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View Full Version : WTB: Nintendo Wii

05-11-2007, 02:09 PM
Alright boys, I am moving into a new apartment in a couple weeks and I could use a little entertainment. I've played Wii sports a few times and I had a lot of fun, especially considering I am not a video game person.

So anybody have a system they are considering selling?


05-12-2007, 12:44 AM
yup but your not going to like the price, and I am not worried if you freak out over this but please check E-Bay prices the Wii scalpers are killing me!

Wii system with Wii sports and nunchuck and Wii controllers $350.00

05-12-2007, 09:09 AM
I know - they are crazy on Ebay!

How often do stores get shipments in anyways?