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04-16-2007, 11:52 PM
Was riding with a few close buddies on Sunday, its been a rocky start to the week spending most of my time in the hospital. My guy Reno went down hard, over shot his turn and hit the gravel sending him into the trees and down a 30 foot cliff. He is pretty ****ed up, shattered his shoulder ( thats what he landed on ) and severly fractured his knee cap. Anyways, I am trying to put some sort of relief thing for him together to help cover his medical expenses. Problem is that I am not sure how to go about it. I surely don't want to look like I am begging, but going around asking people seems a bit odd. Anyone have any suggestions? The shoulder surgery itself is going to cost something close to 20,000 or more not to mention the ambulance rides and the time in the bed at the hospital. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Rubber side down guys, be careful out there. Scary when it happens 30 feet in front of you...

BTW, he has no insuranse as it hasn't kicked in at his new job nor did he have it on the bike ( Dont know why he didn't have insurance on the bike )

04-16-2007, 11:54 PM
Oh man, thats too bad to hear.

I'm sure someone can help by setting up some sort of fund to offset the cost of the medical bills.

Did he have a helmet on atleast?

04-16-2007, 11:58 PM
Full gear

04-17-2007, 12:06 AM
damn dude that sucks to hear...hope he makes a full recovery

04-17-2007, 07:25 AM
This may sound harsh, but I would have a hard time asking people for money for a guy that went out riding with no insurance. I am sorry your friend got hurt, but that is just stupid.

04-17-2007, 08:48 AM
This may sound harsh, but I would have a hard time asking people for money for a guy that went out riding with no insurance. I am sorry your friend got hurt, but that is just stupid.
agreed. It sucks that he got hurt, I dont like hearing that kind of stuff, but.....he's got $$ for full protective gear and a bike, he should have managed his money a little better and had health and bike insurance. live and learn. I wish him a speedy recovery. Pork, be thankful that wasnt you. Learn from this, be safe.

04-17-2007, 09:21 AM
Obviously neither of you know how much it is for health insurance being a buisness owner. Its hardly affordable.

Insurance on my bike is over 2400 a year, you think I have it? Nope.

04-17-2007, 09:33 AM
Being expensive is better than not having it at all. Now he is looking at damage to the bike and medical bills over $20k as you said. Now you are going to try to hit up other people to help pay his bills? Doesn't make sense to me. I know people that are business owners and complain about health insurance all the time. They still look at it as a must have in case something happens to them that could bankrupt them.

What happens if you or your uninsured buddy cause an accident with another vehicle and people get hurt? You have no insurance, thus you have no business being out on the road.

04-17-2007, 09:36 AM
Don't agree that he was on the road in the first place but he maybe able to hit up Social Security or work with the Hospital on a payment plan.

04-17-2007, 09:57 AM
set up a bike show and charge 5 dollar admition all of your biker friends will come with a lot more. just a suggestion? my cousin recently got into a bike accident but it wasen't his fault he got broad sided by a car running the red light. he was messed up! he got a big settlemet though. his leg was just as bad.


04-17-2007, 10:11 AM
Sorry to hear your friend went down. I went on a nice ride on my bike Sunday also wich was alot of fun on the Mississippi back roads.

A suggestion. get just liability and comp, hospitalization ins. on the bike. That will cut the cost in half. the bike won't be covered if you crash it but you will be and anyone you hit will be too. That's what I did....

you might get a better response on a Bike forum.....

04-17-2007, 10:40 AM
I hope he gets better dude but I agree with the above that he shouldn't even be on the road taking that chance on a bike. Freak accidents happen sadly enough, I didn't realize insurance on a bike was so damn expensive.

Also like stated above if $2,400 is too much you don't want to wait till something similar happens to you like it did you buddy cause that is going to turn out to out to be 100 times more expensive man. This is just my 2 cents...

04-17-2007, 11:31 AM
Hope he recovers fully!! That is why I will never get on one of those stupid things.

04-17-2007, 02:40 PM
His health insurance ended last month or the month before and just hadn't renewed it yet because of the expense, wasn't the best but it was better then what he has now. He was waiting for the switch over.

As far as bike insurance, blow me. 2400 a year for something that I wreck and ruin nothing more then my bike, and MAYBE dent the side of someones car. I have plenty in the bank to repair someones car if I damage it and replace my bike on my own.

I have health insurance, if I go down my health insurance covers it.

04-17-2007, 02:44 PM
Being expensive is better than not having it at all. Now he is looking at damage to the bike and medical bills over $20k as you said. Now you are going to try to hit up other people to help pay his bills? Doesn't make sense to me. I know people that are business owners and complain about health insurance all the time. They still look at it as a must have in case something happens to them that could bankrupt them.

What happens if you or your uninsured buddy cause an accident with another vehicle and people get hurt? You have no insurance, thus you have no business being out on the road.

Your right, I'm his friend but I should tell him to **** off your on your own because he made a foolish mistake. I am helping my buddy, if you dont agree with it then fine but making him sound like an ass when he made poor decision doesn't mean he is a horrible person.

Rolling around through the ghetto, NOONE has insurance on their cars. They have no buisness on the road either, but guess what they are out there and I got hit last year and it totaled my car. I have had liability insurance. **** me too for driving to work and not having full coverage because some slime sucking ghetto hood rat couldn't afford liability insurance?

04-17-2007, 02:51 PM
His health insurance ended last month or the month before and just hadn't renewed it yet because of the expense, wasn't the best but it was better then what he has now. He was waiting for the switch over.

As far as bike insurance, blow me. 2400 a year for something that I wreck and ruin nothing more then my bike, and MAYBE dent the side of someones car. I have plenty in the bank to repair someones car if I damage it and replace my bike on my own.

I have health insurance, if I go down my health insurance covers it.

Not that you have to disclose but why the heck is it 2400 a year??? Lots of tickets? I have had a couple sport bikes and a harley and never was even close to that. If it was I would be hanging it up.

just curious...hope yoour bud pulls through 100%

04-17-2007, 02:55 PM
Being expensive is better than not having it at all. Now he is looking at damage to the bike and medical bills over $20k as you said. Now you are going to try to hit up other people to help pay his bills? Doesn't make sense to me. I know people that are business owners and complain about health insurance all the time. They still look at it as a must have in case something happens to them that could bankrupt them.

What happens if you or your uninsured buddy cause an accident with another vehicle and people get hurt? You have no insurance, thus you have no business being out on the road.

Im gonnna have to say I agree with you to a point...........

04-17-2007, 03:03 PM
Not that you have to disclose but why the heck is it 2400 a year??? Lots of tickets? I have had a couple sport bikes and a harley and never was even close to that. If it was I would be hanging it up.

just curious...hope yoour bud pulls through 100%

2 speeding tickets, and a few equipment violations. Nothing outrageous thats for sure. Am Fam won't insure sport bikes at all, my other bikes are all insured for like 140 a year ( for 3 bikes! )

04-17-2007, 03:13 PM
I can totally understand you wanting to help your friend out. I just don't agree with riding bikes or driving cars without insurance. You said yourself that you have money to pay for your bike if you spill, and health ins. if you get hurt. What if you run into another biker and hurt or kill them. You have enough to cover that lawsuit?

I wasn't trying to be a prick to you, just stating the facts. Insurance is a ***** to pay and I complain about it all the time. BUT, I have it so I don't get asssfukked if something bad happens. I couldn't ask my friends to help me out because I would be called an idiot by them and rightly so.

04-17-2007, 03:43 PM
Rolling around through the ghetto, NOONE has insurance on their cars. They have no buisness on the road either, but guess what they are out there and I got hit last year and it totaled my car. I have had liability insurance. **** me too for driving to work and not having full coverage because some slime sucking ghetto hood rat couldn't afford liability insurance?

kinda like your buddy, right? Dont come on here asking for help or someone's opinion then get schitty with them if they voice their opinions about how irresponsible it is to drive without insurance. It IS irresponsible and maybe now he realizes that the monthly premiums for bike and health insurance are a lot cheaper than forking over $20k
For a second there I felt bad for the guy and was with you...now, not so much.

04-17-2007, 03:43 PM
Sucks for him and I wish him the best, but have to agree, if you don't have insurance you should not be on the road.

04-17-2007, 03:50 PM
agree with all.....hope he gets better but with no insurance on himself or the bike not sure why it left the garage.....i like having all that "in case shit happens" all covered.....never know what can happen or when....

04-17-2007, 04:22 PM
Obviously neither of you know how much it is for health insurance being a buisness owner. Its hardly affordable.

Insurance on my bike is over 2400 a year, you think I have it? Nope.

I paid $150 full coverage last year on my GSXR1000 through state farm. Thats with nothing on my record though. I had a guy I knew hit someone else on a bike and he died. He will be paying off the lawsuit til he dies. No insurance. Real Smart. :thumbsup

How old are you?

04-17-2007, 06:48 PM
Feel free to PM me for my address and drop by some evening.
I will gladly serve you a cold one while we look through my folio of what uninsured motorists have cost me over the last 15 years.
You will be sick to your stomach at what it costs to get hit by someone who can afford to lease a 'dope whip' and then lets the insurance lapse after the first payment.
Being a good friend is cool, but I have a family, so FAWK uninsured motorists.
If I could, I would give you a +1 for being a stand-up, honest guy Pork.
I have a fractured a few laws in my time, but I am a citizen, and I take my quarterly anal rape from my ins. co. with whatever smile I can muster.
My $.02.

84 Regal
04-17-2007, 07:24 PM
no insurance dont ride on the road. PERIOD.

Reverend Cooper
04-17-2007, 08:30 PM
His health insurance ended last month or the month before and just hadn't renewed it yet because of the expense, wasn't the best but it was better then what he has now. He was waiting for the switch over.

As far as bike insurance, blow me. 2400 a year for something that I wreck and ruin nothing more then my bike, and MAYBE dent the side of someones car. I have plenty in the bank to repair someones car if I damage it and replace my bike on my own.

I have health insurance, if I go down my health insurance covers it.

check into cobra insurance if it just ended there is usually a 60 day grace period that you can pay the premium and get the coverage better have him check it out right away. also no offense at all pork to you but really he should have never considered getting on that bike withoust insurance. i just hope he doesnt have kids or a wife to support.

04-17-2007, 10:45 PM
kinda like your buddy, right? Dont come on here asking for help or someone's opinion then get schitty with them if they voice their opinions about how irresponsible it is to drive without insurance. It IS irresponsible and maybe now he realizes that the monthly premiums for bike and health insurance are a lot cheaper than forking over $20k
For a second there I felt bad for the guy and was with you...now, not so much.

Oh please, old car car liability insurance is 25 a month TOPS even with a speeding ticket or two. Its NOTHING like bike insurance, where it costs 200 a month for some of us. How is that comparable? I wasn't getting shitty, I was sharing my opinion. If you took it shitty, then you need to REEEEElax

04-17-2007, 10:47 PM
Too many " WHAT IF's " in this thread. I am asking for suggestions on doing some sort of fund raiser ride, not your opinions on insured or uninsured motorists.

Some of you people CANT BE HAPPY without drama, get real.

Reverend Cooper
04-17-2007, 10:48 PM
not trying to start shit with you at all pork but really you gotta pay if you wanna play. if you cant afford it dont do it again no offense to you

04-17-2007, 10:50 PM
I paid $150 full coverage last year on my GSXR1000 through state farm. Thats with nothing on my record though. I had a guy I knew hit someone else on a bike and he died. He will be paying off the lawsuit til he dies. No insurance. Real Smart. :thumbsup

How old are you?

State farm gave me a great rate for my TL1000R, but after they saw I had 2 speeding tickets they said they couldn't insure me till at least one of them was 3 years old. They were both 10-15 over on the interstate. I think full coverage for the bike through State farm with 1 speeding ticket was something like 300 ish / year.

04-17-2007, 10:52 PM
not trying to start shit with you at all pork but really you gotta pay if you wanna play. if you cant afford it dont do it again no offense to you

:-P I just got back from riding, UNINSURED DUH DUH DUHHHHHH.

If I crash into your car, I'll pay in cash that same day if the bank is open. I am not going to pay 2400 to insure my bike through a company that wont pay the bills when something happens anyways ( progressive ). Thats the only company I could get it through that I have asked thus far, and other friends have gone down and progressive fought them the whole way. Why bother paying if it means nothing you know?

When are we shooting your stang btw?

04-17-2007, 10:55 PM
you gotta pay if you wanna play

Best line yet.

Junky Giorgio
04-17-2007, 10:58 PM
quoted for truth! ^^^^^

Reverend Cooper
04-17-2007, 10:58 PM
dood when you kill me with your bike the bank aint gonna have that kind of money. all i am saying is its a huge gamble that will ruin the rest of your life if it happens again jmho. also i will be heading up to automation with you guys maybe we can get some pics up there

04-17-2007, 11:20 PM
^ yah, my bike is going to drive through your car and injure you.

Tell you what, give me TWO THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED dollars, and I will insure my bike for a year.

Do you KNOW how much money that is?

04-18-2007, 08:10 AM
Pork, I've never met you and have no idea how old you are but just by reading your logic on insurance and "if i hit you i'll go to the bank and just get cash" comment, I'd say your around 13-17 years old.
You seriously think that someone in a car cant be injured by being broadsided by a motorcycle?
Get insurance or stay off the road!

04-18-2007, 08:19 AM
Just curious man, if you are willing to go to the bank immediatley after hitting someones car and paying for the damage out of your pocket (if it ever happened) also you said that you have plenty of money in the bank to go out and buy a new bike if yours got totalled. Soooo why don't you take some of that money and go and get some insurance instead of taking a chance of any of the above happening?

Also if its 2,400 a year then couldn't you get that broken down quarterley and not just an entire year like auto insurance? Im not sure if its different that car insurance as I have never owned my own bike.:)

04-18-2007, 08:50 AM

(In Before TheCops Bust Your Azz For Being A Retard)
Note: If I were defrauding the government by pretending to be a retard and claiming money, I wouldn't post up about it in a public forum.
Announcing your blatant lack of financial culpability/responsibility is equally stupid.

04-18-2007, 09:00 AM
I dont think WI requires by to have insurance on a car you own like some states do.

I know in Colorado when your pulled over they will ask for License, registration, and proof of insurance.

04-18-2007, 09:11 AM

I know for a fact that in West Virginia the DMV keeps close tabs on who has insurance and who doesnt. If they find out you dont have auto insurance, they will (and have) come to your house at night at take the license plates right off of you car.:headbang
Dont have insurance? Dont drive! If you do, you're a moron- PERIOD! You got $$ for a bike or car and fancy bright neon lights or rims or whatever but dont want to spend the cash on being a RESPONSIBLE ADULT, you deserve to go flying off the road and I just hope my wife and 3 kids arent involved!
done with this topic! some people's kids, I tell ya!

Slow Joe
04-18-2007, 09:27 AM
Sorry to hear about your buddy... Maybe some kind of fund raiser like a bike show or such should be done. And all or most of the proceeds donated to him.

I'm not going to do a huge insurance lecture here, but here is what I'll say. Kristie and I pay over $250 a month for car insurance (3 cars, 1 with liability only, and it's more than 25/mo for liability only) and that's the lowest rate we could find. I'd rather pay that than have to pay for damages, etc, etc if her or I hit someone.

04-18-2007, 09:39 AM
I dont think WI requires by to have insurance on a car you own like some states do.
I know in Colorado when your pulled over they will ask for License, registration, and proof of insurance.
Wi is a no fault state and does not require insurance. Instead they make the rest of us pay for it with higher premiums. I agree that uninsured drivers suck especially in wrecks.

Sorry to hear about your friend, try a bike cruise-in at a local burger joint and ask for donations from the bike community. Maybe a nice weather cruise would help raise some cash or a garage sale of spare parts that local members might have laying around.

04-18-2007, 09:54 AM
Wi is a no fault state and does not require insurance. Instead they make the rest of us pay for it with higher premiums. I agree that uninsured drivers suck especially in wrecks .

Damn right they do, you feel totally helpless and and its hard to get shit taken car of cause it comes out of your own pocket for the way someone else drivers and if that isnt bad enough then your rates go up and thats where it really starts to hurt. Insurance is a huge rip off but its something you gotta have:(

04-18-2007, 10:13 AM

(In Before TheCops Bust Your Azz For Being A Retard)
Note: If I were defrauding the government by pretending to be a retard and claiming money, I wouldn't post up about it in a public forum.
Announcing your blatant lack of financial culpability/responsibility is equally stupid.

What are you talking about? I have done nothing illegal, and again, stop whoring the thread.

It is designed to make sure that any motorist licensed to drive in Wisconsin has insurance or enough money to pay for damages to others that may be caused by a motor vehicle.


I know for a fact that in West Virginia the DMV keeps close tabs on who has insurance and who doesnt. If they find out you dont have auto insurance, they will (and have) come to your house at night at take the license plates right off of you car.:headbang
Dont have insurance? Dont drive! If you do, you're a moron- PERIOD! You got $$ for a bike or car and fancy bright neon lights or rims or whatever but dont want to spend the cash on being a RESPONSIBLE ADULT, you deserve to go flying off the road and I just hope my wife and 3 kids arent involved!
done with this topic! some people's kids, I tell ya!

You want to argue about maturity, and you are here wishing harm on someone you have never met? You're a real winner. Get bent dude.

04-18-2007, 10:15 AM
You want to argue about maturity, and you are here wishing harm on someone you have never met? You're a real winner. Get bent dude.

yeah im with pork on this one. there was no reason to wish that upon a board member, unless its 300pny.

04-18-2007, 10:31 AM
What are you talking about? I have done nothing illegal, and again, stop whoring the thread.

It is designed to make sure that any motorist licensed to drive in Wisconsin has insurance or enough money to pay for damages to others that may be caused by a motor vehicle.

I am not Nightmare'ing this thread, or any other.
Figures that this azz-backwards state wouldn't REQUIRE insurance.
I am not the least bit surprised.
My offer for the cold one still stands.
At least consider liability.
The person whose car you hit and cannot pay for may not be as 'nice' as I am about it, and decide to take a wrench to your head in lieu of payment.

04-18-2007, 11:10 AM
Make sure he looks into COBRA insurance.

If that isn't an option, most hospitals are happy with ANY sort of monthly payment. Even if it is only $50.

04-18-2007, 06:10 PM
I am not Nightmare'ing this thread, or any other.
Figures that this azz-backwards state wouldn't REQUIRE insurance.
I am not the least bit surprised.
My offer for the cold one still stands.
At least consider liability.
The person whose car you hit and cannot pay for may not be as 'nice' as I am about it, and decide to take a wrench to your head in lieu of payment.

As soon July rolls around I'll be able to afford liability insurance as one of my tickets will be 3 years old. Trust me, I hate not having insurance just can't afford it at the moment

listen kid, I'll get bent when you step up to the plate, be a responsible man and get insurance on your riced out bike. till then, **** you and everyone else without insurance. I hope your buddy heals, but I also hope his dumbass never gets on another bike- he obviously shouldnt be riding one anyway.
good day

Thought I would put this in here, just to show how much of a knob you are :thumbsup

04-18-2007, 06:11 PM
Make sure he looks into COBRA insurance.

If that isn't an option, most hospitals are happy with ANY sort of monthly payment. Even if it is only $50.

I think your the second person that said so I will def have him and his girlfriend look into that.

04-18-2007, 06:55 PM
atta boy, show your immaturity. I kept those comments in private and you brought it out in the open. Smart move kid

04-18-2007, 06:57 PM
yeah im with pork on this one. there was no reason to wish that upon a board member, unless its 300pny.

hahahaha fuggin awesome

04-18-2007, 06:57 PM
atta boy, show your immaturity. I kept those comments in private and you brought it out in the open. Smart move kid

well your comments were just filled with douche baggery, so I feel porks responses were definitely called for :thumbsup

04-18-2007, 07:08 PM
well your comments were just filled with douche baggery, so I feel porks responses were definitely called for :thumbsup

"douche baggery"? kinda like when Lekan came up with "Asshattery" classic liners there.

04-18-2007, 08:05 PM
As soon July rolls around I'll be able to afford liability insurance as one of my tickets will be 3 years old. Trust me, I hate not having insurance just can't afford it at the moment

Thought I would put this in here, just to show how much of a knob you are :thumbsup

I am confused now. Some previous posts you eluded to the fact that you had money in the bank to take care of any damages you caused. :wtf

04-18-2007, 08:06 PM
I am confused now. Some previous posts you eluded to the fact that you had money in the bank to take care of any damages you caused. :wtf

I think he was trying to say he would prefer to have insurance, however at the current moment im time, if a situation would arise, he'd have the scrilla to cover it :thumbsup

04-18-2007, 08:14 PM
Sorry, that's not what he said. Still confused. lol

04-18-2007, 08:17 PM
he obviously said he doesnt like having insurance, therefore, he prefers to have insurance. However he said if something happens right now, he has the money to cover it. I dont see where the confusion is coming from....

04-18-2007, 08:20 PM
If he prefers to have insurance and has the money to cover $20k in damages, he has the money for premiums so he wouldn't have to cover $20k in damages. See where the confusion is on my part yet?

04-18-2007, 08:26 PM
If he prefers to have insurance and has the money to cover $20k in damages, he has the money for premiums so he wouldn't have to cover $20k in damages. See where the confusion is on my part yet?

I dont see how a bike could cause 20 grand in damage to someones car, but ok.... anyway, he said his premiums are like 2400 a month, however in a few months his premiums will drop and be more affordable. I also think his stash is an emergency stash, and he prefers not to spend it on bills and such, however if en emergency arose, such as him hitting another car, he theoretically could bust it out.

04-18-2007, 08:31 PM
I am not going to argue with you about this Mike. His premiums were $2400 per year I believe. He and his friend really should be responsible and have insurance, but I guess it's not my business. If they hit someone and badly injure or kill them, they will see what I am talking about. Many people in this thread have agreed that you should have insurance or don't ride. I can't see how people justify being out there with no insurance.

04-18-2007, 08:39 PM
same reason why I dont currently have health insurance right now, pretty damn expensive. now that my employer has offered it to me, thats a different story, but still. there is nothing to argue about. its his decision. I bike isnt going to cause severe bodily damage to someone in a car, and vehicle damange can be fixed, so if the uninsured rider of the bike is taking a risk, crashes, has 40g's in health bills now cuz he didnt have insurance, thats his own fault and not yours. case closed :D

04-18-2007, 08:41 PM
I am not going to argue with you about this Mike. His premiums were $2400 per year I believe. He and his friend really should be responsible and have insurance, but I guess it's not my business. If they hit someone and badly injure or kill them, they will see what I am talking about. Many people in this thread have agreed that you should have insurance or don't ride. I can't see how people justify being out there with no insurance.

I am breaking no laws and I can cover my ass if I am in an accident, so I don't see how this decision is any of YOUR buisness? I am not going to flush 1400 down the toilet so I can get insurance NOW when I can wait a few months and save a LOT of money.

All of these personal attacks are real mature guys, seriously. Grow up.

04-18-2007, 08:43 PM

Reverend Cooper
04-18-2007, 08:50 PM
I am breaking no laws and I can cover my ass if I am in an accident, so I don't see how this decision is any of YOUR buisness? I am not going to flush 1400 down the toilet so I can get insurance NOW when I can wait a few months and save a LOT of money.

All of these personal attacks are real mature guys, seriously. Grow up.

hey pork this is the internet. if we were all talking at culvers it prolly wouldnt seem like the attack you feel it is. 1400.00 is not a waste of money if it keeps you from a life of misery is it? that statement is not logical, what You are telling me is YOU dont care enough about YOUR future to INSURE its gonna be good. Pork dont take it the wrong way man,i think most guys here care and dont want you to learn from a mistake. they want you to learn from theirs or people that they may know and those mistakes. again no offense intended dood . and yes i did mention the cobra ins. do that right away and remember YOU gotta pay if YOU wanna play.

04-18-2007, 08:54 PM
I was just trying to give a fellow BCM'er some insight into what could happen. It is really not my business if something happens and he is screwed for the rest of his life. I just would hate to see that happen.

04-18-2007, 09:00 PM
For the third time, REGARDLESS of what you KEEP typing, this is NOT what this thread is about.

I am asking for SUGGESTIONS ON HOW TO RAISE MONEY, not SUGGESTIONS on if I should insure my motorcycle cause it ISN'T GOING TO HAPPEN right now.

I don't know how I could possibly explain this any better. I may be better off with insurance, but I am not spending the money right now for reasons I don't need to explain. And for those suggesting I use my money to donate, I already have not that its your buisness anyways. He would do the same for me.

04-18-2007, 09:02 PM
Sorry Pork, you are right. We got off topic here. Maybe Yoo or someone could start this over or delete it and you can open another thread. I will stay out of it, I promise.

Reverend Cooper
04-18-2007, 09:15 PM
thats cool pork what about a cruise or a poker run?

Slow Joe
04-18-2007, 09:20 PM
Donate your 20k in the bank to your buddy?

(Sorry, I had to... :rolf)

04-18-2007, 09:51 PM
Group Buy FTMFW!

04-19-2007, 08:07 PM
I dont see how a bike could cause 20 grand in damage to someones car, but ok.... .
talk about a comment filled with "douche baggery"!?! A bike slams into the side of a car at about 60mph, hitting it square in the driver's door, you dont think that the driver is going to walk away from that one do ya? There's more at stake than just getting some metal fixed up, there's the human life factor.

Pork, I apologize for the "douche baggery" comments and for getting out of line. I normally enjoy reading your posts but this whole "riding without insurance" crap got my blood boiling. You are free to do whatever you want in life, everyone here will give you that....BUT, driving a car or bike without insurance for whatever reason, is just plain stupid. When you get older and have a family it will all make sense.
Now, back to the topic at hand. Talk to some guys who've been involved in a poker run (harley riders do it all the time for fund raisers). That might be a good start at coming up with some funds for your buddy. It's been a couple days since the wreck, how's he doing anyway?

04-19-2007, 09:56 PM
same reason why I dont currently have health insurance right now, pretty damn expensive. now that my employer has offered it to me, thats a different story, but still. there is nothing to argue about. its his decision. I bike isnt going to cause severe bodily damage to someone in a car, and vehicle damange can be fixed, so if the uninsured rider of the bike is taking a risk, crashes, has 40g's in health bills now cuz he didnt have insurance, thats his own fault and not yours. case closed :D

Good call, We Todd...
Just aim for cars that you can afford to fawk up...
'As long as I don't hit a school bus...I'm coooool.......'
Did your parents have any kids that lived?
Just curious...

04-19-2007, 11:26 PM
It may not be the brightest decision, but neither is riding a sport bike in general. Life is all about risks.

I have been in and out of the hospital the last few days, he was able to have his shoulder surgery yesterday and everything went swell. He has to go through a bunch of physical therapy to re-learn to walk, should be out in 2 weeks or so.

As for funds, the hospital has some sort of aid program for people who don't have insurance and it sounds like it is going to help out tremendously. So we will see.

Slow Joe
04-19-2007, 11:53 PM
Good to hear that man!! :thumbsup I wish him well...