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01-30-2007, 05:02 PM
Looks like Kerry and a few other dems got an injunction to stop selling off F-14 parts to other countries since it got retired last year. Really doesnt make sense considering Iran is sitting on a large fleet that has never left the ground due to an alleged sabotage of their fleet prior to our ceasing good will with them. They havent been able to get necessary parts to make them fly so why would we even take a chance of putting parts for those planes on the market. Of course there are other more powerful planes out but why take the chance.


Heat Seeker WS6
01-30-2007, 05:18 PM
History lesson time!
When the last of the Grumman/Northrop mechanics left Iran when we ceased to work on the F14's, they disabled most of the plane's weapon's including the AIM54 Phoenix missile systems. One of those planes carrying 6 AIM54s can track & and launch on 6 targets simutaniously with ranges up to 250 miles. The F14 competed against the F15 for the contract and the Tomcat won. The Iranian Shaw first ordered 40 in June 1974 and then 40 more in Jan 1975 and they got delivered begining in January 1976. When we delivered them to Iran they had every capeability ours had, but not the newer GE-F100 engines, they got the old Prett Whittney's. We'd be fools to let the spare parts out of our inventory.

Karps TA
01-30-2007, 05:37 PM
Next thing you know the President won't be making comments during his speechs about increasing oil reserves that ends up driving up the price of oil, providing Iran with more money.

01-30-2007, 07:30 PM
to clarify, what is Iran's diplomatic stance towards the U.S.?

Karps TA
01-30-2007, 07:32 PM
I think it's like most countries. We can't stand you, but we sure like your money.

Heat Seeker WS6
01-30-2007, 07:41 PM
to clarify, what is Iran's diplomatic stance towards the U.S.?

Very shaky ground from what it seems like. Though they've been that way for years but now ther're not helping the Iraq situation like expected.


01-30-2007, 07:42 PM
yeah isn't that the truth. This may start a whole debate, but why do so many countries have a sour taste of America in their mouths? I can take a few guesses:

A. They feel we are just a wasteful country with a careless government
B. Our generally free society

Other than that I don't really know for sure. These kinds of things they don't really teach you in school. Sure, they'll teach you all the foundational government, but they don't teach you real life government...

Karps TA
01-30-2007, 07:45 PM
Actually I think they don't so much hate the people of our country, just more our govt. We tend to stick our noses in everyone elses business, and for some reason that makes outsiders not like us so much. I don't get it.

Heat Seeker WS6
01-30-2007, 07:51 PM
These kinds of things they don't really teach you in school. Sure, they'll teach you all the foundational government, but they don't teach you real life government...

Agreed. They teach the fundamentals on how things should work and history of such, but in real life the dynamics are such that not all the policies, rules and whatever are followed, or the full story of what is really going on internationally or even internally is not fully disclosed.

Karps TA
01-30-2007, 07:57 PM
You mean you guys don't remember the part about lobbyists in the School House rock cartoon about the "bill on capital hill?"

01-30-2007, 08:59 PM
History lesson time!
When the last of the Grumman/Northrop mechanics left Iran when we ceased to work on the F14's, they disabled most of the plane's weapon's including the AIM54 Phoenix missile systems. One of those planes carrying 6 AIM54s can track & and launch on 6 targets simutaniously with ranges up to 250 miles. The F14 competed against the F15 for the contract and the Tomcat won. The Iranian Shaw first ordered 40 in June 1974 and then 40 more in Jan 1975 and they got delivered begining in January 1976. When we delivered them to Iran they had every capeability ours had, but not the newer GE-F100 engines, they got the old Prett Whittney's. We'd be fools to let the spare parts out of our inventory.

Not that just but their pilots never got full training on flight systems either so most of their fleet has never seen the air! Supposedly the planes have been kept either in a hangar or underground for fear of targeted missles.

01-30-2007, 09:02 PM
yeah isn't that the truth. This may start a whole debate, but why do so many countries have a sour taste of America in their mouths? I can take a few guesses:

A. They feel we are just a wasteful country with a careless government
B. Our generally free society

Other than that I don't really know for sure. These kinds of things they don't really teach you in school. Sure, they'll teach you all the foundational government, but they don't teach you real life government...

The BIG reason many Arab countries do not like us is because we are the biggest supporter of Isreal.


01-30-2007, 09:16 PM
Bingo! /\

01-30-2007, 09:27 PM
Most of the countries that hate the US seem to also have some beef with Israel.

Heat Seeker WS6
01-30-2007, 09:35 PM
And on that note, the Israeli air force is 2nd in the world to ours, if not just as good. they don't play around.

01-30-2007, 09:50 PM
And on that note, the Israeli air force is 2nd in the world to ours, if not just as good. they don't play around.

That, I did not know!!!

Heat Seeker WS6
01-30-2007, 09:55 PM
That, I did not know!!!

They use our F15s & F16s with our training. We even have a pilot exchange program w/ them. One of thier pilots was on the last Columbia Shuttle mission.

01-30-2007, 10:07 PM

01-30-2007, 10:46 PM
They use our F15s & F16s with our training. We even have a pilot exchange program w/ them. One of thier pilots was on the last Columbia Shuttle mission.

I know about their pilots and planes, just not the 2nd largest status.

01-30-2007, 11:25 PM
And on that note, the Israeli air force is 2nd in the world to ours, if not just as good. they don't play around.
Thats cause EVERY single plane and helicopter they have is bought from us and trained by us. That is a big reason why arab countries hate us because when Isreal gets aggressive they are doing their bombing raids with US equipment and people know this. Isreal is alot bloodier and aggressive than what is portrayed in the media.

01-30-2007, 11:50 PM
The BIG reason many Arab countries do not like us is because we are the biggest supporter of Isreal.


this I actually remember being taught.