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View Full Version : Quitting Smoking...

03-20-2007, 10:14 AM
Has anyone on here ever herd of/used the new drug (Chantix) to stop smoking? I have been on it for 7 days now and they say by the 8th day you "should" be smokefree. Go onto webmd and type the name into the search engine and you can read about it. This stuff so far is amazing, I'm on my 7th day and I'm also on the same pack of smokes that I opned on Saturday.

I just don't have the urge to do it as often as I use to, its crazy! I;m hoping that this will be my last pack, I've wanted to quit for some time now and I've tried cold turkey and tried Zyban among other methods and this by far so far is superior to any of thos other methods I have tried.

The quit rate on this stuff is in the upper 40th percent which is awesome compare to any other method. I had 3 smokes (only had half of each one cause I didn't even want to finish them) since 3pm yesterday. I'm just really excited that I may be able to finally kick this filthy habit.

03-20-2007, 10:18 AM
Was it perscribed by a doc or is it OTC?

03-20-2007, 10:26 AM
i quit 2 years ago...cold turkey....if it's going to work for you ...you can't smoke and be on the drug....your trying to quit but yet your still smokeing.....THROW THEM AWAY....you'll sleep better, your food will taste better once you quit....trust me...and you'll feel a hell of alot better as well

03-20-2007, 10:32 AM
i am sick of smoking and have too decided to quit. i used the patches last summer and quit for 4 months. then some things came up and i started again. my wife is expecting and i DO NOT want to smoke anymore. i decided when i got the car out i was done. i had 4 cigarettes yesterday compared with a whole pack like usual. tell us more about this Chantix, how do you sleep when you are on it. where do you get it and do you need a prescription?

03-20-2007, 10:38 AM
Prescribed by a Dr.

Wayne, the thing about this drug is simple. You pick a quit date and you start taking the medication. you start out days 1-3 you take (1) .5mg in the morn, Days 4-7 you take (2) .5mg one in the morning and one in the evening. On day 8 you take (2) 1mg one morning and one evening.

The is NO NICOTINE in this medication, what it does is it attaches itself to some receptiors in your brain where the natural Dopamine which makes smoking appeling and some other things as well, its pretty intresting.

GO HERE>>> www.chantix.com


03-20-2007, 10:42 AM
The other people I have talked to that have used this medication and after talking to my Dr the vast majority of the people that use this medication sleep BETTER than they normally do.

In my case I have been sleeping much better than I normally would be, why? I dont know, there are no cravings like I would normally have. The smoke I had this morning I just did not want to finish, it is losing its apeal and thats that. Its really weird and hard for me to explain. But I have been smoking for years now and this is the first time something is actually working for me and thus far its a GREAT feeling.:banana1:

03-20-2007, 11:05 AM
I'll have to give that a shot.

03-20-2007, 11:24 AM
your sleeping better because there is less nicotine in your system.....read my pm...............lol.lol.lol

03-20-2007, 11:24 AM
sounds like i will be calling my doc!

03-20-2007, 01:04 PM
X2 need to quit that habit bro

Props for sharing!

03-20-2007, 02:11 PM
I used Chantix. It is actually quite good. You take it for 3 months, and can repeat the 3 months one more time for a total of 6 months. It does work, and I should have gone for the second set of 3 months, but at 120/month, it gets expensive.

I am planning on quitting again as soon as this semester of school is done and I can relax a bit!

Mr. Brett
03-20-2007, 02:29 PM
The only way to quit smoking for good is to go cold turkey. There's no trick to it. It's all about will power. I quit cold turkey almost 2 years ago after smoking for 10 years. It's hard for the first 2 months, but if you can fight the urges, you're home free.

03-20-2007, 02:54 PM
Congrats on quiting and Being smoke free for 7 days. It is the toughest habbit to kick. I know I am still trying to quit. I am actually taking a Smoking censation class at the end of march to see if they could offer me some tips to be smoke free.

03-20-2007, 03:00 PM
cold turkey.


03-20-2007, 03:42 PM
good for you... I hope you follow through with it.

place your bets :banana

03-20-2007, 03:44 PM
All of my friends who've quit are always saying how much better they feel and how much better food tastes.

Good luck!

I'm not a cigarette smoker, but I'll never turn down a good cigar :goof

Prince Valiant
03-20-2007, 05:19 PM
Good luck, all's of you's

03-20-2007, 05:29 PM
All of my friends who've quit are always saying how much better they feel and how much better food tastes.

Good luck!

I'm not a cigarette smoker, but I'll never turn down a good cigar :goof

when i quit last summer it was crazy how different things taste and smell. within a few weeks of not smoking, foods tasted way better, my sense of smell was not only stronger but things that i thought smelt funny actually didn't. also within only a few days my teeth became whiter and i had tons more energy. one thing that sucks is the weight gain. i packed the pounds back on after losing over 40 pounds earlier, many of them came back. after i started again, those pounds never did leave. i i guess i would rather be heavier and able to breathe, than 40 pounds lighter with lung cancer.:alcoholic

Prince Valiant
03-20-2007, 05:31 PM
one thing that sucks is the weight gain. i packed the pounds back on after losing over 40 pounds earlier, many of them came back. after i started again, those pounds never did leave. Generally people substitute one habit for another...if the smoking was the cause for you lower weight, you would have likely lost that weight then when you started up.

03-20-2007, 05:33 PM
Generally people substitute one habit for another...if the smoking was the cause for you lower weight, you would have likely lost that weight then when you started up.

i think it was a combination of the nicotine and just eating more. i actually started EATING on my lunch breaks and could actually enjoy a meal not thinking about that wonderful tasting after food cigarette.

03-20-2007, 06:39 PM
Cold turkey here too, back in 2003 after 7-8 years. Wife told me to try quitting after I told her "I could quit whenever I want".
It was more of a habbit than actually being ADDICTED..... after eating, while driving, while working, etc....
After lighting one up after quitting for a month, it felt like the first time I ever smoked a cig... I could hardly choke it down, and right then I knew I was DONE.

Good luck to those of you who are trying to kick it.

03-20-2007, 06:43 PM
I know you guys don't know me, But trust me if I could quite you can! Just give yourself a good reason and do it! Its only hard in the beginning. And watch the:alcoholic that will screw it up!

03-20-2007, 07:52 PM
Best wishes on quiting. Sounds like a cool drug. I know how hard it can be to quit. I finally quit 8 years ago after several failed attempts. Had my tonsils taken out. My throat hurt so bad i couldn't bear the pain from inhaling a cig. After a week the nicotine is pretty much out of your system and it gets a lot easier. Being around others smoking will make it harder to quit as well. :thumbsup

03-20-2007, 11:29 PM
Sounds like a cool drug.


03-20-2007, 11:35 PM
I prefer my turkey cooked