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12-17-2006, 12:43 AM
Anyone see this yet? I just a full trailer and damm is that some scary sh!t! I avoided it because I thought it was more political propoganda by Al Gore. Even so, it should be seen.

Has anyone actually seen it yet? Thoughts? reviews?

12-17-2006, 02:33 AM
AlGore is an alarmist idiot who's main claim to fame is all based on some junk science. If AlGore had his way, we'd all be peddling bikes around while he jets off to some important place to do some important things that us knuckle-dragging peons just wouldn't understand because were not as "enlightened" as he is. :rolleyes: :punch:

The real inconvenient truth is that Al :durr Gore was almost the POTUS. Now THERE is a scary thought...:wooo

12-17-2006, 02:46 AM
AlGore is an alarmist idiot who's main claim to fame is all based on some junk science. If AlGore had his way, we'd all be peddling bikes around while he jets off to some important place to do some important things that us knuckle-dragging peons just wouldn't understand because were not as "enlightened" as he is. :rolleyes: :punch:

The real inconvenient truth is that Al:durr Gore was almost the POTUS. Now THERE is a scary thought...:wooo

Not as scary as the prospect of Clinton/Obama for 2008.


12-17-2006, 03:04 AM
Not as scary as the prospect of Clinton/Obama for 2008.


I actually HOPE those two do get the nomination... ;)

There are WAAAAAAAAAAY too many trailer dwellers and closet red-necks in this country for that that ticket to fly much farther than a lead balloon. If those two actually manage to get the DNC nomination and end up on the same ticket in '08, the Dems chances of retaking the White House are as still born as Britney Spears brain cells. :thumbsup

12-17-2006, 05:09 AM
The real inconvenient truth is that Al :durr Gore was almost the POTUS. Now THERE is a scary thought...:wooo

Not as scary as ManBearPig. I'm being super serial, this place is ManBearPig central. (sorry, but its from one of the best south parks ever, I couldn't resist)

12-17-2006, 10:09 AM
You guys all better be careful what you say, Al Gore invented the internet you know... Don't need him to turn it off on yeah.

Reverend Cooper
12-17-2006, 11:01 AM
**** al gore **** all clinton's

12-17-2006, 11:04 AM
AlGore is an alarmist idiot who's main claim to fame is all based on some junk science. If AlGore had his way, we'd all be peddling bikes around while he jets off to some important place to do some important things that us knuckle-dragging peons just wouldn't understand because were not as "enlightened" as he is. :rolleyes: :punch:

The real inconvenient truth is that Al :durr Gore was almost the POTUS. Now THERE is a scary thought...:wooo

Whats scary is I agree.


12-17-2006, 10:41 PM
I agree with Gore that changes will make some things better around here. BUT, the whole thing about global warming is just denial that we are still warming since the last ice age.

Prince Valiant
12-18-2006, 02:46 PM
I watched the whole movie with my GF...gotta understand, she's a youngun', still in college and all, and has been raised with ozone hole alarmism virtually her whole life.

BUT, it was funny and frustrating to watch the movie for a few reason's

1. If anyone thinks algore gets an unfair rap with regards to outlandish claims, exagerating his own contributions (see internet claims), watching this movie will erase all doubt that this comes from algore himself, and not misinterpeted qoutes. One such example includes recounting his college days, studying under one of the pioneers in enviromentalism, and casually noting the link b/w carbon dioxide and earth temperatures before any such link had been proposed...therefore this places him at the forefront of this remarkable "discovery".

2. Very little credence is ever giving to competing theories about climate changes...even though these theories are also made by scientist. Algore is at his arrogant best when dismissing other politicians doubts about global warming/CO link, contrasting there lack of scientific training....but then goes on to be quite dismissive of other scientist theories regarding climate change (if any) when HE HIMSELF IS NOT A SCIENTIST. HE'S A POLITICIAN!!! oh the irony is scary...

3. Never ever ever once does he discuss what percentage of the atmosphere is carbon dioxide. He'll only discuss it in total wieght, which sounds impressive (500+megatons, etc), and even then, doesn't discuss what percentage of yearly carbon dioxide totals are actually caused by man vs that naturaully occuring in nature, and what ultmately happens to that CO2. It wouldn't sound impressive to hear that c02 makes up 0.5% of our atmosphere, and of all the co2 released into the atmosphere, only about 5-20% of that can be attributed to human activity.

4. Nor does he ever frame the warming trends/cooling trends in the context of history...how there have been periods of no ice on the planet, to periods with ice extending to the equator. Prior cooling and warming trends in the last 2000 years ARE casually mentioned, but not the relative impact of those trends on humans in general...or even what the so-called "cause" for the mini-ice age and subsequent warming periods were, since his whole contention seems to be that only humans cause climate change :rolleyes:

Ultimately, this is a movie about algore talking. Unless you are keen on the debates about global warming, or you really really really like algore, it's a pretty boring piece of drivel with a bunch of pictures that may or may not be related to the issues of global warming.

12-18-2006, 10:42 PM
The only environment-type movie I want to see is "Who killed the electric car?"