxes, and still got re-elected.

You can go on and on with these people. Heck seems like everytime I do go vote I'm not even given a choice in half the elections.

You are right sir. Our two wonderfull senators have done absolutely nothing for our state. One of them Feinmold has done a great job of embarrassing the shmit out of us nationally. Most our US reps are useless as well. How the h ell did Gwen Moore get elected?

What were the morons smoking that voted for Doyle.
This bullshmit budget that he wants will put us in the poor house. I'm against all tax increases be you rich or poor but this bastard has proposed increases that will mostly affect the middle class and working poor of our communities and a lot of them voted for him.
Hooray for the republicans at least they have the backbone to stand for a "No Tax Increase Budget". While the republicans have been guilty of spending abuses in the past at least the got this one right.

Heres a copy of a recent letter i sent to my lefty loony spend crazy state rep and senator.

Dear Representative
Your constituents incomes are being stretched beyond belief with the rising cost of fuels, utilities, healthcare and taxes while our incomes remain the same. What we don't need any more of is fee and tax increases.
The audacity of our Governor to proclaim in his re-election campaign that he won't raise taxes when only months later his proposed budget is laden with fee and tax increases. As well as our representatives to go along with these lies.
A auto registration fee increase "IS" a tax increase having to be paid by the hard working low and middle income people of your district!
A exorbitant tax on the legal activity of smoking "IS" a tax increase having to be paid by the hard working low and middle income people of your district!
Doubling the home selling "IS" a tax increase having to be paid by the hard working low and middle income people of your district!
A tax on oil companies and hospitals "IS" a higher burden on the hard working low and middle income people of your district!
Don't tell us lies that these taxes won't be allowed to be passes on to us. Simple economics tell us that when the cost of doing business goes up the price of services will increase.
The Knowles-Nelson Stewardship land-purchasing program is a waste of your constituents tax dollars and should be ended. Wisconsin shouldn't be in the real estate business. These lands should be available for public purchase. We should sell off much of it to help balance the budget.
I'm sure there are many more poorly spent tax dollars that could be cut or redirected as well.

Do the right thing.
Represent the people of your district and tell the special interests to take a hike. Tell the Governor your people can't afford these kind of increases. We will be the ones to support you if you hold the line on the budget. Our support for you will wane if you let the Governor rape us with this budget.


The Knowles-Nelson Stewardship land-purchasing program to the tune of 100 million dollars over the next ten years is a joke. Doesnt the state own enough already? Why take more land off the tax rolls? Should we be in the real estate business?

Also everyone needs to vote in order to make a change as well as taking a minute out of you "I'm too busy" life and call your rep and rip em a new one when your pissed. It's the only thing the understand!

Rant Over:fire

06-27-2007, 09:24 PM
Here's some more examples of lunacy that the state should be stepping in to solve, IMO. Specifically Manitowoc County issues.

1. The Mirro Building. At LEAST 1000ftx500ft, 6 stories, Simply IMMENSE. Completely occupies one LARGE city block. Has been sitting 100% unused in a prime central downtown location for at least 8 years. Nothing is being done to either make use of it, or demolish it. It's PRRRIIIMMME land, and could be utilized to create several business sites to bring in employment opportunites to the city, and more importantly get people to venture into town instead of just exiting off the interstate and leaving. Rebuilding on the site with profitable businesses would give a huge shot in the arm to the completely stagnant local economy.

Several people have bought it with intentions to demolish and revitalize the land, yet special interests and environmental whackos have prevented work from being started. A complete and utter waste of land, resources, and an eyesore on the community.

2. Harbor Town Plaza. Built on prime location near the I system, Rents in the units are so high that the developers cant fill the openings.

3. Midas building. Again, Prime location on Calumet Ave. Due to some type of business agreement, being that the original proprietors shut the business down, NOBODY can utilize the building for ANYTHING other than either a) to re-open a useless and unprofitable Midas franchise, or b) purchase the building and land from Midas, raze the building at your cost, then REBUILD a building on the site, and it can't be a competitive business to Midas. Even if you were needing exactly what is there, you would have to rip it down and rebuild it.

I can go on and on wiht the shit that goes on in this county, and these are just small examples of wasted real estate. Thats a minor issue.

06-27-2007, 09:24 PM
Hey, wasn't one of Comrade Doyle's campaign promises to hold the line on taxes? :rolf :rolleyes:

Apparently, $1.7 BILLION in new appropriations from the citizenry doesn't qualify as new taxation. :confused

Any of you dupes that voted for that bald-headed, buck-toothed, totally corrupt garden slug Doyle should have to foot the new tax bills for those of us that didn't vote STUPID!:punch:

Just wait until you need to rent a car because yours is being repaired. You will not only pay the rental fee, but an additional $13 A DAY in taxes. That's an additional $91 per week. This is how they plan to fund the new Choo-Choo Train that they want to build that links the down-towns of Milwaukee, Racine and Kenosha together. How many of you plan on riding it?
Yeah, me neither. :alcoholic

Show a liberal (AKA socialist/communist POS) politician a pay-check and he'll show you how to spend every last dime of it on everything except you and your family.:flipoff2:

06-27-2007, 09:31 PM
Show a liberal (AKA socialist/communist POS) politician a pay-check and he'll show you how to spend every last dime of it on everything except you and your family.:flipoff2:


Karps TA
06-27-2007, 09:37 PM
What's equally shitty is that as much as I can't take liberal Democrats, I can't stand the conservative Republican's anymore. It's like Lewis Black says. The Democrats are full of no ideas, the Republicans are full of bad ideas.

I'd love to see a third party rise up in this country. Somebody needs to be a voice of the middle, cause both far ends are so equally wrong it's not even funny. Both sides are so far removed from the opinions of the avg citizen, that I don't understand how they can even be called Representatives of ours.

06-27-2007, 10:01 PM
What's equally shitty is that as much as I can't take liberal Democrats, I can't stand the conservative Republican's anymore. It's like Lewis Black says. The Democrats are full of no ideas, the Republicans are full of bad ideas.

I'd love to see a third party rise up in this country. Somebody needs to be a voice of the middle, cause both far ends are so equally wrong it's not even funny. Both sides are so far removed from the opinions of the avg citizen, that I don't understand how they can even be called Representatives of ours.

Our politicians have Attention Deficit Disorder. They can only focus on there constituents for a short period of time as the are distracted by the money special interests throw around.
It will be a miracle if a third party would ever become a serious contender.
People just need to get pissed enough and stand up to there reps. If our reps realize they are loosing votes they will start to pay attention.
Until that time the same old crap will continue to get worse. Besides the loafers voting for these tax crazy slug's love the free hand outs they get from them. Can anyone say amnesty?

Russ Jerome
06-27-2007, 10:08 PM
As if we aren't already taxed high enough it looks like they're trying to move on up the list of highest tax states in the country,

Now wait a second Joe, WI has lots to brag about for tax's:

We can swim in lake MI......oh thats right you cant.
Hey the freeways rock....oh thats right we are right behind IL.
Well heck all the sweet hot chicks......oh man I dont live in MN.
The weather realy is .....well its crappy but makes us stronger.
Hey free health care.......oh thats right the tax money goes
to the crooked state goones...

HEY!! I GOT IT!!! Our state employees and Patrol Dep have
some sweet pimp rides...WOOOHOOOO!!!!!!!! Ya thats it
we all need only get State and County jobs so we can
flease the lemmings of there money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Russ (born in MA,grew up in CT,lived in MN) Jerome

Russ Jerome
06-27-2007, 10:13 PM
Hey favorite quotes from my family:

Is it ok for you to live there? (my mom in MPLS about
a bunch of idiots tearing up cars a week ago at some
freakshow rally in Milw I was unaware of).

Whats with you state officials, are they all crooked?(my dad as it relates to some crooked official this spring, from CT).

Wow WI sure has its issues huh?
(my aunt in RI about Mgeek the freak in Milw)

06-27-2007, 10:34 PM
This is still tantamount to a tax increase...what they need to do is decrease their spending and increase their efficiency of services.


too many people with fix it ideas. that are morons.

06-27-2007, 11:05 PM
wow SSdude, nice letter. Did you come up with that yourself or did you find online? We should start a letter/email campaign with that one!

06-28-2007, 12:01 AM
some very good points here!!!!we need a letter!!! or a petition

06-28-2007, 12:22 AM
You know what pisses me off?

My brother gets a food card that has little bit over $500.00 from the state that gives it to him a month.

Now I applied for the same kind of benifit to see if I would get it, I GOT DECLINED. You know why?

It's because I'm not a Minority nor I don't have 10 kids nor I don't have a job. But yet his slut of a G/F works at Wendys can get all the free food she wants, but shes to damn lazy to get it. Woman you make the food don't tell me you can't get it.
I even got declined for a health/ medical benifit too.

Just pisses me off that I ask for something that I'm paying for out of my taxes and yet I can't get it. And I work hard for my money just like every other LEGAL citizen.

BTW this is Josh (WhiteThunderZ28)

Firefighter Z
06-28-2007, 12:23 AM
^^^^ MY mistake, forgot to log Jess out.

06-28-2007, 05:00 AM
wow SSdude, nice letter. Did you come up with that yourself or did you find online? We should start a letter/email campaign with that one!

Thanks Yoo
Did that one myself. One day when i was grinding my teeth over the news stories on our state budget.
One of the major problems is most people don't know about or pay attention to whats going on in TAX HELL. IF more people would call, write and rag out our reps they might realize they are pushing us to far.

Here's another i did:

Dear Representatives

After reading the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel today i had to pick my jaw up off the table. I read that you guys think it's beneficial for your constituents to finance the Knowles-Nelson Stewardship land-purchasing program to the tune of 100 million dollars.
I can't imagine why the state of Wisconsin would need to continually spend that much money for land purchases. Don't we have enough land owned by the state already?
I can't even fathom how much land i could buy if i had 100 million dollars!
Here is a prime example of the pork in Wisconsin government that can be the first to be cut.
I'm sure you guys are capable of finding more unnecessary projects like this to cut as well.


06-28-2007, 06:09 PM
wow SSdude, nice letter. Did you come up with that yourself or did you find online? We should start a letter/email campaign with that one!

Feel free to copy anything that sounds good and blast your representatives.
I read a lot about local affairs and find a lot of good material and ideas.
I've found that my state reps will respond to email as well as phone calls and letters.
If you can't take a few minutes to call, write or email you have no right to bitsh!!
These guys need to hear about this stuff now while they are fighting over this tax gouging budget!!

06-28-2007, 06:19 PM
All politicians are corrupt, it makes no difference if theyre republican or democrat. The politicians only do what the corportations who give them money want. The old saying is true, money is the root of all evil. Its time for a revolution.......

06-28-2007, 06:37 PM
This is really what our representatives should understand and DO SOMETHING!!!!!!

I bought a bird feeder. I hung it on my back porch and filled it with seed. Within a week we had hundreds of birds taking advantage of the continuous flow of free and easily accessible food. But then the birds started building nests in the boards of the patio, above the table, and next to the barbecue. Then came the poop. It was everywhere: on the patio tile, the chairs, and the table...everywhere. Then some of the birds turned mean: They would dive bomb me and try to peck me even though I had fed them out of my own pocket. And others birds were boisterous and loud: They sat on the feeder and squawked and screamed at all hours of the day and night and demanded that I fill it when it got low on food. After a while, I couldn't even sit on my own back porch anymore. I took down the bird feeder and in three days the birds were gone. I cleaned up their mess and took down the many nests they had built all over the patio. Soon, the back yard was like it used to be...quite, serene and no one demanding their rights to a free meal. Now lets see...our government gives out free food, subsidized housing, free medical care, free education and allows anyone born here to be a automatic citizen. Then the illegals came by the tens of thousands. Suddenly our taxes went up to pay for free services; small apartments are housing 5 families: you have to wait 6 hours to be seen by an emergency room doctor: your child's 2nd grade class is behind other schools because over half the class doesn't speak English: Corn Flakes now come in a bilingual box; I have to press "one" to hear my bank talk to me in English, and people waving flags other than "Old Glory" are squawking and screaming in the streets, demanding more rights and free liberties. Maybe it's time for the government to take down the bird feeder.

06-28-2007, 11:07 PM
I was listening to WPR on 90.7 and even they were calling Doyle's proposal Socialist.

06-29-2007, 04:52 AM
I was listening to WPR on 90.7 and even they were calling Doyle's proposal Socialist.

Wow his comrades don't usually allow that kind of thing.