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View Full Version : Did my good deed

04-20-2006, 05:09 PM
This afternoon after lunch, I started to go downhill emotionally. A really shitty mood to say the least. In any case, I was on my way home and was turning onto the exit off the freeway when I came to a stop and saw a homeless man on the corner with a sign asking for food or work. It got me thinking.

I kept staring at this guy and thinking to myself... what the hell do I have to be pissed off about? Sure, teh girl I want more than anything doesn't want me, but what else do I have to complain about? I have a supercharged Audi. I have a $2000 dollar watch on my wrist. I have a job. I am in college that is paid for completely. I have clothing. I have food in my refrigerator. I have heat and air conditioning at home and money in the bank. What the **** do I have to complain about?

So I continued to look at this guy. Usually there is another guy who is standing begging, but he is always smoking cigs so I wouldnt give him money because I know where it would go. To buy more cigs.

Anyway, this guy seemed different. I thought to myself once again about what I have and what others don't. I always want to do good for others. I always say I want to make some sort of a difference in people's lives before I die. Who knows, it could happen tonight in my sleep or tomorrow in a train accident.

"**** it" I said to myself. I pulled out all of the cash I had in my money clip, pulled up and handed it to him. He graciously thanked me, I nodded to him and told him to "take it easy" and drove off.

04-20-2006, 05:12 PM
Wow! I'm completely speechless about what you did!

04-20-2006, 06:06 PM
So you gave him a dollar? We all know you have no money :rolf

Slow Joe
04-20-2006, 06:11 PM
Don't sweat it... The corner liquor store is verry happy with you :rolf Jk... Now that's a good deed... Oh and now I know who to call when I overspend... :rolf

04-20-2006, 06:30 PM
if you gave him over 5 dollars im going to mug him tonite...haha sucker

04-20-2006, 06:50 PM
care to share how much ya had in that money clip? i'm thinking about going by your work tomorrow and looking very homeless! lmao

Karps TA
04-20-2006, 07:03 PM
I know how you feel. I go to this bar sometimes where the women are so poor they can't even afford clothes. So I end up giving them all my money that I have on me. Sometimes I feel the need to give so much I even pull out more money to give to them. I always feel good at the end of the night knowing in some small way I helped.

04-20-2006, 07:06 PM
Sure, teh girl I want more than anything doesn't want me
I know how you feel buddy. My gf/exgf of 3 years decided she needs a break. That was about 4 weeks ago. She told me she doesnt know if we will get back together or not. I ask her what she is feeling and she says she doesnt know. Thats her answear to everything. We still talk online and on the phone once in a while but I still am a wreck. I want to marry this girl. Who knows maybe it will still happen. What makes it worse was our anniversery was this past weekend and I spent it alone. We were supposed to go to Chicago for the weekend. We now are going to Chicago next weekend to see a play and we are staying overnight. Its going to be so hard to share a bed with her and not be able to touch her. I would think if she didnt want to be with me she would have told me by now. Sorry for the rant just kind of got me thinking again. I hope everything works out between you and your girl. I dont know the circumstanes but all I can say is woman are nuts.

04-20-2006, 07:14 PM
if you gave him over 5 dollars im going to mug him tonite...haha sucker

screw the 5 bucks... I'm jumping nick.... Watch, clip, & car

I'm not sure if this was a personal brag session or you actually feel good about yourself. :flamet

04-20-2006, 08:24 PM
I often wonder about that as I have given in the past but in reality what have you really done to make his life better? Did you give him a job? someway to make his life better? or just a reprive for a few hours with some beers and/or smokes? I see too many homeless people content with begging and to me they are where they belong then.

04-20-2006, 09:20 PM
I know how you feel buddy. My gf/exgf of 3 years decided she needs a break. That was about 4 weeks ago. She told me she doesnt know if we will get back together or not. I ask her what she is feeling and she says she doesnt know. Thats her answear to everything. We still talk online and on the phone once in a while but I still am a wreck. I want to marry this girl. Who knows maybe it will still happen. What makes it worse was our anniversery was this past weekend and I spent it alone. We were supposed to go to Chicago for the weekend. We now are going to Chicago next weekend to see a play and we are staying overnight. Its going to be so hard to share a bed with her and not be able to touch her. I would think if she didnt want to be with me she would have told me by now. Sorry for the rant just kind of got me thinking again. I hope everything works out between you and your girl. I dont know the circumstanes but all I can say is woman are nuts.

There's only one reason they say stuff like that -she's sleeping with someone else.

04-20-2006, 09:31 PM
I know how you feel. I go to this bar sometimes where the women are so poor they can't even afford clothes. So I end up giving them all my money that I have on me. Sometimes I feel the need to give so much I even pull out more money to give to them. I always feel good at the end of the night knowing in some small way I helped.

:rolf :banana

04-20-2006, 09:38 PM
Any of you ever think about volunteering your time to local charities?

I know that P&H is very active about providing clothing to the homeless.
When I moved down here to milwaukee, I gave about %60 of my clothing away. Some didn't fit anymore, some were 'not my style,' and the majority were 'someone else needs this more than me.'

04-20-2006, 11:08 PM
Don't sweat it... The corner liquor store is verry happy with you :rolf

That's some funny shiatl :rolf :thumbsup

04-20-2006, 11:09 PM
I'm not sure if this was a personal brag session or you actually feel good about yourself. :flamet

my first thought was that it sounded very selfserving. all the focus on materal stuf, money.

give me a fish, i eat today. teach me to fish, i eat for a lifetime.

sounds like prioaties are all messed up. and yea, the guy probably went and got drunk with the money.

04-21-2006, 12:13 AM
Well, whatever he did, he was homeless. I'm not. If it put a smile on his face, that's all that matters to me.

04-21-2006, 12:18 AM
I hope it wasn't one of the 2 guys that are always standing on or around 26th and st paul. I drive that way every day and they probably been there for over a year.


04-21-2006, 12:23 AM
84th and I94. State Fair exit/I94 entrance.

I haven ever seen this guys before. Usually there is this one white guy with a beard always standing there holding a sign almost every day.

04-21-2006, 12:41 AM
84th and I94. State Fair exit/I94 entrance.

I haven ever seen this guys before. Usually there is this one white guy with a beard always standing there holding a sign almost every day.

Maybe the regular called in sick, and the Homeless Bureau sent the new guy over as a temp. Somebody's got to work those corners... :goof

04-21-2006, 06:45 AM
84th and I94. State Fair exit/I94 entrance.

I haven ever seen this guys before. Usually there is this one white guy with a beard always standing there holding a sign almost every day.

That guy is always there. My boss sees him everyday. She tells me that she makes an extra sandwich for him and gives it to him on her ride in. She once offered him a candy bar and he turned it down and said, "No thank you I dont like sweets" When I see people doing stuff like that I feel sorry for them. How ever I have heard storys of people begging for food and then getting money instead. The guy probally gets generous amounts of money from people like you who have a bad day and make things better. Heck who knows maybe they make more money doing that than us.

Corvette Jabo
04-21-2006, 07:29 AM
No one wants to be taken advantage of. When you see the same guy begging for money outside of a store or on a corner you may think twice about handing him some cash. For that bum could be be a greeter at WalMart sitting on a chair staying warm in the winter and cool in the summer.
But if you think about it, this guys life may have been affected when he was younger by something as simple as losing a girlfriend or wife.

Some years ago I was at Super America before the name change to Speedway. A guy came up to ma and asked me for some money for some gas. He talked about how his car broke down and his money went to repair his tire and he needed to pick up his daughter. Before he ended his story I reached into my pocket and handed him $25.00. He paused as I handed him the money, I think because I gave it up so easy. I looked him in the eyes and said to him "If your liying your going to burn in Hell anyways, right?" he said "right" and I walked away.

Everyone deserves a break in life. I like to believe that when a person is shown kindness that they will reciprocate kindness onto someone else when the opportunity presents itself.

(for what its worth)

04-21-2006, 07:30 AM
The guy probally gets generous amounts of money from people like you who have a bad day and make things better. Heck who knows maybe they make more money doing that than us.

I have have heard and seen stories of people doing that.


04-21-2006, 07:39 AM
When I used to live in the Tosa area I would see that guy by the bridge on 84th street. If he was there when I went to McDonalds I would sometimes get a cheeseburger for him. I will not give someone money in case they would use it for something they don't need. (drugs, alcohol, cigs)

04-21-2006, 07:49 AM
I agree with williamz....I won't give people money. There are guys that beg in downtown chicago and they are wearing nicer clothes and rockin nicer shoes than I am! And the guy is asking for money? You must be sick. There was a somewhat slow homeless guy in Racine named Lorenzo. We would see him riding his bike EVERYWHERE...he goes to every Horlick football game, goes to the bars in Racine and just says whats up to people. Nicest guy. No family. No job. The guy is NEVER down on himself or mad at the world. He loves his life. Just to make sure he is eating, my friends and I would buy him a nachos and a soda at the football games when we'd see him. I guess he recycles cans all summer long to save up some money to go to the games.

04-21-2006, 08:33 AM
Maybe the regular called in sick, and the Homeless Bureau sent the new guy over as a temp. Somebody's got to work those corners... :goof

I know if D.C. they got operations like that. They take shifts..

04-21-2006, 08:50 AM
Well, whatever he did, he was homeless. I'm not. If it put a smile on his face, that's all that matters to me.

the person that is giving a gift also feals a sence of happyness, so when your down sometimes doing kind acts like you did also help you out emotonaly even if its just for a little bit.

04-21-2006, 08:56 AM
I have have heard and seen stories of people doing that.


I can’t remember if we talked about this in class or if I read it, but on average people that beg for cash actually make a good amount of cash its something like over 7 bucks an hour, its all about knowing how to do it. Knowing things like asking for some off amount of money will give you a higher percent that someone will actually give you something then just asking for a quarter.

I also saw a story where some guy in Las Vegas makes a really good living that way

04-21-2006, 09:02 AM
Ah yes the old: "i need money for gas/bus/taxi/boat/llama/horse/scooter to get home to (insert far away place here) because my (insert close friend or relative) left me here and they aren't answering their phone.

This is a well known scam in the milwaukee area. The single time I got taken for this, I luckily only had $0.53 to give. The girl got all stale at me cause I had no bills.

After hearing about the scam from just about every one of my friends within the next year, I now tell all homeless people or beggars that if they want my cash, they can go get my money back from the scammer. I got a warm fuzzy feeling out of it at the time, and I decided it was enough of one that I'll never give money away again. If that makes me an ass or coldhearted then so be it... but the people who could really use my cash have her to blame that they don't get it.

04-21-2006, 09:07 AM
The other week I had the same guy ask me for money twice within 10minutes.
Once on the way to Jimmy John's, and once on the way from JJ's :rolleyes:

The best thing to do, is when they first come up and say "hey buddy" ...you immediately fire back: "hey man! can i borrow a dollar?"
Totally throws 'em off their game :D

04-21-2006, 09:07 AM
After hearing about the scam from just about every one of my friends within the next year, I now tell all homeless people or beggars that if they want my cash, they can go get my money back from the scammer. I got a warm fuzzy feeling out of it at the time, and I decided it was enough of one that I'll never give money away again. If that makes me an ass or coldhearted then so be it... but the people who could really use my cash have her to blame that they don't get it.

ya thats the problem its hard to tell between scamers and people that actualy need the money/that are not going to spend it on alcohal.

04-21-2006, 09:09 AM
I have have heard and seen stories of people doing that.


Saw it on Fox6 before, guy would park his Escalade a few blocks away, change into his scrubby ass clothes, and go beg for money, and that was his living. Made well over $40k a year doing just that. :chair:

04-21-2006, 09:44 AM
my personal feeling was that i would only give money to the ones that actually try and do something. Like some of the guys will play a harmonica or a guitar or something. That shows that they are actually trying to get money not just laying on the side of the road just expecting to get something.

04-21-2006, 10:14 AM
There's a block or two on State St here in madison where people are allowed to beg and one day I was sitting in Einsteins eating my bagel and watching a homeless guy beg for money. After someone would give him money, he'd pour it out of his cup, count it, and then put it in his pocket except for a few coins that he left in the cup to make it look like he wasn't making much. I was really fascinated sitting there watching him and it made me wonder exactly how much money he had already collected in his pocket.

There's also a guy that sits and plays his piccolo everyday outside the bookstore, even in the middle of winter. He's always wearing an orange jumpsuit and everybody knows him. He atleast offers some music in return instead of just begging.

04-21-2006, 10:37 AM
Fo those that go downtown beware of the guy that begs for money with a cane and a limp. I've have thrown him out too many times to count and had to call the cops on him for picking fights with guests. But the point of my store is that one day, I saw him pull up in a 1999 Grand Prix, he got out of the driver side with NO limp, walked to the pass side and pulled out his cane. He then walked a block away to Water st. then picked his spot and began begging for money. He didnt know that I was walking behind him from my car and I called him out calling him a piece of fu@cking garbage and warned him that if he ever came into my place again, I would have people beat the sh!t out of him then have a restraining order against him. This summer would be 2 years that he hasnt come near my restaurant. I also stopped giving out money bums after this incident

04-21-2006, 11:34 AM
Fo those that go downtown beware of the guy that begs for money with a cane and a limp. I've have thrown him out too many times to count and had to call the cops on him for picking fights with guests. But the point of my store is that one day, I saw him pull up in a 1999 Grand Prix, he got out of the driver side with NO limp, walked to the pass side and pulled out his cane. He then walked a block away to Water st. then picked his spot and began begging for money. He didnt know that I was walking behind him from my car and I called him out calling him a piece of fu@cking garbage and warned him that if he ever came into my place again, I would have people beat the sh!t out of him then have a restraining order against him. This summer would be 2 years that he hasnt come near my restaurant. I also stopped giving out money bums after this incident

its was a 2000 Grand Prix and I didnt appreciate the harsh comments, @sshole :goof

04-21-2006, 11:42 AM
Yooformula, wich one is yours down town?

04-21-2006, 11:43 AM
I think that's very what you did, Nick. What would make it even better is if he used it for food, clothes, or something like that.

I know if D.C. they got operations like that. They take shifts..
The # of homeless people in D.C. is crazy. If you haven't been there, words can not explain it. There was a "sidewalk subdivision" of makeshift tents down this one road. And this was like 3 blocks from the Capital.

04-21-2006, 11:46 AM
Fo those that go downtown beware of the guy that begs for money with a cane and a limp.

That's the guy that asked me twice in 10mins!
I was walking to the JJ's on water.

Next time I see him I should invite him to BW3's for a burger lol :punch: :chair:

04-21-2006, 11:48 AM
another place thats getting kinda bad is Leons, the ice cream/chilly dog place. the last 3 times i have been there this year somone was walking around knocking on windows begging for money.

04-21-2006, 06:22 PM
84th and I94. State Fair exit/I94 entrance.

I haven ever seen this guys before. Usually there is this one white guy with a beard always standing there holding a sign almost every day.
Dont feel sorry for that guy. He gets dropped off there by someone every day. i used to work at the pettit and he would get dropped off in front and then walk over to the corner

04-21-2006, 06:38 PM
My wife use to work at tri-city bank in WA. She knew a homless guy that would come in there everyday and deposit money into an account. Long story short... he had a few hundered thousand dollars in there but still chose to be homless. Supposedly he had some sort of complex where he though he'd never have enough money.

Kinda gives a bad name to the people out there are really struggling. It sucks passing them by and not giving them money...but which ones can you trust?

04-21-2006, 07:23 PM
i remember i was at the mcdonalds in milwaukee 27th n ramsey last yr i had some bum come up to me offering me a condom for a dollar.. :rolf "hey man you need this more than i do" hahah nasty old man