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View Full Version : Freestyle MX on Sunday . . . (56k die)

01-16-2006, 11:26 PM
Just a couple of shots from the Freestyle MX event on Sunday. Not necessarily the best ones I got just a couploe I happened to grab :D

*Edited on my laptop so the colors/exposures may not be quite right ;)







01-17-2006, 07:22 AM
cool pics...i reallywanted to go to this but some stuff came up and i couldn't..
was it a good show?

01-17-2006, 07:39 AM
I wanted to go too. I was hoping that the arenacross would be there again this year but it isn't.

01-17-2006, 05:41 PM
I went on saturday.... Was an alright show. I think The Cell is just too small for this kind of show. I was more impressed by the BMX riders. The street bike riders didnt impress me too much either. I got tired of seeing the dirt-bike guys performing the same stuff over and over again.

01-17-2006, 09:33 PM
I went on saturday.... Was an alright show. I think The Cell is just too small for this kind of show. I was more impressed by the BMX riders. The street bike riders didnt impress me too much either. I got tired of seeing the dirt-bike guys performing the same stuff over and over again.

yea they all did the same thing just different order.... i can do all the same **** and im not a freestyle rider..my friend does it and that was a "B" group of riders what he rides.he didnt ride due to injury. they have the "A" guys also which are like the x-games the famous named riders. i told my little brother thanks for liking the bmx. he was one of riders that performed in it. he rode a maroon bike, gray half helmet, cut off ragged lookin jersey. did a couple flips, 360's, 360 tailwhips, and couple other variations.
:headbang :thumbsup

01-17-2006, 09:44 PM
[QUOTE=SMS 1]Just a couple of shots from the Freestyle MX event on Sunday. Not necessarily the best ones I got just a couploe I happened to grab :D

*Edited on my laptop so the colors/exposures may not be quite right ;)



01-18-2006, 02:32 PM
I agree the show basically sucked. It was just something we did for the hell of it. I thought maybe at least one guy would do a backflip but overall they were all amatuers. We just don't get big names here for this tuff because the one half-way decent venue for this stuff (the BC) won't have any of it there. In the end this city sucks :punch:

BTW: I was wondering how long it would take someone to comment on that boring pic :goof

01-18-2006, 03:18 PM
you should know better, what lense? ;)

01-18-2006, 03:38 PM
yea i know.. a couple summers ago they had the freestyle at the milwaukee mile that WAS amazing! kenny bartram, ronnie renner, Distlers, nate adams and some other big names.. it was b4 the back flips but it was still awsome. if your into that stuff you need to check out the redbull fuel and fury tour put on by the slednecks its a snowmobile freestyle its the biggest freestyle event of the year and they hold it in milwaukee at the abbandond pabst brewery and all the names you see in there movies are there. flips and all.

01-20-2006, 10:40 AM
Now that would be some CRAZY **** to see on a snowmobile. My friends and I that went on sat. did it for the same reason, something to do, check out and what not. Two of them though follow this stuff, they were hoping for a lot more I guess.

01-20-2006, 05:30 PM
ok the date is set on the RED BULL snowmobile thing its April 1st 2006 its all on wood chips.. for more info go to www.redbullfuelandfury.com and i suggest getting there early! if your not into it i suggest you go neway.. its outa control!

01-20-2006, 05:36 PM
i found this pic on the site its of JAY Quinlans back to back back flip sequence in 2004. and the other of heath frisby 2005.. :wow you can see how awsome they make it look and how cool the setup is. its something to see and probly the best extreme motorsport thing that comes here.. :thumbsup
