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11-19-2006, 05:29 PM
I dont know if anyone read my thread that was called Attn: Dog Owners.... Well after Chris stated his input about sugar I did some searching online and talked to a couple dog owners and told me pretty much the same thing that Chris told me. So I went back to the Humane society and met Sugar again to see what she was like with a little less people around. She was great turned out to be the sweetest dog I have met. So I decided to take her home with me. After about an 1/2 hour of paper work we left the Humane Society. We got in my truck and Sugar sat down in the passanger seat and didnt come and sit on my lap. I got to my place sniffed around some and then followed me everywhere and listened to everything I told her. I thought this is the best dog for me.

Saturday I took her to the vet. She did great and I got a clean bill of health from the vet. The vet only had to give her a DLHPP shot. Around three that afternoon she started sleeping more and more. I didnt pay much attention to it because she was still eating and drinking and played on occasion. Today all she did was sleep and went out a couple times. I gave her a bowl of food and water in the morning and she didnt not drink anything eat so I called humane society around 2pm, and they told me to bring her back so they can check her out. I get there and the only person that was there was a Vet Tech. she said my dog was dehidrated I told her I wasnt supprised because I couldnt get her to drink anything. I couldnt get her to eat or anything so the vet tech took her for the night so they can watch her and the vet will check her out tomorrow.

So yeah this sucks I got a new dog got to spend the weekend with her and had to give her back to make sure she is going to be ok. So I have no Idea what is wrong. The vet tech isnt sure but was wondering if it was something to do with the shot that she got. So now it is wait and see if my dog is going to be ok. This really sucks!

11-19-2006, 05:33 PM
Holy sentence fragments batman

11-19-2006, 05:34 PM
Yeah sorry about that.... I have my mind on other things right now. As well as a splitting headache. I just wanted to get the jist of it out.

11-19-2006, 05:38 PM
Congrats on the dog.... sorry you had health problems with her already. I know what your going through. My Doberman had heartworm when I adopted him. Not fun to deal with health issues this early in the adoption. Hopefully its no big thing and she'll be alright. Good luck

11-19-2006, 05:38 PM
I got cha, just giving you a hard time about it. Sucks about the pooch, he probably just needs to adjust to his new surroundings

11-19-2006, 05:40 PM
New environment is the issue. It will take sometime to get use to you and your place. A dog is an instinctual animal. Rarely have I ever seen or heard of a HEALTHY dog starving or dehydrating themself to death. Good to be safe, but in all honesty I am suprised that no one told you to expect this to happen.


11-19-2006, 05:45 PM
My friends dog is really uneasy at my appartment because he doesnt know my place. When he is over all he does is run room to room wimpering and wont sit, Even with his toys and both of his owners there with him. she seemed to have gotten use to it my place. She ate all of her food and water it didnt seem like she couldnt get enough everytime I filled the bowl she sucked it all up right away.

11-19-2006, 06:02 PM
she'll be fine. Rick is probably right, the dog may have been depressed or experiencing seperation anxiety. how long was she at the Human Society? keep us posted on how she's doing.

11-19-2006, 06:13 PM
She was there for two days before I adopted her. I dont know how long she was in a shelter down south though. I hope it is what rick says and that she will be ok. Thanks for the kind words guys.

11-19-2006, 09:49 PM
I helped my aunt pick out a dog at the humane society and it was hypen when it was in the pen.
It fell asleep on the way home and was very lethargic when it got to the house. it was just a phase that passed. Dog is normal stupic lab nowadays.

11-19-2006, 10:17 PM
Scott, I've adopted 3 "used" dogs, 2 of them acted the same, didn't eat or drink for a few days till they got use to there new surroundings, just give it some time, I'm sure she'll be just fine.

11-20-2006, 06:51 AM
See the thing that got me baffled was that Friday she ate fine. she had her food and water I took her to a friends house and she even at my friends dog food.

Saturday I took her to the vet and she got a shot and around 3 she started getting sluggish. I gave her food and water and she ate all of her food and then she also drank her water and I would fill her bowl and she kept drinking. after a couple cups of water I stopped giving her some for an hour and then gave her more later on at night. Which she drank a little when she was thirsty.

Sunday We woke up and I gave her food and water and she had a small drink in the morning and then nothing I couldnt get her to eat or drink anything. She only wanted to sleep. I didnt know what to do so I took her to the humane society so they could make sure she is ok. I should know sometime today what is going on with her.

I just hope that it is what you guys are telling me and not something more like what the vet tech was telling me it could be, Allergic recation to her shot or a stomach problem from the liver treats that the humane society gave me when I adopted her. I guess some other dogs that are smaller seem get stomach aches from them and they stop eatting because of it........
She was whining a couple times on Sunday and I didnt know why.

11-20-2006, 07:26 AM
wow, calm down scott. Its a dog. She has to get used to all the new things, new people, new environment. Everything will be OK. Don't be the parent that calls the doc everytime the kid sneezes ha ha ha

11-20-2006, 08:40 AM
Dude, I was the SAME way as you. With the situation I was in with the whole landlord problem, I actually had my pup in 3 different places over the course of 2 months. So she had to get used to new places all the time. But everything will get better. I worried so much about Niya. But she ate and drank fine. Everything will get better man! But we demand pics :) You can't tell me you had her for a weekend and NO pics :)

11-20-2006, 09:00 AM
Thanks for the information Chris. Yeah I took pictures of her but I havent had time to go through them yet seeing this weekend was pretty crazy with trying to get my school work done and giving attention to Sugar. She really hates the camera so I can only take a couple at a time because she gets scared of the noise of the flash. I think she exscaped from her previous owners because they may have been abusive. She is deathly afraid of squirt bottles.

11-20-2006, 11:17 AM
Got a call from the vet. She had a reaction to some of the meds that were given to her at the other vet. she is now eating and the doctor said that he even had her out and they played fetch for a while and she is back to being active.

11-20-2006, 11:38 AM
good to hear... she'll be at your place randomly throwing up on the braided rug by the door, and dragging her ass across the kitchen floor in no time :)

11-20-2006, 12:21 PM
good to hear... she'll be at your place randomly throwing up on the braided rug by the door, and dragging her ass across the kitchen floor in no time :)

Hahahaha. That is the first thing that someone said that got me to laugh. :thumbsup