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View Full Version : Little Johnny

02-11-2007, 04:17 PM
One day, johnny was sitting in class when the teacher aksed them to participate in a math contest.

Later that day, johnny went home with his report card and he had an F in math. His dad saw this and said:

"Why the hell did you get an F in math?"
"Well, the teacher asked me what 2 times 3 was."
"Well, I said 6."
"So whats the problem?"
"Well, then she asked me what 3 times two was."
"Same fvckin thing!!"
"Thats what I told her!!"

So, needles to say, his parents sent him out to his grandparents for the weekend. Johnny was sitting on the front porch with his grandpa who was smoking a cigar and Johnny said:

"Hey grandpa, what cha got there?"
"It's a cigar Johnny."
"Can I try it?"
"Let me ask you a question, can you stick your d!ck up your own a$$?"
"Come on grandpa, im only 6 years old. Give me a year or two more..."
"Well then no, you cant have any of my cigar."

Later that same afternoon Johnny went outside to find his grandpa drinking a beer...

"What's that grandpa?"
"A beer"
"Can I try it?"
"Can you stick your d!ck up your own a$$?"
"We went over this already...I told you not quite yet."
"Well then, until you can, no beer for you."

Johnny when inside to play nintendo when his grandma saw he was upset. She decided to cheer him up, so they made some chocolate chip cookies together. Johnny then went outside to sit next to his grandpa on the porch and his grandpa said:

"What cha got there Johnny?"
"Cookies grandpa, your favorite. Chocolate Chip."
"Can I have one of those cookies?"
"Well grandpa, can you stick your d!ck up your own a$$?"
"I sure can" said his grandpa as he sat up proud.

"Good, then go fvck yourself grandpa!"

02-11-2007, 05:21 PM
buwahahahahah! that was awesome!

02-11-2007, 09:30 PM

02-11-2007, 09:52 PM
x3 hahaahhahahh!!!

02-12-2007, 12:46 PM
hahahahah thats hilarious