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View Full Version : Xbox 360 or Nintendo Wii?

01-23-2007, 02:03 PM
Anyone play both BEFORE chosing one over the other? If so, why did you chose the one that you did?

01-23-2007, 02:06 PM
I have both, and no desire to vote. They're both great systems but it's gonna depend on what type of games you play the most. I just think they Wii is an overall better experience, gets you into the game more. For RPG and games like NFS, the 360 is a better console. I'm sure this topic has been argued back and forth a billion times in the last few months.. but that's my $.02

Then again, I'm selling my 360 in the classifieds because I haven't really used it since I got the Wii.

01-23-2007, 02:06 PM
I would have to say the Wii cause you can get all the old school Nintendo games to play on it by downloading them off the net directly to your Wii. Also its much more interactive and enjoyable. BUT the 360 has so damn many awesome games I wouldn't even know where to start. So I will put it nice and simple, If you have one then you have to get the other one to go with it. They both have their pros and cons just like anything else.:thumbsup

Karps TA
01-23-2007, 02:10 PM
I've played the 360 a couple times. I bought a Wii today without ever playing one.

I chose the Wii right now from basically just a fun factor and price. For what the Wii cost me with 2 games and component cables was just slightly more then what the 360 costs.

Theres nothing out on the 360 that isn't out on the PS2 that I would play. I don't like 1st person shooters at all, so despite them looking like cool games theres no appeal there. When the new Forza racing game comes out I may have to then buy a 360.

Prince Valiant
01-23-2007, 03:17 PM
Played both, but the Wii is really up my alley. Not much of a gamer.

Played some of the action/avendture games with the wii, and it wasn't as bad as I thought. This was a WWII game, and it was pretty fun.

But the sport games are a blast when friends come over...bowling right at home, tennis, etc...it really is neat to the non-gamer, which is virtually all my friends...hell, even my parents have a blast on the wii when they are in town.

01-23-2007, 03:29 PM
its really tough to say. the 360 has some badass games, plus you can just plug your ipod into the 360 and listen to your tunes, its literally plug and play. you can also hook up your computer to the 360 and stream your mp3's. You get the nice HD on the 360, wireless remotes, and the sweetness of xbox live.

On the other hand, the wii remotes are frickin awesome. ive only played the sportsdisc thing from the wii which comes with every system.

How about get both?

Karps TA
01-23-2007, 03:32 PM
One thing I did notice is that the for all the complaints on price for the PS3, the 360 gets expensive fast. $399 for the system, $199 for the HD Drive, $100 for wireless internet adapter, etc... You're right at the PS3 price pretty quickly.

01-23-2007, 03:41 PM
the only downfall I see with the PS3, is that I dont believe bluray will take off. Its much easier and cheaper to produce HD discs than bluray so a majority of people will stick with HD players expecially since they are cheaper. You can actully rent hd discs and they dont damage as easily compared to bluray.

01-23-2007, 03:46 PM
the nice thing about the 360 is what if you dont want all that garbage the ps3 has that jacks the price up? I bought a premium 360 a month after they came out (it was tough to find, trust me) and I loved it. bought an extra wireless controller, it was great. I didnt need the wireless adapter, just plugged it in. didnt need the HD drive, thats what my dvd player is for. I already had the harddrive on it because it comes with the premium system, so I was happy with the purchase and for the price of it.

Karps TA
01-23-2007, 05:39 PM
the only downfall I see with the PS3, is that I dont believe bluray will take off. Its much easier and cheaper to produce HD discs than bluray so a majority of people will stick with HD players expecially since they are cheaper. You can actully rent hd discs and they dont damage as easily compared to bluray.

I agree, but actually for a different reason. Blu Ray said no to the Adult Firm industry and that's what will be their downfall. Same thing that happened to Betamax back in the day. The pervs will decide what format is best.:thumbsup

01-23-2007, 06:38 PM
I say Wii for several reasons:

-It comes with a fun game right off the bat!
-$250 price tag
-Download Classic games from NES, SNES, Sega, N64, Turbographix.
And they are constantly adding games to the selection. I hear Golden Eye will be available soon!
-Built in WiFi and you can have a neat community with your friends and such.
-Plays Game Cube games, along with 4 controller ports and two memory card ports
-Oh and the controllers of course!

However the 360 does have great graphics and some good games. At several parties I brought my Wii to, the 360's & PS3's are almost always set aside for hours of Wii fun!


01-23-2007, 06:39 PM
Oh and you can play DARTS & Pool on the new game Wario Ware: Smooth Moves! Hell I even drank a beer :rolf no bs

01-23-2007, 06:40 PM
its really a tough choice. I mean the PS3 totally is ghey, but my goal within the next few months is to have a Wii and a 360.

01-23-2007, 06:41 PM
but my goal within the next few months is to have a Wii and a 360.

Thats also a great choice! Wii first of course, if you can find one :goof

Karps TA
01-23-2007, 07:07 PM
wii web browser is kinda cool. i posted this using it. lol

01-23-2007, 07:09 PM
Do you have to pay for it or is it free? I've just downloaded games and checked the weather. Its got one of those google earth things too!

Karps TA
01-23-2007, 07:35 PM
The browser right now is free. It's the test version. It's weird typing stuff in with the remote, but still kinda neat.

I'm a little down right now cause my Wii Sports age is 66. lol

01-23-2007, 08:04 PM
i am considering buying the Wii with my tax refund but I gotta find a place that has it to demo. I like the ability to play old school nintendo games and the fact that there are plenty of family games and kids games for my kids but I will still end up with a 360/HD.

01-23-2007, 08:46 PM
well chances are I wont be able to find a wii so the 360 will come first, again. I already owned one, and now I want another :D

01-23-2007, 09:11 PM
i am considering buying the Wii with my tax refund but I gotta find a place that has it to demo. I like the ability to play old school nintendo games and the fact that there are plenty of family games and kids games for my kids but I will still end up with a 360/HD.

Most places that have them on display have the controller(s) behind the counter. I know the gamestops do. Yoo it's worth it to find one!!!

Karps TA
01-25-2007, 09:35 AM
With 2 nights of playing the Wii under my belt I really only have a couple of complaints with it.

#1 the audio connections are weak being only RCA cables. I bought the component cables for a better picture, but was dissappointed that I still got stuck using RCA's. That really caused me a headache hooking it into my system.

#2 the range of the controller for the motion activated games is prett small. They want you within 3-8'. My couch is probably 15' away from my big screen. I ended up moving a bar stool to sit on to play Zelda. It's not a big deal for games like Wii Sports where you're moving alot, but I can see the "normal" games that getting old.

Other then that, I think the Wii is a ton of fun and well worth the $250. The controller setup is alot more intuitive then I expected it to be and really adds a different feel to games. I can't wait to rent some other games to see if it works just as well.

01-25-2007, 10:01 AM
With 2 nights of playing the Wii under my belt I really only have a couple of complaints with it.

#1 the audio connections are weak being only RCA cables. I bought the component cables for a better picture, but was dissappointed that I still got stuck using RCA's. That really caused me a headache hooking it into my system.

#2 the range of the controller for the motion activated games is prett small. They want you within 3-8'. My couch is probably 15' away from my big screen. I ended up moving a bar stool to sit on to play Zelda. It's not a big deal for games like Wii Sports where you're moving alot, but I can see the "normal" games that getting old.

Other then that, I think the Wii is a ton of fun and well worth the $250. The controller setup is alot more intuitive then I expected it to be and really adds a different feel to games. I can't wait to rent some other games to see if it works just as well.

Couldn't you just move the sensor bar closer? I mean the cable on that thing is like 5' feet long atleast.

01-25-2007, 10:04 AM
thanks for the feedback fellars! I am pretty set on the Wii this week and Xbox soon.

01-25-2007, 10:06 AM
Couldn't you just move the sensor bar closer? I mean the cable on that thing is like 5' feet long atleast.

That cable is a lot longer than 5'.... I wire tied mine down to about 5 1/2' just because it was so long. Either way, yeah you could just move it to a coffee table or something closer. Just make sure you set up the "above TV/below TV" setting if you're gonna be setting it on a table.

Cleveland Dave
01-25-2007, 11:44 AM
i have to say the xbox 360...but it depends on the type of games u like to play for sure.

i like driving / shooters the most and like to be amazed by the graphics. ive never really cared much for nintendo games that much besides mario. i have a ds and the thing i hate is there is barely any games i really want to play on it. i think i would have the same problem on the Wii.

01-25-2007, 01:30 PM
i have to say the xbox 360...but it depends on the type of games u like to play for sure.

i like driving / shooters the most and like to be amazed by the graphics. ive never really cared much for nintendo games that much besides mario. i have a ds and the thing i hate is there is barely any games i really want to play on it. i think i would have the same problem on the Wii.

I dunno, a Wii is like nothing before. Have you ever played that police shooter where you can move around at an arcade?? Its game play like that but better. I agree too about the graphics, but the Wii is soo fun!

01-25-2007, 01:31 PM
thanks for the feedback fellars! I am pretty set on the Wii this week and Xbox soon.

Great choice Yoo! You're gonna love it!! Pickup Wario Ware: Smooth Moves and an extra controller while your at it. :thumbsup

01-25-2007, 01:34 PM
my son wanted the wii and told me about the problems he heard about 360...so he got the wii

01-25-2007, 01:35 PM
my son wanted the wii and told me about the problems he heard about 360...so he got the wii

Sweet what games did you pickup? I've got excite truck also which is pretty cool. You can use the controller to control the angles and everything while you're in the air.

01-25-2007, 04:06 PM
what issues have you heard about with the 360?

Cleveland Dave
01-25-2007, 04:09 PM
^^^ id like to know...i just bought one in december.

01-25-2007, 04:12 PM
what issues have you heard about with the 360?

Red lights...

My old one I believe over-heated because it sat running too long.
Apparently quite a few of them have crashed for a lot of different reasons.


01-25-2007, 04:26 PM
the regular Xbox can overheat if you leave it on too long, AND don't have it properly ventilated, much like a computer. a Wii will NEVER touch the amount of games, nor the quality of a 360, it has its market, and some good games, but it just can't touch a Microsoft product. it also will never have the gaming support.