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View Full Version : Uh Where Is The Drifting Section ?

:0~ G
11-23-2005, 07:23 PM


11-23-2005, 08:06 PM
ehh... this isn't an Import site, we're lucky we even have an Import section at all.
Yea yea, Pontiac has a GTO drift car, but eh...

:0~ G
11-23-2005, 08:11 PM
so i can look forward to being hated on & bashed ?
sweet :thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup

11-25-2005, 07:47 AM
just because someone does not buy Imports, and supports American made products,
DOES NOT MAKE THEM Haters, Nor Bashers!
its means they CARE about their countries heritage!

:0~ G
11-25-2005, 02:50 PM
bwah ha ha !
yeah ok partner, sounds good. go sell your sony tv & alpine radio then.

it has nothing to do with heritage for you. you just don't know any better.

11-27-2005, 11:31 AM
RX7 Heaven :thumbsup Nice Video

11-27-2005, 12:57 PM
nice video
they had a drift compatition at the mile in the summer b4 on of the races it was sweet seeing it in person and watching the cars drift the whole frickin track it was insane..

12-04-2005, 03:35 AM
bwah ha ha !
yeah ok partner, sounds good. go sell your sony tv & alpine radio then.

it has nothing to do with heritage for you. you just don't know any better.

Topic was cars...right? I can't go and drift my 17" Sanyo. I could pull it by the cord out on the icy pavement, but that doesn't really count, or does it. Oh Crap! I'm mindlessly drifting around, but that isn't from me kickin' my back foot out when I go around the corner in the hallway. Dammit, I forgot to take my Ridalin today! I hate it when I do that. I just spent five hours at work thinking about cars and building a boat when I should have been concentrating on what I was doing. Sorta like how I drove past that one road I was supposed to when I had my mind thinking about how much fun an AWD car would be in the snow. I tried to get the back end of my car to kick out in the snow while taking sharp turns, but it only worked once. Mabey it was too slick out, more like mushy. It was like driving in 3 inches of mud, or Jello pudding. That would be good right now; some Jello. I like the strawberry kiwi one. Unfortuneately, I do not want to go to the store at 3:30 AM. I cant sleep right now. Im being nocturnal. Grand Prix is on right now and the scene is the one where they are racing at Indy. The guy whose kid is wearing the yellow shirt just won the race. I wonder if Ill win a race next year. I need to get the ITA/ITB deal with my teg passed. They just changed the weight limit for the newer teg which has more power. Simply put, my car is out-gunned. I was thinking about buying a hunting rifle, like a 22 or a bit bigger. I need to go to hunters safety. Have you ever shot a coyote? I like kitkat bars. i have one here. I am eating it now. I was thinking about getting a bigger TV, but I want to get a car first. I was thinking about a 99 A4 Quattro. It has class and costs less than most other awds out there. I don't think that sti's and evo's can come with heated power leather seats. I finished the kitkat bar. My dog is barking in his sleep. sounds like he is having a seizure (funny). Am I rambling, or am I drifting. You don't need a car you know. Import haters? Half of us own imports. Did you ever try drifting in a mustang? It is alot smoother than an rx7 or 240sx. Throttle response is alot faster. I need to use the pisser.... okay, i am done.

:0~ G
12-04-2005, 12:53 PM
you are clueless about drifting so don't even pretend like you know anything about it. it takes a lot more than throttle response from a car to make it a good drift candidate.

the comment that someone posted was american heritage & "buy american" bs. when i can assure you he owns more japanese products that he will admit, ie... electronics.

Topic was cars...right? I can't go and drift my 17" Sanyo. I could pull it by the cord out on the icy pavement, but that doesn't really count, or does it. Oh Crap! I'm mindlessly drifting around, but that isn't from me kickin' my back foot out when I go around the corner in the hallway. Dammit, I forgot to take my Ridalin today! I hate it when I do that. I just spent five hours at work thinking about cars and building a boat when I should have been concentrating on what I was doing. Sorta like how I drove past that one road I was supposed to when I had my mind thinking about how much fun an AWD car would be in the snow. I tried to get the back end of my car to kick out in the snow while taking sharp turns, but it only worked once. Mabey it was too slick out, more like mushy. It was like driving in 3 inches of mud, or Jello pudding. That would be good right now; some Jello. I like the strawberry kiwi one. Unfortuneately, I do not want to go to the store at 3:30 AM. I cant sleep right now. Im being nocturnal. Grand Prix is on right now and the scene is the one where they are racing at Indy. The guy whose kid is wearing the yellow shirt just won the race. I wonder if Ill win a race next year. I need to get the ITA/ITB deal with my teg passed. They just changed the weight limit for the newer teg which has more power. Simply put, my car is out-gunned. I was thinking about buying a hunting rifle, like a 22 or a bit bigger. I need to go to hunters safety. Have you ever shot a coyote? I like kitkat bars. i have one here. I am eating it now. I was thinking about getting a bigger TV, but I want to get a car first. I was thinking about a 99 A4 Quattro. It has class and costs less than most other awds out there. I don't think that sti's and evo's can come with heated power leather seats. I finished the kitkat bar. My dog is barking in his sleep. sounds like he is having a seizure (funny). Am I rambling, or am I drifting. You don't need a car you know. Import haters? Half of us own imports. Did you ever try drifting in a mustang? It is alot smoother than an rx7 or 240sx. Throttle response is alot faster. I need to use the pisser.... okay, i am done.

12-06-2005, 08:15 PM
Seriously, shut the F*** up. you are getting annoying by bashing everyone on this website.

So we don't have a drifting section on BCM. Life is a biatch.

I love rotaries, and I like drifting also, but you don't hear me complaining. Go find another website if you want to piss and moan. We are sick of your OWNAGE crap.

Happy quanza.

Heat Seeker WS6
12-06-2005, 09:05 PM
:0~G - You're useless here so go away now.

12-08-2005, 12:04 AM
What are you, some kind of Japanese proponent? Do you have some type of vested interest that makes you so big on Japanese parts, that you haven't disclosed?

I suspect what the "person" meant by the american heritage and buy domestic etc., is the idea of supporting your co-citizens and our economy instead of contributing towards foreign success., i.e. our competitors.

12-08-2005, 12:12 PM

What are you, some kind of Japanese proponent? Do you have some type of vested interest that makes you so big on Japanese parts, that you haven't disclosed?

I suspect what the "person" meant by the american heritage and buy domestic etc., is the idea of supporting your co-citizens and our economy instead of contributing towards foreign success., i.e. our competitors.

12-12-2005, 08:38 AM
I was drifting in my GTO in the snow last night. dammit, It would be better if I had an import. Oh wait, Rhys Millen & his GTO dessimates all in Drifting.

12-14-2005, 09:13 PM
hahahaha too bad he ditched for a RWD evo!!!! PWNED!

12-22-2005, 11:13 AM
People were drifting here in the 30's before japan ever had its own car market.

12-22-2005, 03:34 PM
he he he

isn't that the truth!!!!!!!

we just did not have a fancy name for it.

12-23-2005, 09:36 PM
Im not a fan of Drifting by means, but there is a difference between a car sliding around a corner, and DRIFTING as it is refered to in drifting community.

12-27-2005, 07:06 PM
Dirt track racing? Technically that is drifting, I do believe :-p

12-28-2005, 12:08 PM
Ya, we have been drifting here in the States since 1940's.
whether or not the kids here want to admit it or not.
even before that with the INDY cars, 1903 on up,
where the Roadsters would DRIFT around every turn
at a high rate of speed. :thumbsup

ITS old news for us American's.

been there, done that!

heck, i grew up in WI, drifting is a part of driving here,
either in the Snow, on the Dirt, or Asphalt w/ High HP cars!

Been doing that for a long time now.


12-28-2005, 12:33 PM
My 4 year old is doing on his 4 wheeler the first day he got it :headbang


12-28-2005, 08:33 PM
I guess you guys miss my point.........Not surprising.

12-30-2005, 07:42 AM
Drifting can be fun to watch, I just can't stand most of the culture that goes along with it. Initial d yo! I drift once and awhile, but I'm hoping to correct that with some toyo ra-1's :D

01-03-2006, 01:58 AM
I guess you guys miss my point.........Not surprising.
i got what you mean........... 3 days later :thumbsup