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View Full Version : The recent newpaper article..

08-05-2006, 07:00 PM
Look I know the intention was good but I dont feel that the article did our hobby/passion justice. If anything I think that it now opened the flood gates against us.

1. The name brew city muscle should NOT have been used. We(andy, brandon or myself) were not asked or even told what was going to be said and now our domain name with andy's name on it is plastered in the paper for people to lurk and possibly cause problems for.

2.We didnt start this car show. The man that did organize was nowhere mentioned. That is a shame for all of his hard work and effort. I know what it feels like, I organized car shows for us as well but as weekly meets(BK in Muskego..John got the other BK show for us) and a judged car show(BW3).

2.If we were going to approach the newspapers, we would have consulted with BCSM and MMA to see if we could get a group together to help further our cause not simply bring negative attention to ours and entire hobby. We would have talked about the good we have done, like donating proceeds to charities and encouraging legal racing at GLD. Negative advertising is better than none FOR A BUSINESS, not a group like us. The people that read the newspapers arent the core of our group. Those people are the kind that get outraged about what they read and then complain every chance they can so they can feel like they made a difference about the perceived problem which is now US. Our group is now being linked to the likes of the crap that goes on at Capitol and down by the lake(links on the paper refer to cruising arrests, etc). I almost feel like we need to do something to redeem ourselves now that our name has been put out there.

I have now moved several forums and upped the min post count and now I will be worried if I need to check every IP address for possible cops. Not fair. We now have to edit alot more than we used to. We didnt start the show. We werent asked and now I have friends calling me asking what our club did to get booted from Culvers......................


EDIT: WTF was in the video this morning????? I can only imagine how we look now......

Karps TA
08-05-2006, 07:15 PM
Damn I typed all that to get it deleted. lol

08-05-2006, 07:17 PM
Well said Yoo. I know the people that went to the paper had the best intentions.

But the proper channels were not followed.

As far as doing somethings to show we are a POSITIVE part of the community. Im all for that.

PM me for discussion.

08-05-2006, 07:26 PM
Agree 100% Yoo... I really wish we would have been able to have a dialog with them and present some other views and information.

I don't think it's over with though... There's more to discuss.

FYI, if you have a online subscription to JS Online, they have that story listed next to "Related Topics" that are about the Capitol drive and lakefront cruising problems.

I think that we should make an honest attempt to speak to WAPD, and do so respectfully and tactfully, and make our case.

I personally have been having a dialog with Culver's Coporate, and I have done so as a representative of GLD.