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02-14-2007, 04:37 PM
The next time your woman asks for a rock, make her read this article:
Have You Ever Tried to Sell a Diamond? (http://www.theatlantic.com/doc/198202/diamond)

It's a pretty good read on the evolution of the diamond industry, the monopoly, it's ad campaign that brain washed cultures over decades to give the perception of its worth and importance, and other interesting tid-bits...

Car Guy
02-14-2007, 05:36 PM
My thoughts exactly...!

I'll admit it, the engagement ring that I gave to the love of my life was one that a friend of a friend bought and never used. He paid $2750 for it (in cash) just before he was 'let go' by his lady friend, so I bought it from him for $400. That's all he could get for it, and it even came with a new wedding ring for me.....:D

Call me cheap or ??? but the way I look at it if you are committed to someone you don't need a $10,000 rock to show it. Of course you want something nice for your significant other to wear but to me there's a point of OVERKILL!!!. I would rather take the remaining $8k and buy a car, a larger TV, AND/OR a spa for the backyard.....

Now with that said I could have just told everybody that I paid full price for it right from the jeweler and NOBODY would ever know the difference, and I would still be with my woman.....:thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup

02-14-2007, 05:40 PM
i photo weddings as you all know..and 10k on a rock is nothing now adays.....these fools are spending 25k and up on a ring for there to be wife...what the hell is wrong with these guys...

Car Guy
02-14-2007, 06:35 PM
i photo weddings as you all know..and 10k on a rock is nothing now adays.....these fools are spending 25k and up on a ring for there to be wife...what the hell is wrong with these guys...

What's sad is many of those people get divorced, and in most other cases after the initial WOW of a huge rock (and how much was spent) it becomes normal.....just like a ring that costs $2k......:chair: :chair: :chair:

02-15-2007, 07:31 AM
$10K is nothing like Wayne said.....

02-15-2007, 08:59 AM
and then the morons file chapter 7.......no shit, you just went in debt with the ring for her plus the 70k plus wedding SHE wanted.then bought the home of your dreams...and she had to have that new car..and you wonder why you went broke you dumb asses.....and then got the divorce...and what makes it worse...they will do again with the next women they find.....i've seen it...i did a wedding for a girl on the southside...she got married twice in 3 years...big weddings , both of them......big ass rocks too...on her finger boys...get your minds out of the gutter......

02-15-2007, 09:09 AM
Man I paid 2,700 for my wifes ring and I thought that was a ton. When I went to several places these jewlers were trying to sell me these HUGE and I mean fukin huge rocks that there was no way in hell that I could afford.

She was plenty happy with what I got her even if it was a 200 dollar ring she would be happy thank god she is not materalistic or greedy. I just wanted to make sure it would be a ring she would be happy with and proud to wear for the rest of her life with me.:thumbsup

Car Guy
02-15-2007, 09:13 AM
I know $10k is nothing nowadays but for most people on an average income it's quite a lot. Now that I think of it even if I was extremely wealthy I would still have a hard time spending that much on a ring.....

That's just me...? :goof :goof :goof

BUT.....I would spend $10k on a turbo kit for one of my 'toys', and you might say "well that's stupid too". However, to me that's something you can have fun with and experience, not just something you look at :wooo and say WOW is that thing huge (talking about the ring still!)......

Car Guy
02-15-2007, 09:19 AM
Man I paid 2,700 for my wifes ring and I thought that was a ton. When I went to several places these jewlers were trying to sell me these HUGE and I mean fukin huge rocks that there was no way in hell that I could afford.

She was plenty happy with what I got her even if it was a 200 dollar ring she would be happy thank god she is not materalistic or greedy. I just wanted to make sure it would be a ring she would be happy with and proud to wear for the rest of her life with me.:thumbsup

She was happy and proud because it came from you, and that's all that matters. It's supposed to be the meaning, not the physical appearance.....

I joked around before I asked the 'big question' and said "how many boxes of cracker jacks does someone have to buy before you get one of those nice plastic rings as a prizeā€..... :D :D :D

02-15-2007, 09:21 AM
when Ann an i got married in 1993...i remember the date as well i had it tattooed on my head....i had it custom made and only spent 2400.00 on it....does she care?...no...it's just a ring....bigger the ring don't mean were more married then the rest....or we'll stay married longer....just a round piece of gold with a hard shinny rock in the middle....that once you leave the store is worth a lot less then you think.......