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01-24-2006, 12:09 PM
Brett Favre, but I happened to run across this here at work while surfing the web. The helmet that is for sale on the main page (featured special) has the beginning date and ending date of his 221 start. http://www.brettfavre.com/main.php

Now if you think about it if he knows he isnt done then why would he be signing these helmets with the specific dates, if he does come back those helmets are going to be worthless cause who gives a rip if you have a signed helmet with his 221 start when he actually had 237 consecutive starts.

Iam sure (hopefully) Iam looking into this to deep but maybe this is the end of Brett Favre. :crying

01-24-2006, 12:23 PM
Good spot, and it wouldn't suprise me if he didn't come back. It's sad and I want him to come back but if this IS a rebuilding year, we need to get Aaron Rodgers or Craig Nall in the game. Plus who knows who they might draft?

01-24-2006, 01:03 PM
It could be potentially chalked up as nothing more than a simple marketing genius. People will buy a bazillion of these now. Then... IF he comes back, they will sell a bazillion more "237" ones and then the following year, even more "253" ones.