View Full Version : FOr those of you that have a little nerd in ya, SuitSat

02-03-2006, 03:06 PM
Click here (http://science.nasa.gov/headlines/y2006/26jan_suitsat.htm) I'm going to hook up my police scanner to a 4' antenna I have and leave it on the right frequency with my digital voice recorder set on VOX. No way in hell I'm getting up at 4 am just for this.

It's funny to think that there is a suit floating around out there. Imagine some kid with a powerfull telescope checkin' out a planet with his Dad and a 'some dude' goes floating by... WHAT THE F-!? :goof

02-04-2006, 02:06 AM
SWEET!!! Now all I need is my slide rule and pocket protector!


We can go 8 bit and track it to the nearest 12 degrees!!!

We can use our radios to meet new friends!!!

Oh yeah; SWEATERS!!!

Sweet! The square root button made her clothes fall off!


02-04-2006, 05:26 AM
What exactly are you listening for?

02-04-2006, 09:48 AM
That looks interesting. x2 on what you are listening for though?

02-04-2006, 09:50 AM
X3??? :confused

02-04-2006, 12:04 PM
From the article I linked to:

"SuitSat transmits for 30 seconds, pauses for 30 seconds, and then repeats. "This is SuitSat-1, RS0RS," the transmission begins, followed by a prerecorded greeting in five languages. The greeting contains "special words" in English, French, Japanese, Russian, German and Spanish for students to record and decipher. (Awards will be given to students who do this. Scroll to the "more information" area at the end of this story for details.)

Next comes telemetry: temperature, battery power, mission elapsed time. "The telemetry is stated in plain languageā€”in English," says Bauer. Everyone will be privy to SuitSat's condition. Bauer adds, "Suitsat 'talks' using a voice synthesizer. It's pretty amazing."

The transmission ends with a Slow Scan TV picture. Of what? "We're not telling," laughs Bauer. "It's a mystery picture." (More awards will be given to students who figure out what it is.)"

My digital recorder crapped out last night, so it didn't record. Going to try again tonight.