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View Full Version : Morning Fart-er

03-09-2007, 02:52 AM
There once was a couple

Every morning, the husband would let out a big fart.
His wife warned that he would eventually fart his
innards out if he continued to fart every morning.
Being male, he shrugged it off.

Fed up with her husband's anus air,
the wife woke up early one morning before him.
She took some leftover chicken and beef from the fridge
and warmed it till it was luke-warm.
Gently, she pulled down her husband's drawers
and filled them with the slurry.

The wife decided to go back downstairs and wait for the magic moment.
As usual, he let out his morning breeze.
Then she heard him screem and go running to the bathroom.
Smiling, she went about her usual morning routine, imagining mornings without farts.

A few minutes later, her husband came down the stairs.
To her surprise, he appeared to be relieved...

"well honey, you were right.
I farted out my guts this morning,
but with the help of God, and these two fingers...

...I got them all back in!!!"


03-09-2007, 12:27 PM
dude thats just nasty!!!

03-10-2007, 12:14 AM
oh my fvcking god.....

dood what the..........

03-11-2007, 09:23 AM
Bwhahah.. Nasty