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02-08-2007, 09:30 PM
so long story short about 2 months ago I was driving home from the bar ( have a nice day cafe ) on a saturday night. as im driving along ( pretty sober....:headbang its about 2:30am ) I come up to bayshore mall an this asshat pulls onto the hwy, an hes ALLLLL over the place. you could tell he was drunk or tired. I pull along side him and sure enough, 4 kids ( 17-20 ) dicking around swirving all over the road jumping between 3 lanes every 10 seconds, he touched the cement why devider. so I drop back I call 911, not to be a nark but for there safety and others on the road. so I trail them till the cop comes up behind me and flashes his lights ( hi/low beams, not cherries and berries, to let me know everything is ok now ) so I keep going he pulls them over. before I got off the phone with the 911 operator they took down my information. the next morning they called me to follow up on the report. all the kids were drunk blowing over 1.2 :stare :stare :stare .

so heres the bonus that I WAS NOT expecting

I got a check in the mail for 200 bux FROM the state! :wow :wow

along with a thank you letter stating what I did to get the check. 50 bux for every underager IN a vehicle... ( weird huh? )

I should make this a part time job on the weekends LMAO

just thought id share.

02-08-2007, 09:33 PM
Good for you!

I've done that numerous times, but never got any money from it.. which is fine.

02-08-2007, 09:36 PM
I wasnt doing it for the money, whereas I didnt know they pay you for that! lol

I would have STILL done it if there were 6 drunk chicks over 21 flashing there tits at me. drunk drivers just isnt my thing ( lost 2 of my friends to some other fuking ass that tboned them )

so I will call in ANY suspicion of a drunk driver. call me a nark, but its for there safety and others!!!!!!!!!!!

02-08-2007, 09:40 PM
Chaa ching gotta find out were the parties are

02-08-2007, 09:49 PM
I wasnt doing it for the money, whereas I didnt know they pay you for that! lol

I would have STILL done it if there were 6 drunk chicks over 21 flashing there tits at me. drunk drivers just isnt my thing ( lost 2 of my friends to some other fuking ass that tboned them )

so I will call in ANY suspicion of a drunk driver. call me a nark, but its for there safety and others!!!!!!!!!!!

That's awesome. I agree, drunk driving is bull. My aunt and her friends got hit by a drunk driver in high school. She lost her best friend and has been in a wheel chair and she suffered a lot of mental damage from the accident, so she never was the same. That crap doesn't fly with me. Way to go.

02-08-2007, 09:53 PM
Good for you, you could have possible save some lives right there. You deserve every penny.

02-08-2007, 09:54 PM
don't forget to claim that on your taxes for '07, otherwise they'll charge you the penalty of $500 for misrepresentation, hahaha

02-08-2007, 10:04 PM
my brother is a cop here in the town i'm in and whenever i see someone driving really bad i tend to call him. i've done it maybe 5 or 6 times and i've never gotten anything. i also heard of people getting 50 per person. thats pretty cool!

02-08-2007, 10:07 PM
At least you got them of the road and also the money is a +:thumbsup

02-08-2007, 10:25 PM
yea. I was scared to follow them at times they way they were driving too.

02-09-2007, 09:40 AM
I would have no problem calling in a suspected drunk. Espically after what happend to Dave's (Fly5150) Brother-in-law.

02-09-2007, 10:01 AM
Good job man, I've done this before actually more than once. I just seem to find drunks every once in a while. Most I've ever gotten in the mail was a 20 dollar check. But I didn't mind cause who knows maybe I saved someones or their life that day/evening when I ratted them out.

Its the right thing to do and I've never felt bad for doing it either. If anything those kids should write YOU a thankyou note for maybe saving their lives or maybe the parents should persoanlly thank you for what you did. :thumbsup

02-09-2007, 10:14 AM
It is a rare occasion that I see both sides of a topic, but on this one I do for some reason. I realize I'll likely get flamed on it. I would just have problems picking up my phone to call the cops. I actually wish there was a 3rd party I could call that would get them off the road (which we all agree is safer) and not completely **** up their world in the process. Yes I know all the "what if" statements everyone will start to say to me so lets not go there.

Why can't there be some kind of pseudo-cop agency you can call that basically forcably gets them off the road, and they get charged cab fare or something instead of dui charges, lawyer fees, manditory classes, triple insurance rates, and all that crap. Leave those for the people who get caught on their own.

There's my $2 dissenting opinion :)

Feature Pony
02-09-2007, 10:22 AM
My dad at his work uses a carrier that drives around the state to deliver packages for the blood center and that most of the drivers at night call in drunks and most of them pay there car payments with the funds they get from the state.. Most of the drivers make about $600 a month turning people in.. I think its a good thing to turn drunks in, it teaches them a leason, just like I was tought a leason on HWY 50 by a Kenosha sheriff 2 wreckless driving tickets in 9 mins, I have yet to repete that, so I think I have learned a leason!!!

02-09-2007, 10:24 AM
Why would you not call the police if you see a drunk driver all over the road, breaking the speed limit, crossing the center line, driving in the north bound lane heading south. :rolleyes: :confused

02-09-2007, 10:34 AM
Why would you not call the police if you see a drunk driver all over the road, breaking the speed limit, crossing the center line, driving in the north bound lane heading south. :rolleyes: :confused

That's obviously a different story, as I'd do that if they were sober and driving on the wrong side of the lane too. There's blantant and not-so blatant. I'm talking about when you see a guy veer out of a lane one time by a few inches,and otherwise is driving fine for miles after. Or the guy that sped by me by 5mph over the limit. I see the value in getting people who are over the limit drunk off the road, and I agree with that. That is not in debate here with my post. I just don't feel that my call should bring the full wrath of the law down on someone, only that they are taken off the road if they are deemed un-roadworthy. I would be a lot more likely to call someone in if I knew that I could just cause them to get a ride home for the night and not thrown in jail, charged, and totally ****ed. People dumb enough to get caught on their own by a cop, then let them learn that lesson... for my call though, let them sleep it off, call it a "strike 1" with no formal charges or whatever.

I bet you'd get a lot of other people to make the call as well if this was the case. Why would you want anyone like me to try to use discreton on when to call? You wouldn't. That's why my "call with no consequences" seems appealing. You'd still be possibly saving people, just not ******* up someone's world needlessly. Bill it the "wake-up call system".

On a side note:
As much as it might seem like it, I've never had a DUI, nor have I even been remotely close to having a DUI.

02-09-2007, 10:46 AM
Alright I see what you are saying now. I think it makes pretty good sense.

02-09-2007, 10:56 AM
I wonder how much things like that actually happen right now. People get called in and the cop just makes sure you're not on the road anymore instead of bringing all the charges and everything else. I'd imagine it uesd to happen a lot in the past, but not as much now with the no-tolerance type of outlook society has put on it.

I just see my solution as a very feasible alternative to what we're doing now, especially to get people more willing to call someone in.

Prince Valiant
02-09-2007, 01:26 PM
Back in the day at taco bell, we'd call in drunks coming through drive through. By the time we'd give them the food, a cop was waiting for them to pull out.

02-11-2007, 05:24 PM
all the kids were drunk blowing over 1.2 :stare :stare :stare .

umm u mean .12 cuz at a 1.2 u are starting alchohol poisoning

84 Regal
02-11-2007, 07:42 PM
Every county is different in pay. You do get more for under age drinkers. I have gotten $25 for adults. I Ask the chief about the program, thats when he informed me about the differences in the money the states pays out in the county's. Thats what I know.

And thank you 1quickgtp for taking them off the road. Lost two good friends too drunk drivers.

Mike M.

02-11-2007, 10:00 PM
I smell some resentment on the DUI charges.

Consider this: back-in-the-day, the charges were not the same as they are today. Someone could be pulled over and the cops could 'be nice' and call a cab for you even if you were really over the limit. The problem with this is that it does not teach anyone a lesson.

You can still get cab called for you if you are under the influence, but not above the limit. When this happens, the cops will call the cab, but your car will be impounded and you will have to pay a big fine to get it back. This one also goes for you if you are tired or really sick.

Delivering pizzas, I've seen a few bad drivers and made a few phone calls. My last one was for a guy in a Camery who had been looking at a map. Those Mequon Officers are great at homing in on these guys. Dispatch also likes that I know all of the roads in Mequon.

On the better side: alot of drunks order pizzas.

02-12-2007, 01:01 PM
The problem with this is that it does not teach anyone a lesson.

But I think the goal is not to "teach lessons" so much as get drunks off the road. Don't you think?

What I suggested seems to make that more likely to happen, at least in my case. And I'm sure there are others that feel the same as I do about calling.

Not like it would happen in this day and age anyways, just a thought.

02-12-2007, 01:32 PM
all the kids were drunk blowing over 1.2 :stare :stare :stare .

umm u mean .12 cuz at a 1.2 u are starting alchohol poisoning

Ummm I think you would be dead at a 1.2 .4 you should be leagaly dead.