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View Full Version : Brew city Ghost hunters?

09-14-2006, 08:26 AM
A few other members and I are interested in getting a paranormal research group up and going and I was wondering if there is anyone else that might be interested in it. Before you think I am crazy we will only investigate using a scientific approach no hocus pocus stuff, if youve ever seen the show ghost hunters on sci fi that is how we will conduct investigations. Im dead serious about this. I have been very interested in the paranormal for a very long time and I definantly think there is something to ghosts etc.... Before I moved up here I was part of a investigative group in florida so I know a good deal about this kinda stuff it was a pretty good group we were on the radio and in the newspaper before. If you wanna join and get something going please be serious about this. This isnt just gonna be a bunch of people going into cemeteries hoping to see a ghost.

09-14-2006, 08:33 AM
This could be your logo....


09-14-2006, 08:34 AM
i love the ghost busters. best movies ever.

09-14-2006, 08:35 AM

09-14-2006, 08:43 AM
Paranormal........i don't think any of us are normal

09-14-2006, 09:14 AM
'My ghost date #1' thread, about how some hot ass ghost went down on subliminal, coming soon. :rolf :rolf :rolf

09-14-2006, 09:24 AM
"...i went back in for the right keys, and she was totally gone! just vanished into thin air! just like my credibility! But I could still smell the faint scent of her perfume, and Roundy's vodka. She was real, to me anyway...<cue Silent Hill-esque music>"

Back to reality :D
That Ghost Hunters show on sci-fi is just freaky... :stare how can you not believe after seeing that stuff.

09-14-2006, 09:28 AM
LMAO @ 'Roundy's vodka' :rolf :rolf :rolf

09-14-2006, 09:36 AM
Wasn't their a group of BCM'ers that were running through abondoned buildings and stuff last year looking for this kinda stuff? I dont remember who, thought there was a group already though.

09-14-2006, 10:35 AM
Wasn't their a group of BCM'ers that were running through abondoned buildings and stuff last year looking for this kinda stuff? I dont remember who, thought there was a group already though.

Yeah its getting to that time of year where a bunch of people start to "ghost hunt". Like going to Haunchy Ville.:rolf :goof

09-14-2006, 10:53 AM
Hey nick, a few friends and I decided to try and bag a haunchy few years back, with a lead pipe and a Fishing net

Trip was unsuccessful but funny

09-14-2006, 11:21 AM
This could be not only fun but profitable as well, providing you are able to prove the existence of any paranormal behavior under scientific conditions, of course. There's a $1,000,000 prize waiting in a bank fund for you if you can do this. http://www.randi.org/research/index.html


09-14-2006, 12:08 PM
I believe theres definantly something to it, Its only gonna be a matter of time before it can be proven IMO. Energy cant be destroyed so it only makes sense that the energy in our bodies goes somewhere the question is where?. If anyone is seriously interested shoot me a PM.

09-14-2006, 12:28 PM
Hey nick, a few friends and I decided to try and bag a haunchy few years back, with a lead pipe and a Fishing net

Trip was unsuccessful but funny

NICE!! Too bad you guys didn't suceed in doing it. I was there one time about 8-10 years ago. Its a long story but to make it short we got spooked and got the F outta there, we saw and small albino fella with a pitch fork and that is no bull either.:wow

09-14-2006, 12:38 PM
we saw and small albino fella with a pitch fork and that is no bull either.:wow

Oh don't worry... that was just Grimreaper2.0 :goof He was a bit younger back then which is why now he's 7.0. Actually he's been banned a few months now so he might be 7.5 or even 8.0 by now.

Bart H
09-14-2006, 12:41 PM
Yeah its getting to that time of year where a bunch of people start to "ghost hunt". Like going to Haunchy Ville.:rolf :goof

Haunchy Ville ahh that brings back memories "They will chase you around and leave there little houses"

09-14-2006, 07:37 PM
Oh don't worry... that was just Grimreaper2.0 :goof He was a bit younger back then which is why now he's 7.0. Actually he's been banned a few months now so he might be 7.5 or even 8.0 by now.

No man, that's not how it works. When more people believe in him, he gets bigger/stronger. Just like Santa Clause.

09-14-2006, 10:46 PM
Must. Keep. Silent.:durr

Got Art Bell?:alcoholic :rolf

09-14-2006, 11:22 PM
Haunchy Ville ahh that brings back memories "They will chase you around and leave there little houses"


09-15-2006, 10:33 AM
Must. Keep. Silent.:durr

Got Art Bell?:alcoholic :rolf

The dude in Nevada that has the creepy talk show?? Interesting stuff I tellz ya'....


09-15-2006, 10:35 AM
Hell yeah I loved Art bell, he has some stuff on there thats questionable but its always entertaining.

09-15-2006, 01:13 PM
Hey, Ghost Hunt all you want, but please remember "Safety First!" I wouldn't want you guys to suffer any brain damage during your extracurricular paranormal activities, so make sure you wear one these:

While not as effective against ghosts and poltergeists as they are for keeping alien mind control transmissions out of your head, they are still beneficial.:thumbsup

09-15-2006, 01:15 PM

09-15-2006, 06:24 PM
Gosh you guys don't even know them are for aleins and ligers

09-15-2006, 06:56 PM
Word around the campfire is that you stare into the mirror chanting "Grimreaper7.0" 3 times and a guy creases the back of your head with a rubber camshaft.....

Oh don't worry... that was just Grimreaper2.0 :goof He was a bit younger back then which is why now he's 7.0. Actually he's been banned a few months now so he might be 7.5 or even 8.0 by now.

09-15-2006, 07:33 PM
Im not crazy, I believe there is something to ghosts like I said I dont want any hocus pocus stuff. I want to investigate it scientifically.

09-18-2006, 01:08 AM
hey Subliminal, i noticed you were from Kenosha, you ever come out by Lake Geneva to the "St. Killians" Cemetary and where they church used to be? My buddy went out there are said it was really scary out there. Depending where in Kenosha you are but it should only take about 30-40 min to get there. If you decide to go out there let me know i'd meet up with you.

09-18-2006, 09:00 AM
Sure that sounds like fun, ill let ya know.

09-18-2006, 09:58 AM
Myself an J, as well as a couple other members did something like this a while back. We had a good time. We had a couple odd things happen and we got some interesting pictures. I would be up for doing this agian.