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05-18-2006, 12:33 PM

Milwaukee Ald. Michael McGee left Milwaukee County Circuit Judge Clare Fiorenza's courtroom in handcuffs Wednesday afternoon, under arrest on allegations of threatening a woman in court.

Moments after Fiorenza told McGee she was throwing out the restraining order he had obtained against Kimley Rucker, who claims she is pregnant by the alderman, he turned around at his table and appeared to speak to Rucker.

Nothing McGee said was audible from the courtroom gallery.

However, Rucker, who had obtained a restraining order against McGee that remains in place, said she clearly heard what he told her while Fiorenza looked for paperwork.

"He said, 'If you drive by my house, I'm going to kill your ass,' " Rucker said.

Shortly afterward, McGee was searched by a courtroom bailiff and marched off to jail. Although both Rucker and her attorney, Russell Jones, claim they heard McGee's threat, the alderman and his attorney, Tarena Washington-Franklin, both denied McGee had said anything while he was turned around facing Rucker.

"I didn't do nothing. I just turned around," McGee said.

The arrest brought an unusual end to a court proceeding that was already extraordinary for the amount of time spent dealing with a single restraining order. Both McGee and Rucker had filed for restraining orders against each other after a March 31 confrontation in which McGee claimed Rucker scratched his face and Rucker said McGee twisted her arm.

Each appealed the other's restraining order, though McGee's appeal of Rucker's order isn't due in court until August.

Rucker's successful appeal of McGee's order took three days of court hearings, in which McGee denied Rucker's claims of a longstanding romantic relationship. He said the two had sex once, in August, then claimed she had stalked him with unwanted phone calls as well as uninvited appearances at his home and at community meetings.

He also denied authoring what Rucker claimed were a sheaf of e-mails, some with explicit sexual content, from an e-mail address McGee has maintained for years. After denying under oath in an initial hearing that he had ever had the account, McGee said the address, mcgee4me@yahoo.com, is open to access by up to 10 of his current and former staffers.
Claims lacked credibility

Fiorenza said she found McGee's claims lacked credibility, especially after Rucker's roommate and landlord both testified they had seen McGee in and outside Rucker's apartment several times after he claimed to have broken off contact with Rucker in August. She said "common sense and the evidence" in the case indicated McGee and Rucker had carried on a lengthy affair, rather than the stalking McGee claimed.

After McGee was admonished by Fiorenza for turning toward Rucker, he voiced his displeasure about Fiorenza's ruling directly to the judge.

"You certainly did not help me," McGee said.

Once Rucker and Jones said what they heard McGee tell Rucker, the bailiff in the room said he would have to arrest McGee, who cooperated with arresting officers. McGee made several cell phone calls while waiting to be led away.

Bail information for McGee was not readily available Wednesday night.


Who the hell votes for this shithead?

05-18-2006, 01:21 PM
I really hate that guy. Waste of space In my own opinion

05-18-2006, 01:32 PM
I read that this morning. Looks like he got owned by the mistress

05-18-2006, 01:37 PM
Heh, they challenged each other's restraining order? Wtf?

Mcgee: B!tch, you can't come near me anymore.

Chick: Assh0le, you can't come near me anymore either.

Mcgee: B!tch, I come by you any time I want to, but you better stay away from me.

Chick: Assh0le, No, I'll come by YOU any time I want to, but you're the one who has to stay away from me

What kind of fvcked up **** is that?

05-18-2006, 02:56 PM
yep a bunch of idiots..

05-18-2006, 02:58 PM
isnt' this the guy who's son was on trial for something too. typical Milwaukee city folk

05-18-2006, 03:01 PM
doesnt surprise me.. :rolleyes:

05-18-2006, 03:28 PM
Welcome to 15 years ago lol. He's always been a douchebag but somehow continues to be in the public spotlight...

05-18-2006, 03:30 PM
This IS the young one though..apparently it runs in that family.

05-18-2006, 04:15 PM
Yep, the apple didn't fall far from the tree in this case.

05-18-2006, 04:19 PM
yea he was also arrested a while back for allegations of pointing a gun at someone at a gas station. this guy really is a piece of work and to be an alderman? lmfao

05-19-2006, 08:44 AM
Arrested twice during his term so far?!? Why hasn't this assnugget been recalled by now!?!? Anyone else probably would have... :chair:

05-19-2006, 08:46 AM
Arrested twice during his term so far?!? Why hasn't this assnugget been recalled by now!?!? Anyone else probably would have... :chair:

Most of his constituants dont give a flying fvck. As long as they have a "brotha" in office they don't care what he does:punch:

05-19-2006, 08:48 AM
Most of his constituants dont give a flying fvck. As long as they have a "brotha" in office they don't care what he does:punch:

But even they were on the news last night citing how ridiculous this is getting.