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06-21-2007, 01:29 AM
They are not playin around in Cali !



Sure does make sure those cars will not street race again though....:banana1:

Car Guy
06-21-2007, 01:35 AM
Well that sucks...!!! But seriously, there is a big problem with street racing in Ca and the illegal acivity that is associated with it. There's a reason why Hondas, Acuras, and certain other models get stolen all the time.....and it's not because people want economic transportation to work and back.....:goof


06-21-2007, 03:04 AM
damn that sucks i'd be p!ssed

06-21-2007, 03:06 AM
Hmm... another reason to run.

06-21-2007, 03:09 AM
Four civics. No loss.

06-21-2007, 04:38 AM
I love their comments! "When I was pulled over, the VIN tag had fallen off, so the cop thought the car was stolen.........." "The serial # on the transmission came back as stolen, but I bought it from my dads shop, I have a recipt!"


06-21-2007, 06:57 AM
eh I am not crying over their loss....

06-21-2007, 07:25 AM
Yep, thats california.....

Karps TA
06-21-2007, 07:32 AM
Kinda stupid if you ask me. They could sell the cars, part them out, etc to generate revenue for the city. Just crushing them is a waste of thousands of dollars.

06-21-2007, 07:36 AM
the reason why they crush them is to prevent the owners from buying them back and putting more stolen parts in them.....read that in a different article about cali cops who do this, and it had a cool vid too

06-21-2007, 07:52 AM
Crushing them serves no purpose. The should be come property of the state so they can auction them, use them as bait cars to catch other street racers etc etc.....the price of Honda motor swaps, JDM parts and body pieces just went up!

06-21-2007, 08:08 AM
Zavala, who admits he has been involved in street racing, estimates he and his mother spent about $10,000 on improvements to his car.

Glad his mommy helped him out! (:

Slow Joe
06-21-2007, 08:43 AM
Sucks to be them... :rolf

06-21-2007, 09:39 AM
I use to live out there. :rolf Where I was at in sonoma the cops ran a beat the heat program where they'd challenge the street racers at sears point. The cops had a souped up polara that was a confiscated car. :thumbsup

Karps TA
06-21-2007, 09:43 AM
You can laugh at it, but if it proves successful you'll see other places doing it. And West Allis and Greenfield police would jump at the opportunity to flex their muscles and take peoples cars to crush them.

06-21-2007, 09:49 AM
You can laugh at it, but if it proves successful you'll see other places doing it. And West Allis and Greenfield police would jump at the opportunity to flex their muscles and take peoples cars to crush them.

bingo,thats going to get ugly in a hurry

Brandon W.
06-21-2007, 09:50 AM
Hmm... another reason to run.

we dont do this anyways??? im sorry if im going one way speeding, and i see the cop hit his brakes..im gonna go for it..never have tried it yet. but it has run through my mind.

06-21-2007, 10:18 AM
1st problem.... I could see this becoming a huge illegal search and seizure lawsuit at some point. You can threaten all you want, but all it will take is ONE kid with enough of daddy's money and daddy's lawyer to run the city into the ground on that one.

2nd problem... There is a huge street racing problem there. SIMPLEST fix would be to build a couple more drag strips. BUT, those same people that want the street racers off the street, have the NIMB syndrome. That's the "Not In My Backyard". They don't want to deal with the traffic and the noise pollution of building something like that. In reality, all that's going on is they are basically promoting street racing by not providing people a place to exercise their freedom to race a car legally. Imagine what would happen if RT66 and GLD both went under and the only tracks would be Byron and US41 around here.

Just saw Canadian representatives talking about the same thing.

06-21-2007, 10:56 AM
Welcome to a year and a half ago, CA crushing street racers cars is old news.

06-21-2007, 11:03 AM
1st problem.... I could see this becoming a huge illegal search and seizure lawsuit at some point. You can threaten all you want, but all it will take is ONE kid with enough of daddy's money and daddy's lawyer to run the city into the ground on that one.

Just saw Canadian representatives talking about the same thing.

i don't understand how you could even see what the police out there are doing as illegal...they see a car doing something illegal and sieze it (not to mention, isn't it technically illegal to make ANY modifications to your car from stock) if thats so, then they just siezed an illegal car, and disposed of it. No wrong doing there

06-21-2007, 12:02 PM
thats gay as aids, i would be fuking pissed!

06-21-2007, 12:18 PM
They are crushing cars with missing or replaced vin tags, aka stolen cars. More power to them, I hate thieves.

"Police need a court order to destroy the cars. They must prove that the serial or identification numbers on a vehicle or its parts are removed, altered or destroyed."

Pretty soon, taking a piss wil be illegal if you don't ask for permission first.

Cutlass Queen
06-21-2007, 12:19 PM
Atleast they are imports, not much of a loss there ;)

06-21-2007, 12:24 PM
Welcome to a year and a half ago, CA crushing street racers cars is old news.

To you its old news, not to the majority of us here. Its new news to me, thanks for sharing your pointless responce though...:punch:

06-21-2007, 12:38 PM
I know its been brought up here before.

06-21-2007, 12:47 PM
Atleast they are imports, not much of a loss there ;)Huh? Hater.:)

06-21-2007, 01:11 PM
I have no problem with the police seizing these cars. Everybody else has to pay higher insurance premiums because these cars keep getting stolen. Street racing is lame and there should be very strict laws against it. I'll admit, I used to street race back in high school, but the risks are too high now. Police everywhere, people getting killed left and right, tickets, etc, etc. More power to the cops. If you street race and get caught with stolen parts, you should be punished! As for the reason they don't keep or auction them off, is because it's not worth their time to take out all these stolen parts (i.e. engines and transmissions) and then try to sell the car. Just my .02.

Karps TA
06-21-2007, 01:19 PM
Here's my issue. Everyone knows a cops word is going to be taken for gold, over anyone elses. So say a-hole cop decidedes your a punk and see you leaving a light a little faster then other traffic. Say's you're street racing. You lose your car. Or you have a louder exhaust and he could "hear you street racing"

There's too much power there to make me feel comfortable. I'm not big on govt being able to take away people's property. They take enough of people's checks the way it is.

06-21-2007, 01:41 PM
Here's my issue. Everyone knows a cops word is going to be taken for gold, over anyone elses. So say a-hole cop decidedes your a punk and see you leaving a light a little faster then other traffic. Say's you're street racing. You lose your car. Or you have a louder exhaust and he could "hear you street racing"

There's too much power there to make me feel comfortable. I'm not big on govt being able to take away people's property. They take enough of people's checks the way it is.

Read the entire thread. The cars that are being crushed are built with STOLEN parts. If your driving a car with stolen parts, you deserve to have your shit takin away weather its the government or another thief.

Karps TA
06-21-2007, 01:46 PM
How do they know they are stolen? And if they know that why not give the parts back to the owners? Or to insurance companies who likely had to pay for the parts. Destroying them is ridiculous.

I say give them and inch and it'll soon be a mile...

06-21-2007, 01:52 PM
Give them? The government takes whatever it wants.

Our education system is set up to FAIL so we don't have a clue that we are getting raped in the ass by the government, so they can do things like this and its okay. Why do you think my generation is stupid? The next generation is going to be even stupider.

Normally I would disagree with giving the government more power as they already have too much, but with stolen shit the cars should be disposed of :)

Karps TA
06-21-2007, 01:55 PM
I guess I have such a mistrust of police that I have my doubts. This sounds more like a publicity stunt then providing a service.

Brandon W.
06-21-2007, 01:56 PM
Atleast they are imports, not much of a loss there ;)

they would destroy the domestics. but they never run, so they cant be caught street racing.:rolf:goof;)

06-21-2007, 01:57 PM
I guess I have such a mistrust of police that I have my doubts. This sounds more like a publicity stunt then providing a service.

That is correct. Its nothing more then a wasteful scare tactic.

Karps TA
06-21-2007, 01:57 PM
Actually in another thread I saw on this elsewhere, 1 of the 6 cars was a Mustang.

06-21-2007, 01:59 PM
^ Yet again, no loss :)

Karps TA
06-21-2007, 02:07 PM
lol. No comment

06-21-2007, 02:35 PM
i don't understand how you could even see what the police out there are doing as illegal...they see a car doing something illegal and sieze it (not to mention, isn't it technically illegal to make ANY modifications to your car from stock) if thats so, then they just siezed an illegal car, and disposed of it. No wrong doing there

So wait, in your thoery then, because someone is watering their lawn during the summer in California during the "no water hours" or whatever they have during the drought, because it's illegal, the cops can seize your house/property right? .

Second, keep thinking about your emmission controlled econobox honda's. If I want to put a built engine in a '69 Chevelle, tell me what law states it's illegal to do so.

Karps TA
06-21-2007, 02:41 PM
Here's some info from a friend of mine in Cali

"Not crushed for the racing, in fact the racing had NOTHING to do with them being crushed. Typical BS articles and lying DA Rocky Delgadillo started all this shit... ******* worthless bastard. "They must prove that the serial or identification numbers on a vehicle or its parts are removed, altered or destroyed."

Cars that have been destroyed were for stolen parts or unpaid impound fees. The first two crushed (before these 6) were donated by the people who obtained the cars from unpaid liens to the county so they could crush the cars under the guise that they confiscated cars for street racing and crushed them for it. It was all a lie. The state was involved in it and they cant take someones car for racing, even though they want to."

Car Guy
06-21-2007, 03:08 PM
Here's some info from a friend of mine in Cali

"Not crushed for the racing, in fact the racing had NOTHING to do with them being crushed. Typical BS articles and lying DA Rocky Delgadillo started all this shit... ******* worthless bastard. "They must prove that the serial or identification numbers on a vehicle or its parts are removed, altered or destroyed."

Cars that have been destroyed were for stolen parts or unpaid impound fees. The first two crushed (before these 6) were donated by the people who obtained the cars from unpaid liens to the county so they could crush the cars under the guise that they confiscated cars for street racing and crushed them for it. It was all a lie. The state was involved in it and they cant take someones car for racing, even though they want to."

Now IF that is true it doesn't surprise me one bit, but what really pisses me off is that they're essentially lying to the public about what's being done. Granted they are trying to do 'good' by scaring away so called street racers but how can you be trusted when you're outright lying. Are we too stupid to be told the truth or is this a form of communism to where were just fed horsesh*t and supposed to believe it. Stolen parts are one thing but don't make sh*t up to help you cause not matter who you are, be honest with people and they'll be honest with you.....

Now don't forget the preceeding statement I made only holds true if what quoted was/is the truth.....


Karps TA
06-21-2007, 03:14 PM
I think the truth is they found WMD's in those 6 cars who also happened to have been owned by known terrorst organizations. :rolf

Cutlass Queen
06-21-2007, 04:12 PM
they would destroy the domestics. but they never run, so they cant be caught street racing.:rolf:goof;)

Watch it, my shit is up and running now, just waiting on one more thing to come in that goes on when I come back into town then I'll be out looking for some action :devil

06-21-2007, 05:07 PM
we dont do this anyways??? im sorry if im going one way speeding, and i see the cop hit his brakes..im gonna go for it..never have tried it yet. but it has run through my mind.

Been there done that twice. 3rd strike your out so no more hwy 100 with the pontiac for a long while.

06-21-2007, 11:21 PM
any one else find it funny that the dude spent 10,000 dollars and only made 350 horse?:rolf:loser, hahaha, I could make that much with cam and heads on my truck. Ricers, what a joke

06-21-2007, 11:30 PM
any one else find it funny that the dude spent 10,000 dollars and only made 350 horse?:rolf:loser, hahaha, I could make that much with cam and heads on my truck. Ricers, what a joke

but when you figure the car came with a whole 100HP to get 350 is adding another 250HP. and i'm sure he didn't mean just to make 350HP i bet it involved the body work/paint/wheels/suspension so on and so forth.

i find it funny that the cops make it out to be that big of a deal though. in 6 months it's killed 13 people...Yeah thats not good. But what do you think drug and gang related violence and just random stupid shit kills a night? they have bigger things to worry about other then some 12 second street terrors.

06-21-2007, 11:31 PM
Watch it, my shit is up and running now, just waiting on one more thing to come in that goes on when I come back into town then I'll be out looking for some action :devil


Brandon W.
06-21-2007, 11:35 PM
Watch it, my shit is up and running now, just waiting on one more thing to come in that goes on when I come back into town then I'll be out looking for some action :devil

ive got all the action you will ever need.. on and off the track.:shades

06-21-2007, 11:39 PM
ive got all the action you will ever need.. on and off the track.:shades

brandon, i clearly came up with that joke first! LOL

Brandon W.
06-21-2007, 11:43 PM
brandon, i clearly came up with that joke first! LOL

nick. dont you have a jetta to be humping on?:rolf:rolf:rolf:rolf:rolf

06-21-2007, 11:46 PM
The cars that are being crushed are built with STOLEN parts. If your driving a car with stolen parts, you deserve to have your shit takin away weather its the government or another thief.

My SS has plenty of parts off stolen BUT recovered cars (rear end, doors, few other items) and so does my LS (entire front clip)...I'd hate to think they can try to push their limits and argue the parts are hot, sure they were but recovered and salvaged legally. :D

06-22-2007, 12:17 AM
nick. dont you have a jetta to be humping on?:rolf:rolf:rolf:rolf:rolf

ohhhhhh he said that!!!!!!! LOl

06-22-2007, 12:20 AM
nick. dont you have a jetta to be humping on?:rolf:rolf:rolf:rolf:rolf

don't you have your hand to be playing with.

Brandon W.
06-22-2007, 12:24 AM
don't you have your hand to be playing with.

i get people to take care of that for me.. unlike you i lost it before i was 20 ;)

love ya buddy:rolf

06-22-2007, 12:25 AM
don't you have your hand to be playing with.

why arnt you with her flicker? I mean she seems to be up on highway every night and no flick to be found

06-22-2007, 12:31 AM
why arnt you with her flicker? I mean she seems to be up on highway every night and no flick to be found

cause it's like 40 min away still.....i don't go up there too awful much. where has your ass been i haven't seen you latly? You goin to RSD tomarrow?

06-22-2007, 12:32 AM
:rolf i think were gonna need some proof.... so post her myspace or face book or phone number or something we need someone other then your ass saying so.
i get people to take care of that for me.. unlike you i lost it before i was 20 ;)

love ya buddy:rolf

Brandon W.
06-22-2007, 12:35 AM
:rolf i think were gonna need some proof.... so post her myspace or face book or phone number or something we need someone other then your ass saying so.

which one do you want? there is more then one

06-22-2007, 12:36 AM
well three weeks ago I was in st louis/indiana, weekend after that i was working and in oshkosh, last weekend clutch was getting put in......so yeah....But I have been around.

06-22-2007, 12:37 AM
which one do you want? there is more then one

keep digging yourself in Brandy...... PROOOOOOOF

06-22-2007, 12:38 AM
So you goin to RSD tomarrow nick?

Brandon W.
06-22-2007, 12:42 AM
keep digging yourself in Brandy...... PROOOOOOOF

ya im lieing:rolleyes::rolleyes:

i dont take pics or vids while im doing it...and i could post up any random girl's myspace so that is pointless..if you dont believe me then whatever meng. i think your mad because i lost it before you. and im 3 yrs younger.

06-22-2007, 12:48 AM
lmao, i've seen the "Qualitiy" of what comes out of Union Grove lol....

oh and i will message her lol...oh Brandy i kid i kid. You gonna be able to stay out with the big boys tomarrow night?

Brandon W.
06-22-2007, 12:50 AM
lmao, i've seen the "Qualitiy" of what comes out of Union Grove lol....

oh and i will message her lol...oh Brandy i kid i kid. You gonna be able to stay out with the big boys tomarrow night?

nothing like farm girls and slutty preppy girls..

and yes ill be out at GLD tommarow night.

06-22-2007, 12:53 AM
^^^that's not what he asked...he knew you'd be there, it's like 2 mins from your house...he asked if you were gonna have a curfew or not

06-22-2007, 12:55 AM
So you goin to RSD tomarrow nick?

cant working, and I cant run anyways, still got a way to break in the clutch (240 miles left and counting)

06-22-2007, 12:56 AM
cant working, and I cant run anyways, still got a way to break in the clutch (240 miles left and counting)

i'll pick up the car tomarrow you pay for gas and we can call it even lol....haha oh well maybe i'll see you out and about saturday.

oh and Travis What teh hell are you doing up still?

06-22-2007, 01:12 AM
Hmm... another reason to run.

Yeah, you do that. Take what would normally be a severe traffic violation and turn it into a felony. Good idea... :rolleyes:

I used to think you were smart, but from the quality of your posts lately, I'd say you've been snacking on lead paint chips and inhaling Reddi-Whip propellant by the case... :punch:

06-22-2007, 01:26 AM
we dont do this anyways??? im sorry if im going one way speeding, and i see the cop hit his brakes..im gonna go for it..never have tried it yet. but it has run through my mind.

Another genius heard from...

You want a good piece of advice in regards to a traffic bust? Just pull over and face the music. Then get a lawyer and let him do the talking. Think of it like this: Traffic lawyers cost a lot less than criminal lawyers. Running from a cop is a felony in this state. As a convicted felon, you lose you second amendment rights and also the right to vote. In the mean time, you get to play "Rump Ranger" with Cleophus, your cellmate at Waupun.

Running still sound like a good idea?

06-22-2007, 07:45 AM
Or forget the whole *lawyer* idea and just don't drive like a jackass.

06-22-2007, 08:24 AM
2nd problem... Imagine what would happen if RT66 and GLD both went under and the only tracks would be Byron and US41 around here.

Just saw Canadian representatives talking about the same thing.

i have been going to union grove board meetings for the new motocross track that is going up at GLD and you would NOT believe the bitching about GLD. it seems the whole town is against GLD almost like trying to shut it down. Its so ******* lame.1hr meeting was 45min about the cars, not even what we were there for. too much noise, alot of loud cars drive by, to many kids driving stupid, its unsafe for my kids blah blah blah. the track has been longer then half u been alive!:flipoff2: and besides like motocross twice a week is so loud, like your guna hear my 100db over a drag car coming from the back 40.

Cutlass Queen
06-22-2007, 08:43 AM

I should have known you were gonna turn that around somehow :wow

06-22-2007, 08:51 AM
i have been going to union grove board meetings for the new motocross track that is going up at GLD and you would NOT believe the bitching about GLD. it seems the whole town is against GLD almost like trying to shut it down. Its so ******* lame.1hr meeting was 45min about the cars, not even what we were there for. too much noise, alot of loud cars drive by, to many kids driving stupid, its unsafe for my kids blah blah blah. the track has been longer then half u been alive!:flipoff2: and besides like motocross twice a week is so loud, like your guna hear my 100db over a drag car coming from the back 40.

Not surprising, because someone always has to *****, however isnt it like 3 or 4 miles out side of town anyhow?

Car Guy
06-22-2007, 08:56 AM
i have been going to union grove board meetings for the new motocross track that is going up at GLD and you would NOT believe the bitching about GLD. it seems the whole town is against GLD almost like trying to shut it down. Its so ******* lame.1hr meeting was 45min about the cars, not even what we were there for. too much noise, alot of loud cars drive by, to many kids driving stupid, its unsafe for my kids blah blah blah. the track has been longer then half u been alive!:flipoff2: and besides like motocross twice a week is so loud, like your guna hear my 100db over a drag car coming from the back 40.

Welcome to the 'cleansing of America' by stupid fu*king people that have nothing better to do, one day all we'll have to look forward to is the Sun rising and setting......

"But it will be such a safe place to live in one day, no noise, no nothing"......how about absolutely fu*king BORING!!! :loser

Not surprising, because someone always has to *****, however isnt it like 3 or 4 miles out side of town anyhow?

That doesn't matter, soon people will build houses right next to the track [in what's now the farm field] and bi*ch about the noise. I swear if the people that originally fought and died for what we now know as America came back to life they'd start another war against all the stupid fu*ks in 'modern day' America, and put common sense back at the top of everyones thinking.....


06-22-2007, 11:47 AM
ya im lieing:rolleyes::rolleyes:

i dont take pics or vids while im doing it...and i could post up any random girl's myspace so that is pointless..if you dont believe me then whatever meng. i think your mad because i lost it before you. and im 3 yrs younger.

brandy....self gratification don't count:rolf:rolf:rolf:rolf:rolf:rolf:rolf:thumbsup

06-22-2007, 12:20 PM

haha good one wayner

06-22-2007, 12:24 PM
i'll pick up the car tomarrow you pay for gas and we can call it even lol....haha oh well maybe i'll see you out and about saturday.

oh and Travis What teh hell are you doing up still?

not tired...and im bored

06-22-2007, 12:28 PM
i have been going to union grove board meetings for the new motocross track that is going up at GLD and you would NOT believe the bitching about GLD. it seems the whole town is against GLD almost like trying to shut it down. Its so ******* lame.1hr meeting was 45min about the cars, not even what we were there for. too much noise, alot of loud cars drive by, to many kids driving stupid, its unsafe for my kids blah blah blah. the track has been longer then half u been alive!:flipoff2: and besides like motocross twice a week is so loud, like your guna hear my 100db over a drag car coming from the back 40.

this kind of sounds like what happened to the oval track down by me(lake geneva raceway if any of ya have heard of it) in the papers it just read like he sold it for a sh!t ton of money...but i really think the city forced him to sell because of have fast the city was expanding...not that GLD has to worry about union grove expanding out there any time soon....and plus, you pass like 5 houses within a mile of the track

Brandon W.
06-22-2007, 12:36 PM
thats not Union Grove. thats KR. and ill agree with the stupid drivers around here. ill admit i drive fast. but there is a time and a place for it. and doing 55 mph in a 25 in a residental area is not. people drive like dicks around on my roads. and to be honest id be a little worried about my kids. now im not saying that GLD is the cause of this. but all the out of towners that come and wanna drive around, dont help. there was a group of DSM's rolling through on main street from illinois, they were obviously there for GLD. and they were doing launches at stop signs.. right by a school. the noise isnt that bad. not enough to keep you up at night.and Union Grove is expanding. greatly. we have 2 new sub-divisions going up as we speak, and more land was just bought up for yet another one.

06-26-2007, 08:22 PM
Been there done that twice. 3rd strike your out so no more hwy 100 with the pontiac for a long while.

exactly. it will create new problems. if you have invested time into your car your not going to let someone crush it. the hell with that. your now goin gto make them work for it. they way i look at it, you are already screwed.