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View Full Version : Two wheeled Section

06-07-2006, 09:22 AM
Lets get a poll going to see how many people think this is a good Idea and want a forum to talk about motorcycles.

06-07-2006, 10:53 AM
Good call, then all of you who dont care about bikes dont have to listen to my ranting and raving!!!!

06-07-2006, 11:10 AM
I voted no, It's a car site, go to a bke site if you want to talk bikes all day.

Though giving "them" their own section would indeed make it easier to wipe out all at once... kinda like the ricer section :devil

06-07-2006, 11:16 AM
The bike sites are full of to many morons, this site still has good members that arnt tools. Just adding a bike section would not be inviting every two wheeled moron in the city. Just simply a place for people that happen to ride bikes to discuss them outside of annoying all the CAR ONLY people.

I voted no, It's a car site, go to a bke site if you want to talk bikes all day.

Though giving "them" their own section would indeed make it easier to wipe out all at once... kinda like the ricer section :devil

06-07-2006, 01:16 PM
Just adding a bike section would not be inviting every two wheeled moron in the city.

Adding a ricer section brought in some 4 wheeled morons... since it's "nothing but morons" around here on bikes, can I assume the same will be true of that? Or will it be another section with 2 readers and 1 poster like the old firehawk forum? Just sounds more like clutter than anything, which is why I voted no. :confused

But I'm only one guy :)

06-07-2006, 01:40 PM
Animal you got a good point. But what if the forum was hidden from guest and made available when a person registers.

06-07-2006, 01:44 PM
I voted yes, even though I do not, or ever will own a Motorcycle.

Its good to expand.

Alot of Bike guys are car guys also.

06-07-2006, 02:55 PM
Animal you got a good point. But what if the forum was hidden from guest and made available when a person registers.

It is possible that would weed out morons, but it'd also likely weed out anyone you guys would want to talk to as well... which could make it like i said... 2 readers strong. Unfortunately there's no good way to weed out who joins... so if you open it up at all, problems ensue.

06-07-2006, 03:14 PM
good points for both sides although I voted no. I will let the vote determine.

06-07-2006, 10:38 PM
I said yes! im going to have some questions when fixing up my bike and it would be great to talk to people who care and not clutter other areas.

06-08-2006, 12:17 AM
I said yes! im going to have some questions when fixing up my bike and it would be great to talk to people who care and not clutter other areas.

Well, there IS a Technical forum for all vehicles:durr


06-08-2006, 04:16 PM
Come on motorcyclists......where are the people with real balls....the people that like to drag a knee at 120mph not buckle up there 5 point and hide behind there cage! There has got to be more of you out there, I know there are more motorcycle riders on this forum!!!!

06-08-2006, 04:40 PM
Come on motorcyclists......where are the people with real balls....the people that like to drag a knee at 120mph not buckle up there 5 point and hide behind there cage! There has got to be more of you out there, I know there are more motorcycle riders on this forum!!!!

Dude, wisconsin is full of bike morons... you said so yourself in your motorcycle thread. :confused

Plus, as stated earlier, you're in a forum where people DO buckle up with their 5 points and ride in a cage, because it's a car forum :confused

Maybe you could start brewcitycycles.com ?

06-08-2006, 04:54 PM
Although thats not a bad idea, i dont know enough about computers to start my own forum..... Anyways....there are enough people on this board that talk bikes that It would be nice to have a seperate place to talk about them so we dont have to agrivate the "car only" people. And to make a comment towards this being a car forum....its call "brewcitymuscle" Last time i checked.....imports or grand prix's wernt considerd "muscle cars" so technically they dont belong here either. So thats not a very good observation on your part.......

06-08-2006, 07:25 PM
imports or grand prix's wernt considerd "muscle cars" so technically they dont belong here either. So thats not a very good observation on your part.......

Actually if you knew me better, you'd know that I feel imports are inferior in every way... and in fact I wish I could nuke that forum off the board entirely :rolf

Grand prixs i'm indifferent on. They're in the gray area kinda like the GN's and other forced induction v6's... too much there not to include them.

Bikes in my opinion have as much to do with cars as boats do... should we also start a boats forum just because a few people might have some ideas on boats?

I think a bike section will turn out to be clutter on this board, and that is what I am against.

06-08-2006, 08:15 PM
I voted no and I ride. I think it will just become another waste of space forum with 3 or 4 posters

06-08-2006, 10:39 PM
Maybe you could start brewcitycycles.com ?


I really think another forum will end up a waste with very little posts.

06-09-2006, 06:34 AM
This forum really wouldn't be a good idea to have open to the public. Next thing we need is a bunch of squids trolling the board because of one section. The reason why this was brought up is mainly just give the cyclist a place to talk about bikes with out having to annoy members like animal. So Animal this will give you another place to look past instead of seeing something you do not want to read about in general chat.

06-09-2006, 06:50 AM
Point made.......Id like to change my vote.......ive been persuaded........

Actually if you knew me better, you'd know that I feel imports are inferior in every way... and in fact I wish I could nuke that forum off the board entirely :rolf

Grand prixs i'm indifferent on. They're in the gray area kinda like the GN's and other forced induction v6's... too much there not to include them.

Bikes in my opinion have as much to do with cars as boats do... should we also start a boats forum just because a few people might have some ideas on boats?

I think a bike section will turn out to be clutter on this board, and that is what I am against.

06-09-2006, 07:05 AM
So Animal this will give you another place to look past instead of seeing something you do not want to read about in general chat.

I applaud your efforts to cater to me :) :banana

06-09-2006, 07:06 AM
I applaud your efforts to cater to me :) :banana

Well animal your posts are important to us here at bcm :thumbsup :rolf :goof

06-09-2006, 07:26 AM
Well animal your posts are important to us here at bcm :thumbsup :rolf :goof

Well I am the most reputable member after all :D :headbang

06-09-2006, 07:39 AM
Well I am the most reputable member after all :D :headbang

That is what happens when you kiss a lot of ass :durr

Slow Joe
06-09-2006, 07:27 PM
I voted no... Just 'cause it will prolly bring some d-bags to the site that aren't needed... Hey while we're at it can we get rid of the import section :rolf just kidding...

06-10-2006, 09:47 AM
Most of the streetbike forums are filled with squids, and i'm sure they'd flock here and cause trouble, so i'm voting no. :punch:

06-10-2006, 10:09 PM
You guys put up a good point I wont hesitate to post any questions in the technical forum. I will have some serious questions and i really dont want to read about how bad someone dumped their bike or how they ran from the cops at 140mph in a 25mph zone. Changing vote to no.

06-12-2006, 09:00 AM
I voted no... Just 'cause it will prolly bring some d-bags to the site that aren't needed... Hey while we're at it can we get rid of the import section :rolf just kidding...

We can get rid of the import section if your car can beat mine at GLD on Friday... :thumbsup

Slow Joe
06-12-2006, 04:18 PM
We can get rid of the import section if your car can beat mine at GLD on Friday... :thumbsup

:rolf I don't have enough money to throw at it between now and then to make that happen... I really wish I did though, that'd be SWEET! :D

You know I was just kiddin anyways... :durr

06-21-2006, 10:56 PM
for the record, I'm not against it.

I wrench on a 1986 Honda VF1000R :headbang

Which is now a classic :rolf

06-22-2006, 05:57 AM
Then you can just create it now right? :thumbsup :rolf

06-22-2006, 08:19 AM
we should get a meet together. I'll bring my bike:


06-22-2006, 10:44 AM
Nice I love the chrome fenders. :thumbsup

06-22-2006, 10:48 AM
NOOOOOOOOO, They are already sucking up valuable parking spaces at Oscar's! Register for a motorcycle forum is my advice to them!

06-22-2006, 11:32 AM

Local people, and most of them have been riding for years. Of course there is an occasional squid but theyre usually dealt with.

06-22-2006, 12:58 PM
Are you on that site?

06-23-2006, 09:04 AM
Are you on that site?

Indeed I am, my username is just 'Jer' there tho.

06-26-2006, 10:27 AM
This is pretty close I think we nee more members to chim in and vote.

06-26-2006, 10:29 AM
...I think we nee more members to chim in and vote.

Huh??? :confused

06-26-2006, 11:53 AM

Poll is 17 to 16. Should have some more members to vote to decide if there should be a section made for motorcycles.

John you should know I have no gramar skills. :-P

06-27-2006, 02:35 AM
I say yes, it would be nice to ride with some of you guys. I hate riding with the sport bike guys at Oscars for the most part. They ride alot faster then I like riding, not to mention the general population of riders around here ride like tools.

06-28-2006, 09:20 PM
i voted yes but then i changed my mind. Its America i can do that lol. It is a car site...leave it like that. A bike forum might bring some of the noobie ignorant type. Maybe have a post limit to get in then it would be nice...

07-04-2006, 04:57 AM
ehh what the hell....A place for bikers to make threads about their bike problems, suggestions, meets, ect

could see how much attention the new section would get :)

07-04-2006, 02:58 PM
It might be a good idea just to keep things organized. It will attract some :loser but also the guys and gals who know their stuff and can add to the board in a positive way. Hey, any site will have its fair share of riff-raff but most of us here are in it for the good of the site.
Let 'em in!!!

07-13-2006, 02:13 PM
Hey, if you're going to "bad rep" me for my opinion at least have the balls to use your name and submit something positive to the site. :flipoff2:

07-14-2006, 11:58 PM
So uhh, are we gonna get a two wheeled section or not so much? Just curious. :thumbsup

07-18-2006, 11:00 PM
Some of us car guys like to beat on bikes with are cars :shades so I say sure.

07-20-2006, 04:37 PM
Alright someone gave me neg rep points for that ^^^^^. What is up peoples asses around here. Can no one speak their mind or just be fun. WTF..