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whistlin six
01-22-2006, 02:43 PM
After twelve years of snowmobiling in the Northwoods I had my first mishap.
Our usual breakfast spot requires a short off trail ditch run along hwy 17 to get to the resturant. There is a large driveway you need to cross along the way, the drive is built up way high to be level with hwy 17. We always take this driveway slowly as any amount of speed would throw the sled in the air at a ridiculous angle causing a crash. So I'm approching the drive at maybe 10 or 15 mph when all of a sudden I find myself laying in the snow 15 ft. from the sled. My left ski had found the drain pipe running through the bottom of the driveway, this brought the sled to an immediate stop proceeding to throw me over the hood. The drain pipe was covered with snow so I didn't see it.
Fortunately I walked away with only minor injuries, both my thighs wacked the handlebars as I was pulling a Superman over the sled. Some bruising and swelling but I'll be ok. The sled is hurt, broke the left ski in half, bent every control arm and radius rod on the left side and tweeked the shock shaft.
This is going to cost me...
The sled is a (once mint) 01 Polaris XC600

01-22-2006, 02:45 PM
Sorry to hear about that but at least you walked away with no major injuries.

Slow Joe
01-22-2006, 02:53 PM
I agree with Yoo... Knowing my luck I'd do the same thing and break something important... lol like a leg, arm or such...

whistlin six
01-22-2006, 02:58 PM
Yeah, the sled can be fixed.
Luckily I was standing on the running boards when it happened, if I was sitting on the seat I would have drilled my ribs into the handlebars.

01-22-2006, 03:28 PM
Glad you are ok. I have had a few close calls in my life, but nothing like that.

01-22-2006, 05:06 PM
that sucks
if you need parts,get in touch with me

01-22-2006, 05:09 PM
Wow, glad you are ok!

01-22-2006, 05:24 PM
Ahh... that's minor. I had an arm snap on me when I was moving about 55. I flew like a bird. It stopped the sled instantly. I walked back to my sled and saw a "pole" sticking out the ground, thinking thats what I hit. Nope... that was part of my sled.

Your sled could be fixed in about an hour, no problem.

I have repair manuals for jsut about every Polaris sled if you run into any problems.

Glad you walked away :thumbsup

01-22-2006, 05:57 PM
Sorry to hear about that. I almost hit a tree last year, kind of makes your stomach go up in your throat when you think this could happen to you.

whistlin six
01-22-2006, 09:15 PM
Thanks for the kind words. :)
I know things could have been a lot worse, I've heard plenty of horror stories over the years. Snowmobiling is a dangerous sport, but equally enjoyable.
I'll be back out as soon as the sled is fixed.
This is me -> :chair: hit me again please...

01-22-2006, 09:23 PM
sorry to hear, the worst damage I ever did was flip my sled sideways. (new skis really dug in around a corner) busted a windshield and headlight, and walked with a limp for a week, but that feeling never leaves ya when you get tossed from a sled.

whistlin six
01-22-2006, 09:44 PM
You're right Judge, I'll never forget that brief moment in time. The only part I can recall about getting tossed was hitting the hood face first. I vividly remember seeing the hood vent up close, but not much else, it happened so fast.
My helmet left a scuff in the paint as a reminder.

01-22-2006, 09:55 PM
yup. I had a scuffed helmet. everytime I looked it at I thought "dumbass" to myself. why the hell was I screaming around a corner like that. never knew a 440 sled could kick the rear end out like that, it usually didn't. now a 580, yea. I learned to respect my 440 Prowler...

01-22-2006, 10:00 PM
The only 'Incident' I had was last year, and that was minor compared to yours...

I tried to jump someones driveway going waayyyy too fast....when I landed, instead of landing on the sled, I landed on the ground... and laid there watching my sled continue on down ditch next to Hwy. 70 in Eagle River for about 150 ft....

Wasnt really an 'Accident', since I was just being stupid... but, for that split second, you get this tickling in your throat.... which turns out to be your nuts... :wow

Good to hear youre OK....

whistlin six
01-22-2006, 10:08 PM
As long as we all learn from our mistakes!

01-22-2006, 11:00 PM
I had a sled doing 110 down the trails in sussex this weekend. For those that dont know, there are trees 4 feet away on each side.


whistlin six
01-23-2006, 09:03 AM
110 on the trail? Damn...
I reserve the 100+ stuff for the open lakes only.
Where you on the Bug Line? I came across 2 deer last time out
on that trail. :eek:

01-23-2006, 05:47 PM
have a death wish? nothing over maybe 60 till I hit the lakes.