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View Full Version : 5th Racing Sausage, El Picante the Chorizo

07-28-2006, 02:10 PM
Posted on the Journal Sentinel's Website:

"Right now there's a reporter slogging through a war zone halfway across the world, sidestepping bombs and piecing together a story on the future of civilization hanging in the balance.

I'm at Miller Park covering the announcement of a fifth sausage that will race around the field during baseball games.

The Brewers on Thursday confirmed the news leak from a secret stadium source. The chorizo will join the hot dog, bratwurst, Italian and Polish sausages in our favorite between-innings diversion.

I've never before seen a 9-foot sausage in a sombrero try to squeeze through a standard-size door. It was time for him to meet the press and for us to press the meat with hard questions that none of us could seem to think of.

So we all went out on the field and watched him - no need to be gender-neutral here; he has a goatee - run a practice lap along the warning track. That's where we met the kid-sized version of chorizo. Mini-meat, if you will.

Chorizo, the newest member of the Milwaukee Brewers and Klements Famous Racing Sausage lineup, warms up Thursday before taking his first lap during a media conference at Miller Park.

The sausage race is Milwaukee proving it can laugh at itself. We're a town that knows how to load up a bun, and we celebrate that by cheering on our favorite artery-busters in a foot race.

It's so stupid, which makes it cool. Plus it's funny, in the same way that a kid snickers when you say wiener.

So this new addition is an inside-the-pork home run. Sorry, this press conference has a policy of no pun left behind.

The Brewers have no beef with baloney, and it's not a knock on knackwurst. They just decided the chorizo's time had come.

Also, they're aware, I'm sure, that ballpark attendance will be helped by population trends showing that just about everyone in America will be Latino by the end of this century.

Maria Monreal-Cameron, head of the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Wisconsin, was at the press conference. She hugged the anthropomorphized sausage and praised the Brewers for responding to years of lobbying for the mascot.

"His skin tone is the actual color of chorizo sausage," she said. "It's perfect."

You couldn't help but share her joy. It's the same pride the racing bratwurst instills in German-Americans and the hot dog swells in Franco-Americans.

Klement's, which sponsors the racing sausages and has a workforce that's nearly half Hispanic, has another sandwich to sell you at the games. Traditionally, chorizo is crumbled up like ground beef and put in scrambled eggs, tacos, chili and so forth, but here, it's jammed in a casing, smoked and served brat-style.

Chorizo is hot to trot for the first time at Saturday's game. Then he won't race again until next season. It's not sausage labor laws, but rather Major League Baseball rules that say you can't switch uniforms or mascots mid-season.

Rick Schlesinger, a Brewers VP, swears that the sausage race is never fixed, but some links are simply faster or better at running while looking through a mesh mask and wearing a top-heavy costume. There is no guarantee that El Picante, the chorizo's nickname, will win Saturday, even though the team has a special Cerveceros Day promotion.

And don't look for any more new sausages in the foreseeable future, Schlesinger said. You can't really fit more than five runners across the track.

That will come as a disappointment to the Irish. Tom Branigan, a spokesman for Irish Fest, said he would love to see corned beef in tennis shoes. He even has a name in mind.

"What do you think about Paddy McSausage?"


Karps TA
07-28-2006, 02:13 PM
I find the timing funny. The country is all uppity about illegal mexican immigrants, and the Brewers come out with a Mexican sausage.

I hear on the Thursday day game the Chorizo will have an advantage during the race as they will be putting up border fences to climb over on the race path.

07-28-2006, 02:17 PM
just about everyone in America will be Latino by the end of this century.

bwhahahahahaha :rolf :rolf

Rocket Power
07-28-2006, 02:22 PM
I hear on Thursday day game the Chorizo will have and advantage during the race as they will be putting up border fences to climb over on the race path.

I can't believe even the sausage race is now PC. :rolleyes:

Firefighter Z
07-28-2006, 10:46 PM
I find the timing funny. The country is all uppity about illegal mexican immigrants, and the Brewers come out with a Mexican sausage.

I hear on the Thursday day game the Chorizo will have an advantage during the race as they will be putting up border fences to climb over on the race path.

^^^^^^:rolf :rolf :rolf :rolf

I can hear it now....

Wow folks the beaner has the lead and is on the home stretch!!! What's this? A 20ft high barbwire fence, this looks impossible to climb, wow nevermind hes to the top now... Wait somethings wrong, it looks like he got his weiner stuck. Boy it looks like their gonna cook his azz when they get him down, I wonder if he has his green card?

07-28-2006, 11:07 PM
Wow, there are some pretty disrespectful words being tossed around here. http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b16/parts53186/19484633.gif

07-28-2006, 11:48 PM
Wow, there are some pretty disrespectful words being tossed around here. http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b16/parts53186/19484633.gif

Let me make matters worse. Are there going to be any fan chants? If so, how about "Cuidado, La Migra!"

Personally I think it is dumb as hell that this crap made the news. Must be a slow day, you know, with 3 more Marines killed in Iraq, Isreal and Lebanon going at it....


Karps TA
07-29-2006, 10:53 AM
Wow, there are some pretty disrespectful words being tossed around here. http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b16/parts53186/19484633.gif

If Carlos Mencia said it though it would be alright I bet.

Jokes are jokes. Everyone laughs when the fat guy breaks a chair, or the tall guy hits his head. Lighten up.

07-29-2006, 12:08 PM
If Carlos Mencia said it though it would be alright I bet.

Jokes are jokes. Everyone laughs when the fat guy breaks a chair, or the tall guy hits his head. Lighten up.

FYI, I do not think Carlos Mencia is at all funny, I also think he is a racist, I don't watch his show, but thats not the issue here...

I think all people, of all nationalities, should feel welcome on this board, not hit with obvious racial slurs. Its a car site. Whats next, black jokes?

I was just stating my opinion, some of the words crossed the line, if you agree or not, its still my opinion, and I will continue to express my opinions... :)

07-29-2006, 12:27 PM
Let me make matters worse. Are there going to be any fan chants? If so, how about "Cuidado, La Migra!"

Personally I think it is dumb as hell that this crap made the news. Must be a slow day, you know, with 3 more Marines killed in Iraq, Isreal and Lebanon going at it....

+ 1

07-29-2006, 12:31 PM
FYI, I do not think Carlos Mencia is at all funny, I also think he is a racist, I don't watch his show, but thats not the issue here...

I think all people, of all nationalities, should feel welcome on this board, not hit with obvious racial slurs. Its a car site. Whats next, black jokes?

I was just stating my opinion, some of the words crossed the line, if you agree or not, its still my opinion, and I will continue to express my opinions... :)

I get along with everyone'
Mencia is too fvcking funny. Its not any worse than Pryer or Murphy talking about the African American. And what about Dave Chappelle:rolf

Karps TA
07-29-2006, 12:49 PM
I think all people, of all nationalities, should feel welcome on this board, not hit with obvious racial slurs. Its a car site. Whats next, black jokes?

Well actually I was going to add how they planned on having a black sausage but it would be so big they could only race it on the days the roof was open. :D

I think when people stop being so "hurt" by words and learn to laugh with each other, race relations in this country will be much better. Too many people are too sensitive. When a guy like Chapelle does a white guy impersonation, I laugh my ass off.

07-29-2006, 12:51 PM
Well actually I was going to add how they planned on having a black sausage but it would be so big they could only race it on the days the roof was open. :D

:rolf :thumbsup

07-29-2006, 12:51 PM
Well actually I was going to add how they planned on having a black sausage but it would be so big they could only race it on the days the roof was open. :D

:rolf :thumbsup



07-29-2006, 02:27 PM
Well i heard plans that another one will follow the 5th racing saysage, number 6 is gonna be the Gas Station Beef Stick...

07-29-2006, 04:31 PM
Now that Carlos Lee isn't part of our team anymore, why do we need a mexican sausage? :rolleyes:

07-29-2006, 05:03 PM
He hasn't won a race yet so this mexican sausage is obviously a legally immagrated sausage becuase he cant run for sh!t.


07-29-2006, 08:56 PM
He hasn't won a race yet so this mexican sausage is obviously a legally immagrated sausage becuase he cant run for sh!t.



07-29-2006, 09:21 PM
Wow, what have I started... haha