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View Full Version : "Here kids, go play with this."

Goat Roper
08-31-2006, 07:41 AM
"And why don't you take this bucket of broken glass to play with as well, I am sure nothing bad can happen!"


08-31-2006, 07:52 AM
how about this...if the shell dosnt kill you all, here is my .45 with a broken saftey switch.....now go and the back and play war hero....

This is one of those things that as an adult you should know better than to give to kids. Dosnt ,atter if the fireing pin was removed or what ever, there is still going to be some shit still in it, and hell as kids, they will find a way to blow it up

Goat Roper
08-31-2006, 07:56 AM
Agreed, kids can find ways to make a gallon of milk into a WMD