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10-14-2006, 03:55 PM
Hey guys. Just stoppin by quick to say hi. It's a little before 11:00 Saturday night. So far I haven't seen a lot, but we did drink a lot last night. Most of the liquor stores are open 24/7 and the weak beers are 6%!! Her Dad has vodka that is 95% that he mixes with fruit and sugar and it is still extremely strong! It gives you an internal heater on the cold days!! Tomorrow we will be going to one of the concentration camps in Lublin so I will try to post up some pics. All the cars here are really small, but I did see a red C5 in Warsaw. Stuck out like a sore thumb! The roads are pretty cool though. There is space on both sides of the road so when you want to pass someone, you just hit the middle of the road, and all the oncoming traffic moves over for you. Well that's all for now. I'll post up more later...

10-14-2006, 07:39 PM
and you know what kind I'm talkin about

10-15-2006, 01:15 AM
LOL! Yeah Jay, I know. Believe it or not, I haven't really seen to many. Most of the women here are pretty, but I haven't seen the smokin hot ones I expected. But you know I'm still lookin...

10-15-2006, 09:02 AM
how's the food? I know you were worried about that. Did you and Kate's bro go to that club yet?

10-15-2006, 09:58 AM
The food is awesome! You've had some of the stuff that Kate makes and it's nothin compared to her Mom's cooking!!

We didn't make it to the club yet cuz we came right to her parents, but we will next weekend I think. Funny story.. We went to a bar our first night. I'm already pretty ripped. I ask where the bathroom is. Her brother says he'll take me. I say I'm a big boy, I'll find it. Well I get done and walk out to see a line of girls laughing. Turns out they don't label the bathrooms "Men" and "Women". They have a triangle for men and a square for women. And now I know!! :rolf

We went to Majdanek today. It's the second biggest concentration camp in all of Europe. OMG it was surreal being there. It was a very dark, gloomy, rainy day on top of it. I'll show you the pics when I get back. Tomorrow I'll see if I can post some...

Gotta fly. We're off to Lublin to meet her friends from school.


Reverend Cooper
10-15-2006, 10:10 AM
sounds like fun have a great time

10-15-2006, 02:16 PM
sounds like you are having a good time. Take it easy and enjoy!

10-15-2006, 04:58 PM
Well we just got back from the bar in Lublin. It was a lot like any corner bar in the states except they had no clue what I was saying when I asked for an Okocim draft or an ash tray. The ride there was even more interesting! A lot of people take the bus here. We did tonight. Yeah, they pretty much pack it in like a fat kid at the buffet!!! If the bus held 75 people (when i say bus, think bigger airport shuttle) we had about 300 or so people for about a 10km ride into Lublin. I'm talkin dupa to chuj (ask someone) the entire way! It's like a pervert's paradise!!! (u_say_go) But her friends are very cool. They even bought me a bottle of vodka that they expect me to drink on Friday with them. (I don't like vodka) We had a shot tonight and it's ok, but still not my drink. The beer here, on the other hand is somethin else!! I have to stop myself cuz they are quite a bit stronger! My favorite here is Perla. You can by it in the states but it's nowhere near as good! Okocim is also very good! Well I think we are off to another neighborhood bar so that's all from Poland for tonight...

Pa pa (bye bye)

10-15-2006, 08:30 PM
whaddya mean pervert's paradise (u_say_go)???:rolf
How'd the parents take to you? Sounds like a good trip so far, keep the updates coming.

10-16-2006, 04:08 AM
Ha ha!! Yeah, it's a good trip! Today we are going back to Lublin to check out the old downtown. She's also gonna show me around some of the old castles that were built in the 1500's. Oh yeah. I took out 100 Zloty from the ATM last night. It cost me $32!! Gotta love currency conversion!!

Max 93
10-16-2006, 11:29 AM
I'll take that vodka if you don't want it. Sounds like a good time, I would love to go on a trip like that someday. So how are the inlaws?

10-16-2006, 12:10 PM
As long as it doesn't break in my suitcase, we'll do shots when I get back. The inlaws are really nice. Her Mom is slowly learning english and helping me learn some more polish. Now I know more then just swears. ;)

10-16-2006, 08:39 PM
Oh yeah. I took out 100 Zloty from the ATM last night. It cost me $32!! Gotta love currency conversion!!

ATM withdrawal in Poland from a Wisconsin bank...that's gonna be one hefty service fee! lol

10-16-2006, 09:20 PM
Maggie has been on my case to go there and visit her family. I would need 2 weeks of vacation to make that kind of a trip. And thanks to my new job thats going to be a long while from now.

10-17-2006, 03:02 AM
I check with my bank online (afterwards of course) and it was only about a $0.75 fee. But I did lose about 3 cents on the dollar in the conversion. My wife said the conversion rate all depends on how and what part of town you convert your money...

Andy, I'm here for 3 weeks. But I agree. This is definitely not a place a weeks vacation would do!!!