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View Full Version : The not guilty crap

04-16-2006, 02:55 AM
So in one of the Jude post I said " I could care less about what happend to Jude because he beat up his own mother "

I totally mean that btw :thumbsup

But for these cops to get off scott free is not OK with me, im sure Jude and those cops had a dissagreement about something that night, he got his arse kicked badly but hey thats fighting for ya, nobody but those guys were there so who am I to say " they beat him up to badly " but hey thats fighting right ?????????????

But come on now 3 not guiltys :wow

The only response that I have for this is

" this is just Plain Wrong "

No other word can describe this other then WRONG !!!!!!!!!!!

04-16-2006, 07:41 AM
He pushed his mom or whatever, and look where he is, he got what he deserved, he's in prison, piece of sh!t or not, the cops did not have a right to beat him or anybody else like that. Thats the bottom line.
Right is right,
wrong is wrong,
fair is fair.
I learned that as a child, and it will never change. I teach my kids the same thing. :usa

04-16-2006, 10:43 AM
Yep, wrong is wrong.

04-17-2006, 01:51 PM
....... and you cant even say it was a fight..... since not one of the cops had a mark on him. They where drunk, and took it apon themselves to beat a guys ass in the name of 'justice'

Firefighter Z
04-17-2006, 04:19 PM
Well honestly... Who in their right mind would go to a party full of drunk cops? Really, thats just asking for trouble.

What both of the parties did is wrong, but WTF? The Justice System is really falling apart. To many BS laws and not enough REAL laws.

04-17-2006, 06:07 PM
To many BS laws and not enough REAL laws.

Best thing ive heard all week :thumbsup

04-17-2006, 08:16 PM
Are they not guilty of being on-duty cops beating the crap out of a guy?

Instead, are they guilty of civilians who beat the crap out of someone?

They are still GUILTY, just not as cops.

We should be HAPPY because Jude will not be able to sue the MPD, which we would end up catching the tab for in taxes.