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View Full Version : congradulations Ted Thompson

03-10-2007, 12:26 PM
i was just reading ESPN and the Raiders signed Justin Griffith today, now what the hell they gonna do at FB....that's always been my hate of TT is the fact that he waits and waits and waits until all the good players are gone


Neal Steffek
03-10-2007, 12:29 PM
I am sure you are aware there is this thing called the draft coming up right. :durr

03-10-2007, 12:34 PM
Yeah, 'cause Ted Thompson has really made a name for himself with all of his kick-ass draft picks...:durr

03-10-2007, 12:35 PM
hopefully he's smart enough to try and get a guy like lenord out of rutgers...that guys like a running back that is a great blocker

03-10-2007, 12:35 PM
i was just reading ESPN and the Raiders signed Justin Griffith today, now what the hell they gonna do at FB....that's always been my hate of TT is the fact that he waits and waits and waits until all the good players are gone


Yes, they are for the most part gone.....

Karps TA
03-10-2007, 01:12 PM
I'm not sure what Ol Sleep at the wheel Thompson is doing. I read we brought in Donnie Edwards. WTF?? the one position we actually have depth on is LB. How bought addressing the TE, WR, RB dire needs? I understand the desire to use the draft, but it's not like he's been a draft genius so far and you're not going to fill all those holes in the draft.

03-11-2007, 01:20 PM
I'm not sure what Ol Sleep at the wheel Thompson is doing. I read we brought in Donnie Edwards. WTF?? the one position we actually have depth on is LB. How bought addressing the TE, WR, RB dire needs? I understand the desire to use the draft, but it's not like he's been a draft genius so far and you're not going to fill all those holes in the draft.

wr needs? we have 3 solid wide outs....
we definantyl need a tight end (why didnt we go for randy mcmichael)?
we have 2 solid lb's and donniw edwards would have been a good addition.(he signed already)
we brought in rueben droughns? (luckily he singed else where)!!!
we didnt try to get willis mcgahee..or thomas jones...both would be great fits..
we didnt even try and sign j lewis( i know hes not GREAT but hes better than we have)
we didnt try to sign joey porter who is a top 5 linebacker....

oh well theres still hope we makes some GOOD moves lol

03-11-2007, 01:25 PM
oh and we didnt try to get dominic rhodes..(again bettet than we have)

BEST CASE SCENARIO...packers pull off a huge trade and get adrian peterson!!!!! only in cheeseheads dreams...lol

Reverend Cooper
03-11-2007, 03:02 PM
i a so glad that the packers are getting farve back so he can get beat up all year...a guy can just see it coming

03-11-2007, 03:09 PM
wr needs? we have 3 solid wide outs....

For shits and giggles, could you please name the other 2 solid wide-outs, minus an injured rookie coming into his first veteran season and not DD.

Karps TA
03-11-2007, 03:17 PM
wr needs? we have 3 solid wide outs....
we definantyl need a tight end (why didnt we go for randy mcmichael)?
we have 2 solid lb's and donniw edwards would have been a good addition.(he signed already)
we brought in rueben droughns? (luckily he singed else where)!!!
we didnt try to get willis mcgahee..or thomas jones...both would be great fits..
we didnt even try and sign j lewis( i know hes not GREAT but hes better than we have)
we didnt try to sign joey porter who is a top 5 linebacker....

oh well theres still hope we makes some GOOD moves lol

3WR's? I count maybe 2 with Driver and Jennings. Who is the 3rd? Certainly you're not counting on "I'll have another" Robinson? Cause it can't be Fergie.

Joey Porter is done. People are wondering why Miami gave him so much money cause most people in the league say his tank is empty. He'll be a non factor this year, much like he was last year.

The Bears were not going to trade Jones to anybody in the division. You'd don't do that. McGahee I would have liked, but the price was way too high for a guy who has yet to play a full season and avg's less then 4 yards a carry. Plus he's got knee, back and concussion problems. That's not good injuries for a RB.

LB is our deepest positon. If they'd play Hodge in the middle and have Hawk and Barnett outside they'd have one of the best LB corps in the league. But they don't want to bruise Barnetts fragile ego. Funny he cried about getting moved to weakside LB saying that position would hurt his tackle stats. They didn't seem to hurt Hawk, as he had more tackles then Barnett.

We need some offense in the worst way. To have one of the greatest QB's of all time and not surround him with better talent is a crime. I don't get why they aren't trying to make a serious run at the SB this year. Or the last 3 to be honest. They've got some decent pieces in places. They just need a few holes plugged and they could do something.

03-11-2007, 03:33 PM
3 solid wide out... DD..greg jennings "should" be even better in year 2...and koren robinson as a number 3 is great..

joey porter is done? um.....NO

play hodge in the middle? hodge? cmon man your kidding right?

i know ther bears wouldnt have traded him but you never know...

03-11-2007, 03:40 PM
mcgahee is a very very good back....he was running behind the bills o-line with NO passing offense and an overall bad team...could be a top 10 or better back next year..

Karps TA
03-11-2007, 03:41 PM
Hodge is going to be the MLB for the Packers for years to come. The guy was a great player in college. The guy can hit and plays the run with attitude. He needs to work on his pass defense. But he played pretty good against Seattle, he got alot more blame then he deserved in that game. The 2 safeties blew more coverages then he did.

Robinson is a drunk and a waste of time. Theres nothing to do in GB. Theres no way he keeps himself out of trouble. I'd rather us find a real #3 WR that will actually be able to play with the team the entire season. Not just the second half.

As for Porter, teams weren't exactly running over themselves to sign him. Must be a reason.

Karps TA
03-11-2007, 03:45 PM
mcgahee is a very very good back....he was running behind the bills o-line with NO passing offense and an overall bad team...could be a top 10 or better back next year..

He is a very good back when healthy. But being a very good back and sitting in sweats on the sidelines doesn't really help a team at all.

He's still not worth to me a #3 and #7 this year and a #3 next year. 2 first day picks is just too much for a RB today. Theres too many of them. Maybe if they could have got him for just a 3 and a 7 I could see that. But not 2-3's.

03-11-2007, 03:47 PM
he signed with the dolphins rather quickly didnt he? we want out thetre for along time was he? a few days max...i think

hodge<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< porter ..correct...would have been a great upgrade..
and "if" drunk ass koren can be sober he s a great number 3...if not than yes hes a waste of space and talent

03-11-2007, 03:51 PM
alot of good backs is true but how many "franchise" backs are there? i think he can be a franchise back so the picks would be a good deal if I were the gm

Karps TA
03-11-2007, 03:53 PM
That's cause Miami thru way more money at him then anyone else was even close to paying. From everything I've seen GM's around the league are stumped why they paid so much for Porter and that the 'fins offer of 19.75 mill of garunteed money was wayyyy more then any other team was willing to offer.

We'll see though. Maybe he played poorly cause the whole team played crappy. Having Jason Taylor on the opposite side of him should make his life easier.

Karps TA
03-11-2007, 03:55 PM
alot of good backs is true but how many "franchise" backs are there? i think he can be a franchise back so the picks would be a good deal if I were the gm

RB's avg like 5-6 years though. He's already played 3 years and has spent alot of time injured. It's too big of a risk IMO.

I've argued this point with my best friend all week. So I'm prepped for this one. :rolf

03-11-2007, 04:13 PM
they USED to avg 5-6 years now guys play well into there 30's and can still be productive hes 25..."if" he stays healthy you should be able to get around 7 good season..plus he hasnt logged aton of carries so he should be relativaly fresh...

i love football even the offseason draws up debates..lol

Karps TA
03-11-2007, 04:39 PM
Well atleast we can agree our beloved Packers haven't done a damn thing to make the team better.

03-11-2007, 04:45 PM
Well atleast we can agree our beloved Packers haven't done a damn thing to make the team better.

:rolf so sad but so true:(

03-11-2007, 04:46 PM
they really messed up by not attempting to bring in randy mcmichael...hes a very good young tight end....

Karps TA
03-11-2007, 04:58 PM
That is the only player that I really wanted when he got released. He was exactly what they needed. Plus with him having issues with beating his wife, it filled the void left when Green departed.

03-11-2007, 06:05 PM
they really messed up by not attempting to bring in randy mcmichael...hes a very good young tight end....

I'm not even going to bother attempting to argue after reading such a bad post

03-11-2007, 11:17 PM
I'm not even going to bother attempting to argue after reading such a bad post

so he's not a very good young tight end? do you watch football? i guess not

03-12-2007, 12:13 AM
Thompson gets alot of flack and deserves alot, but overspending, making a reaction signing or trade is a sign of a dumb GM in any sport. Hopefully he has a plan, if they are targeting a certain RB in the draft, then it makes sense not to bother signing a pricey one. Even though Thomas Jones was had for dirt cheap really.

McMichael would of been nice...a solid receiving TE is a must this off-season, IMO.

03-12-2007, 12:21 AM
i agree i hope he has a plan....hope being the word..lol