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04-20-2007, 08:34 PM
Am I overreacting?

My 7 yr old comes home to say through conversation that the playground VOLUNTEER threatened to kiss her(and leaned forward in a motion towards her) if she didnt stop tugging on his chain. This person is 22-26yrs old and is a janitor and volunteers to watch the kids as a n aide during recess. He tickles them often and runs around playing with them.

Is it me or was I justified in asking for his job in lieu of "5 minutes alone" with him? My wife thought I was a bit heated but luckily the guy had left for the day by the time I got done with work and HAULED azz to the school. I honestly dont know how I would have responded had I seen him in person.

Others are making it seem like this isnt that big of a deal to warrant the loss of his job but I dissagree. In fact, I want the police involved but was talked into allowing the school board to handle its business....what kind of resolution would YOU want from this situation?

04-20-2007, 08:42 PM
I do not feel that you are over reacting from what ive read. But im not sure If all the details are out in the open so I cannot really know what I would do. Now Is this an innocent thing from a creepy janitor or is it more? There is a very fine line here that you dont want to cross because you could cost an innocent person there job. But on the other hand you could get another scumbag off the street.

This is a very tough situation to deal with.

Oh and as far as the police go, unless someone saw somthing out of place it is very doubtful they could do anything.

Situation Sucks, Remember, if all else fails.......Call Contact 6 News! Thats always fun!!!!

04-20-2007, 08:43 PM
touchy subject Yoo. as a father myself I know how upset you must be, BUT, as a volunteer at the kids' school I also know how things cant be taken the wrong way by a parent. It's hard to say what his true intentions are/were without you knowing him personally.
Let the school handle it, but MAKE SURE you talk to that guy. Seek him out, and confront him alone. Make it very clear that you dont want him near your kid, under any circumstance. If he knows that dad is keeping tabs on him, more than likely he'll avoid her. Thats the problem these days, people dont want to confront others, that's how schit happens. Let it be known you dont trust him and you dont like him. He'll comply. (hopefully)

04-20-2007, 08:44 PM
I don't know dude, He sounds a little bit creepy to me. Have the school board look into this person a little better for starters! I'm a father of two little girls, a 2yr old and a 4yr old, so I don't think you are overreacting at all, but keep your cool and go thru the proper channels. This guy is probably fine, but wrongfully accused, it could ruin a persons life.

04-20-2007, 08:58 PM
Start with the school principle. Let him or her know what has been going on and if it continues you intend to go to the police and the school board. It is some rather peculiar behavior but may be harmless. I'm sure he will be given some guidance on proper behavior with the kids. If his over friendly behavior continues bring in the big dogs.

We all want to protect our kids and would never want anything to happen to them but it could create a seriously damaging situation with a unwarranted accusation.:thumbsup

If you know his name run him through the court website or sex offender list.

04-20-2007, 09:09 PM
Settling down now. I wouldnt want to ruin him if this was just a missunderstanding BUT why would a grown man "play" with little kids that arent his? I just dont see it....not family or friends all strangers. I did speak with the principle and she is following their official procedure for this and assured me that he would be NOWHERE near my daughter or her class this coming monday.

I still feel in my gut that bounderies were crossed. You just dont do some things and IMO this is one of em. You dont touch, kiss or swear at another man's kid. I wish I had his name so I could run his background. There really isnt anymore to it than what I posted. Another little girl was next to my daughter when it happened and screamed, "thats gross" and took off running with mine. Several other parents have commented that they didnt like him tickling their kids either, all 5-7yrs old btw.

04-20-2007, 09:16 PM
yoosof you're definatly getting really heated up on this. u_Say_go hit it on the head, what was said might not be what actually happened, and you unless you were there, you do not know what happened. the guy does maybe sound a bit creepy, and doesn't belong tickling the kids probably, but at that age thats also how kids play. i was a playground supervisor for 4 summers, its part of the job, and even if I didn't like it, its part of the interaction with the kids. what you did do was right, talking to the principal, not going in and threatening the guy or confronting him. its administrators jobs to handle these things.

04-20-2007, 09:19 PM
I could see if he was just a friendly nice guy, liked kids (not in that way M.J.)... but threatening to kiss of all things? uhhh no.

He could have said annnything else in a kidding manner, like "stop or I'll throw worms/bugs/boys/whatever girls hate" - but kiss, wtf.
Why would his daughter lie to him? She doesn't have anything to gain from it. It's not even in the mentality of someone that young.
You lie about not doing homework, and eating too much candy, shìt like that.

Volunteering to watch kids on recess? That's some boring shìt, who volunteers to do that?
All 7yrs in grade school, our janitor never once came outside, much less to play basketball/dodge ball/baseball/beat up the nerds with any of us.

The only way I could maybe see this guy as legit, is if he's mentally challenged.

04-20-2007, 09:35 PM
when it comes to kids, I'm that "friendly, nice guy who likes kids", and no, not in THAT way. I volunteer at my kids' school, coach soccer, and on my off days I would go to the school and "referee" the kids playing football during recess. Some people just enjoy children, i guess I'm one of them. I always have a house full of kids and I goof around with them, but would never cross the line and say "i'm gonna kiss you", that's crossing the line between being the cool parent who goofs with the kids, and the creepy guy nobody stops by during trick-or-treating.
It's hard to say Yoo. Stay on top of the school and dont let this just go away. I still say talk to the guy and see what his deal is....maybe he's "not right", or maybe he just enjoys playing with the kids and hasnt learned what's appropriate yet.
MAKE damn sure you praise your daughter, i mean over do it, make sure she is aware that she did the right thing by running away and by telling you.

04-20-2007, 09:46 PM
MAKE damn sure you praise your daughter, i mean over do it, make sure she is aware that she did the right thing by running away and by telling you.

my wife did but I think I need to as well. A mentally challenged person worries me just as much because they DONT know the difference.

04-20-2007, 10:28 PM
As a parent of a little girl near the same age, I'dve been equally as pissed off.

You can't be too careful anymore man, especially with your kids.

If there's ANY question about their well-being or safety, the guy should be in the UI line.

I wouldnt want to be the parent of the kid who gets molested or worse by someone like that.

If lessons are learned from the VT stuff, one of them should definetly be that strict measures are taken to ensure kids's safety. Any red flags should be an immediate warning and measures taken against them.

No tolerance IMO.

04-20-2007, 10:53 PM
Stay on top of it and make sure you get to the bottom of this Yoo. But, this guy might be a good guy who had let out a bad comment because he knows kids at that age don't like boys or kisses and such. It may have been a blunder on his part. If I were you, I would inform the school and ask to have a meeting with him and other officials.

Firefighter Z
04-20-2007, 11:18 PM
Yoo, don't jump the gun just yet. Like others say talk to the principle about the situation and if that don't work in a quick timely matter go higher up...

Also try talking to the police to see if they could do a BG check on the guy and if a Detective calls back, well you know theres a record on him.

Don't confront him what so ever, there are weirdos out there that will love to follow you home, keep track of a schedule of what goes on and later execute their plan of whatever is on there mind...

But yeah don't get to far ahead of yourself cause later it could bite you on the ass later, for example a lawsuit against you for Distinguish of Character and Lost Wages if he gets laid off from his job.

BTW: I'd freak to YOO if that happend to my Daughter, so your not the only one, just keep your head on straight and you'll do fine.
