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View Full Version : think youre having a bad week?

08-19-2006, 05:26 PM
Next time you are feeling sorry for yourself cuz things arent going your way, just remember the week I have been having.
Monday my wife and I went to Elmbrook hospital for a scheduled c-section delivery of our 3rd child. Half way thru the operation my wife's blood pressure shoots up to 250/160, her lungs will with fluid and she is rushed to radiology for a cat-scan. They thought she may have had a stroke or a brain anyurism, the tests all came back negative. She spent the next 27 hours on a ventilator. Next, we are told that our new beautiful daughter has Situs Inversus, which means her chest and abdomonal organs are a mirror image reversal of what they should be.
So, test after test after test on both my wife and new daughter, they are cleared to leave the hospital and are in good health......
Friday afternoon I return home with the entire family to find that my house had been broken into and robbed.:fire
They got away with some money, my son's game system and his extensive coin collection. That schit can be replaced, but how the phuck and I supposed to convince my family that we are safe? I thought for sure I was going to have a nervous breakdown yesterday and was filled with such rage I could have killed someone. Now today, that rage is still burning but I dont know how to convince my family that everything will be ok.

08-19-2006, 06:09 PM
man, I don't know what to say, other then be thankful you and your family, and wonderful new daughter are in good health. child birth is a miracle and just try to focus on that while you take care of these somewhat other, smaller, details. Losing a wife or a brand new child would be much more devastating then your sons game system.

08-19-2006, 06:10 PM
First of all, congrats to you and your wife on the new baby.

How did the perps get in, window?

08-19-2006, 06:21 PM
sorry to hear also..and congrate on the bady..be thankful that your family is ok ...the stuff the punks took can be replaced...loved ones can't

08-19-2006, 06:44 PM
This is how you can convince your family they are safe. Get one of these.....


08-19-2006, 07:56 PM
So do you have any pics of Ella yet? Also, whens a good time for Kate and I to stop over?

08-19-2006, 08:07 PM
i'm not worried about the missing material schit...actually, everything that was taken has been replaced, except the cash. what is missing, is my family's sense of security, which p1sses me off to no end!!!
Subliminal- it's a done deal. My brother stopped over this evening with a little "care package" for me.
Scales- you have mail

08-19-2006, 09:15 PM
damm. Congrats and wtf! I hope your wife and child are ok. Everything else can be fixed. will your daughter be ok and be able to lead a normal life?

08-19-2006, 09:34 PM
Congratulations on the new child, kids are a true blessing! My little guy was in ICU for a week when he was born, he had an under developed lung. He is just fine now at almost 3 years old, that first week was the worst week of my life.

Thats pretty shitty about your house getting robbed. :mad:

My brother stopped over this evening with a little "care package" for me.

^^ As far as that, please make sure with kids in the house that you keep that in the most secure place you have, never under-estimate how inquisitive kids can be. You don't want this bad experience to cause a tragedy.

08-19-2006, 09:52 PM
damm. Congrats and wtf! I hope your wife and child are ok. Everything else can be fixed. will your daughter be ok and be able to lead a normal life?

the doctor's say the tests show no problems with the organs, and everything is working the way it should. she should have no problems later in life. it's not that rare, apprx 1 in 8000 babies are born this way.
Thanks for the support everyone!

08-19-2006, 09:53 PM
^^ As far as that, please make sure with kids in the house that you keep that in the most secure place you have, never under-estimate how inquisitive kids can be. You don't want this bad experience to cause a tragedy.[/QUOTE]

done! i'm taking all the precautions neccasary, thanks!:thumbsup

08-19-2006, 10:58 PM
wow Josh & I are expecting our first daughter next month! and I thought things were pretty bad for us seeing how are car got stolen and other crap yada yadaa ..I hope the best for you guys though!! kinda scary though what you all have been throu.