View Full Version : score one for the good guys.... (banks suck)

06-25-2007, 10:35 PM
a little long.....

so we've all ranted about our banks, i've used 3 different ones, and Guardian Credit Union has been the biggest PITA ever. i got my last car loan from them, great rate btw, but after that it goes to hell. i got a checking account so i could just transfer money to pay my bill. first month i get a late notice. wtf. it turns out you have to fill out a separate form IN PERSON to "aquire access to transfering funds" so i did that. their checking sucks bad, their fees look really low for overdrafts and such, but they have tons of hidden costs. if you OD using your check card, it "only" costs you 25 dollars. pretty cheap. however, your card also becomes inactive and you have to pay 15 to have it re-instated. 3 day process btw. i quickly stopped with their checking. i used the account to transfer money online from my normal bank account to pay the car loan. i got a bridge loan to pay off the leftover from the original loan when i sold my GTP. i used my vehicle as collateral then to get some money for some repairs, and went on my merry way. "again, their rates on loans are great" fast foreward. i sold the vehicle that had the lien on it. all but 100 dollars of it went into the loan, so they released the title. i had another loan from the next car i got, a small one. i made the payments on it just fine using the transfering. i left the old bridge loan be for the time being, it had a 60ish dollar balance, and the next payment wasn't due till 7/08. my check card for their checking got stolen, and i cancelled it immediatly, even though there was no money in it. the lowlife managed a charge at a liquor store with no cameras, and they said it was me. it overdrafted me 35 cents. then 2 more transactions came through, putting me like -190 dollars. i got 2 reversed, but i still was down like 60 bucks. i did all kinds of stuff in my power to get it all reversed, but it eventually got to be pointless. so i left the checking in overdraft for like 2 months. kept getting calls, i told them screw you, reverse the charges, i'll fix it. i eventually paid it back up. however, in the meantime, they suspended my "member priveledge" which allows you to use online banking. what a crock. they refused to overturn the "member priveledge, especially when i asked since when was it a priveledge to use online banking in the 21st century" my credit got messed up because of these late payments, the money was sitting in the checking account but i couldn't get it into the loan. they also started ragging on me about the loan with under 75 dollars left on the balance, telling me "its accruing interest" finally i said how much, the woman sheepishly says "about 2 cents a month" i laughed at her, told her if she didn't restore my member priveledge i would leave that loan open till its very last day. i've since gotten some of the crap off my credit report, and i've got the loan lady trained, she looks every month and had transfered the payment from my checking to the loan. its pretty funny. so back to how i "won"

yes i'm stubborn as hell, and ignorant in many ways, but this whole thing pissed me off. i got a letter today with closed loan papers. The morons finally just wiped my loan! it ended up being 65 dollars or something and they just closed it rather than keep pestering me... i just thought it was funny.